Senate Meeting Minutes Special Session
September 27, 2005
1. Call to Order:
The special meeting of the Student Senate at the University of Louisville was called to order at 6:40 PM in the FloydTheater of the StudentActivitiesCenter at the University of Louisville. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.
2. Reports of Boards, Officers and Standing Committees:
The EVP reviewed the agenda and announced that the regular meeting would hopefully start at 7 PM. Only two COUNCILS? have approved the new constitution, but that’s all that’s necessary.
3. Unfinished Business and General Orders:
A motion was made by Darrell Messer and seconded to “Approve the new SGA constitution.” There was no discussion on the floor. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Darrell Messer and seconded to “Approve the new SGA by-laws.” There was no discussion on the floor. The motion passed unanimously.
4. New Business:
The EVP made a short report. He entailed that appointments were made to positions provided for in the new constitution before it passed so that there would be a smooth transition. The Executive Board made unanimous nominations to the new positions. The Senate must approve the nominations by a 50% vote. Not all of the chairs have been appointed, and the EVP will act as chair until their appointment. The Academic Policy Board will seek appointment from the Senate, not the Executive Board. A motion was made by Henry Luka and seconded to “Approve all board nominations.” There was no discussion on the floor. The motion passed unanimously. Darrell Messer has been appointed to the Senate Speaker seat. Questions for Mr. Messer were on the floor. Messer left the room for the discussion and vote on his nomination. Brief discussion was on the floor. The Senate voted to approve Darrell Messer as Senate Speaker. One vote was in opposition and three votes were neutral.
5. Announcements:
No announcements were made.
6. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.
Student Senate Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order:
The regular monthly meeting of the Student Senate at the University of Louisville was called to order at 7:04 PM in the FloydTheater of the StudentActivitiesCenter at the University of Louisville. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Executive Director of the Ali Institute, Al Green, was a special guest of the senate and spoke about the Ali Institute. Senators were encouraged to participate in the Do No Harm Campaign and other opportunities through the Ali Institute.
2. Reports of Boards, Officers and Standing Committees:
The EVP reviewed the agenda and announced that the regular meeting would hopefully start at 7 PM. Only two COUNCILS? have approved the new constitution, but that’s all that’s necessary.
3. Unfinished Business and General Orders:
A motion was made by Darrell Messer and seconded to “Approve the new SGA constitution.” There was no discussion on the floor. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Darrell Messer and seconded to “Approve the new SGA by-laws.” There was no discussion on the floor. The motion passed unanimously.
4. New Business:
The EVP made a short report. He entailed that appointments were made to positions provided for in the new constitution before it passed so that there would be a smooth transition. The Executive Board made unanimous nominations to the new positions. The Senate must approve the nominations by a 50% vote. Not all of the chairs have been appointed, and the EVP will act as chair until their appointment. The Academic Policy Board will seek appointment from the Senate, not the Executive Board. A motion was made by Henry Luka and seconded to “Approve all board nominations.” There was no discussion on the floor. The motion passed unanimously. Darrell Messer has been appointed to the Senate Speaker seat. Questions for Mr. Messer were on the floor. Messer left the room for the discussion and vote on his nomination. Brief discussion was on the floor. The Senate voted to approve Darrell Messer as Senate Speaker. One vote was in opposition and three votes were neutral.
5. Announcements:
No announcements were made.
6. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.