Project CATER

Information about PIC number (Participant Identification Code) / (YES / NO)
Does your organization have a got a PIC? / Yes
If YES, please fill in here: Our PIC is: / 999608281

(A PIC (PIC = Participant Identification Code) is a number for the EPSS system by the EC, More information about PIC here: )

Organisation Legal name / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Organisation short name / FAO
Legal address
Street name / Viale delle Terme di Caracalla / Number / ------
Town / Rome / Postal Code/Cedex / 00153
Country / Italy
Internet Homepage /
Is your organization ... ? / (YES / NO)
... Public body? / YES
... Non-profit organisation? / YES
... Research organisation? / NO
... Higher or secondary education establishment ? / NO
Main area of activity (= NACE code, see the link below) : / A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Please complete the following questions: / (YES / NO)
1. Is your number of employees smaller than 250? (full time equivalent) / NO
2. Is your annual turnover smaller than € 50 million? / NO
3. Is your annual balance sheet total smaller than € 43 million? / NO
4. Are you an autonomous legal entity? / YES

You are NOT an SME if your answer to question 1 is "NO"

and/or your answer to both questions 2 and 3 is "NO".

In all other cases, you might conform to the Commission's definition of an SME.

Following this check, do you conform to the
Commission's definition of an SME? (YES / NO) / NO
Are there dependencies between your organisation and
(an)other participant(s) in this proposal? (YES / NO)
If yes, please indicate name of the organisation and character of dependence
Participant number / Organisation Short Name / Character of dependence
Family Name / Keizer / First name(s) / Johannes
(Mr / Ms /Mrs / Dr / Prof) / Dr. / Sex: Female=F, Male=M / M
Position in the organisation / Team Leader “Knowledge Standards and
Department/Faculty/Institute/ Laboratory name / Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension (FAO)
Address (if different from the legal address)
Street name / Number
Town / Postal Code/Cedex
Phone 1 / 00390657052729
Phone 2 (Cell) / 00393492376018
Fax / NA
e-Mail /

And provide the average person-month rate of your organization:

Average person-month rate (in Euros): 9,000 Euro/month

The average person-month rate has to be based on the real costs for the persons that will work for your organization within this project.

The main categories for staff are:

1. Managers, 2. Researchers, 3. Technicians, and 4. Administrative.

On the next pages you will find the templates for the data that are needed for Part B of our proposal:

(Maximum length for the description of your organization = 1 page)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) / Logo Here:

Organisation Description
Provide a brief description of the legal entity
The Food and Agriculture Organization, the largest autonomous agency within the United Nations system and one of the main players in the agricultural information community, was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. The FAO is active in land and water development, plant and animal production, forestry, fisheries, economic and social policy, investment, nutrition, food standards and commodities and trade. Its specific priority is encouraging sustainable agriculture and rural development, a long-term strategy for the conservation and management of natural resources.
Role in the Project
Describe the main tasks they have been attributed, and the previous experience relevant to those tasks
Overview of Key Staff
Provide also a short profile of the individuals who will be undertaking the work.
Name of first person: Johannes Keizer
Position of first person: Information Systems Officer
Brief CV of first person (5-10 Lines):
Johannes Keizer holds an MSc in Biochemistry and a PhD in Biology. He has been involved in the development of information systems for more than 15 years. He has been working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) since 1998 and is currently leading a team working on knowledge standards and services such as the international network of documentation centres (AGRIS) and the multilingual agricultural thesaurus, AGROVOC. His Team consists of about 20 experts, working in documentation, ontology and thesaurus development and metadata standards. The AIMS (Agricultural Information Management Standards Initiative) is lead by his team.
Name of second person:Caterina Caracciolo
Position of second person: Information and Knowledge Management Specialist
Brief CV of second person (5-10 Lines):
Caterina Caracciolo works at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) since 2006. Previously she worked at the National Council of Research (CNR) in Pisa, and at the University of Amsterdam, where she obtained a PhD in computer science. She is currently involved in the Networked Ontology project (NeOn). Her main research interests involve the organization and retrieval of information.
Name: Imma Subirats
Position: Information and Knowledge Management Officer
Brief CV (5-10 Lines):
Imma Subirats Coll holds an MSc in History and Library and Information Science. She works at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) since 2006. Before that she worked at the Government of Catalonia in Barcelona (Spain). She is involved in the OpenArchive @ FAO project, which has as main objective the integration of the repository library catalog from FAO. Additionally she is actively involved in the promotion Open Access in Agriculture and Related Sciences, notably through CIARD network. She is also the co-founder and the Executive Coordinator of E-LIS, E-prints in Library and Information Science, the largest open archive in Library and Information Science.
Name: Yves Jaques
Position: Information and Knowledge Management Officer
Brief CV (5-10 Lines):
Yves Jaques holds an Msc in Software Development and has worked at FAO since 1999 in the support of information systems and information management. During nine years with the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department he designed and developed Tomcat/Java/XML/XSL statistical and web-based systems while also spending considerable time on metadata and modeling issues with the NeOn networked ontologies project. During this time he participated extensively in the formulation of several successful FP7 project proposals and led the resultant user community work packages. From 2008 to 2010 he joined the central FAO Statistics Division to work with CountrySTAT SSA, a project to improve statistics in sub-Saharan Africa where he led a team of software developers, trainers and help desk personnel in the design and delivery of web-based tools for statistical management. He took up his current position in the Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension in October 2010 where he leads the development of technical services as well as the AGROVOC workbench, a multilingual online distributed SKOS-based thesaurus editor.
Name of ... person:Valeria Pesce
Position of ... person: Information Management Specialist
Brief CV of ... person (5-10 Lines):
Valeria Pesce has been working as web architect and information management specialist for the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) since 2005. After formal education in literatures and library science, she received professional training in information science and computer programming. In recent years, working for GFAR in strict collaboration with FAO, she has been focusing on architectural issues in agricultural information management and exchange.