Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholarship Program
Overseas Scholarship Application Form
The Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholarship Program provides supplementary salaries only. Applicants must be self-funded or receive a scholarship from the Ministry of Education to be eligible for this program. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Al Qasimi Foundation if they are applying to overseas universities.
Student Information:
Student Passport Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______Place of Birth: ______
Gender: c Male c Female Marital status: c Single c Married
Address: ______
P.O.BOX:______Suburb: ______City: ______
Mobile (1):______Mobile (2):______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Emergency Contact Person: ______
Relationship: ______Mobile: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Parent/Guardian Information:
Father Name: ______
E-mail address: ______Mobile: ______
Mother Name: ______
E-mail address: ______Mobile: ______
Marital Status: c Single c Married c Divorced c Widowed
Is your father currently working? c Yes c No If yes, please fill out the following:
Workplace: ______Occupation: ______
Is your mother currently working? c Yes c No If yes, please fill out the following:
Workplace: ______Occupation: ______
Secondary School Information:
School Name: ______Place of the School: ______
Type of the School: c Public c Private c Other: ______
Academic Stream: c Science c Art c Other: ______
Final results in: Grade 10______Grade 11 ______
Grade 12 Quarter results: First: ______Second: ______Third: ______
Graduation Year from High School: ______
Required Examinations for University Admission
Have you completed required university admissions tests? c Yes c No
If yes, please mention the following details and attach official score reports to your application:
Exam / Results / Date of the ExamTOEFL
§ Reading
§ Writing
§ Math
Additional Information:
You are applying for: c Bachelor c Masters c PhD c Other
Please write the desired majors you want to study by priority:
No. / Major / Name of the University / Country of the University1
For scholarship applicants who are already studying at an overseas university:
Name of the University: ______
City / Country of the University: ______
Type of Degree: c Bachelor c Masters c PhD Major: ______
Admission Year: ______Last semester GPA: ______Cumulative GPA: ______
Academic Advisor Name: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Office number: ______Mobile number: ______
Short Answer Essays (please attach additional pages if necessary):
1. Why have you chosen your current program?
2. How do you hope your chosen program will develop you for your career? What are your career goals?
3. If you are applying for a bachelor’s degree, please describe you engagement with Sheikh Saqr Student Enrichment Program:*
* Priority will be giving to students who have been through the program.
Student Statement:
I certify that the information I have provided on this application and in attached documents is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and represents my own work. I understand that giving false information or taking credit for someone else’s work will disqualify my application or result in dismissal from the Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholarship Program.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Required Documents for Application:
c Completed and signed application form
c Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV)
c Validpassportcopy
c CopyoftheFamilyBook(‘KhulasatalQaid’)
c Copy of UAEIdentity Card (ID)
c Copy of Grade 10, 11, 12Secondary School Certificates (certified bytheMinistryofEducation)
c Copy of all application essays and research proposals submitted during the university admissions process
c Copy of all exam results required for university admissions (e.g. MSAT, IELTS, TOFEL, SAT, ACT, GRE)
c Copy of all overseas university acceptance letters
c Unconditional scholarship acceptance letter from the Ministry of Education
c Approved study leave certificate(s) stating the type of the leave, duration, and whether leave is paid or
unpaid (as applicable)
c Academic transcripts for all completed (and in-progress) coursework at the university level and copies of
all completed university degrees
c Two (2) recent passport‐sized photographs
c Bank account details include IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
For Office Use:Received By:______c Approved c Not Approved c Pending
Date: ____ / ____ / _____ Signature:______
Last updated October 2017 Page 1 of 4