PRESENT: Councillors: M. Greene (Chairman), L. Balzaretti, R. Bullen, L. Carter, S. Deely, C. Gabbitas, G. Leeke (until 7.50pm), P. Whitwood, County Cllr. L. Caborn, District Cllr. A. Day (until 9.25pm)
1.Appointment of Chairman
Cllr. Gabbitas nominated Cllr. Greene, seconded Cllr. Leeke and carried unanimously. Cllr. Greene signed the declaration of office form.
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Deely for his 6 years of great leadership, calmness and fairness.
7.50pm Cllr. Leeke leaves the meeting.
2.Apologies for absence
Cllr. Herbert (personal commitment).
3.Appointment of Vice Chairman, Councillors to Committees and Financial Officer
Cllr. Deely nominated Cllr. Gabbitas as Vice Chairman. Cllr. Gabbitas asked if anyone could share the role with her as she currently has a number of commitments. Unfortunately no one felt able to at this time. The Chairman seconded this nomination which was carried unanimously. Cllr. Gabbitas was reappointed as one of the 3 St. Chad’s Centre Trustees representing the Parish Council. The Clerk was appointed financial officer.
4.Public Session
No questions from the public.
5.Declarations of Interest
The Chairman declared a personal interest in item 7(iii) and a pecuniary interest in item 7(iv) as a member of the St. Chad’s Centre Trust. Cllr. Gabbitas declared a pecuniary interest in item 7(iv) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. Cllr. Whitwood declared a pecuniary interest in item 7(vi) as a recipient.
6.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (April)
The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Bullen proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.
(i) Bank balances
The following bank balances were reported:
Current Account - £128,539.76
Investment Account -£63,396.03
The Clerk reported that she has received a further payment of £20 for the hire of the flail mower.
(ii) To consider 2016/17 draft accounts
The Clerk had circulated, prior to the meeting, draft accounts. The Clerk explained that income was higher than expected due to £66,000 being received for play equipment and £40,000 towards community facilities from Bloor Developments. Expenditure was significantly over budget in 2 areas; £20,000 towards community facilities as a result of the developer’s contribution and the purchase of a new mower resulting in £4791 over spend. Most other areas were significantly under budget. The accounts clearly show actual expenditure against budget. The Clerk was asked to forward the accounts to the internal auditor.
ACTION: The Clerk to forward accounts to internal auditor.
7.58pm The Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas leave the meeting and Cllr. Whitwood takes the Chair.
(iii) St. Chad’s Centre Trustee resignation; Cllr. Greene
Cllr. Whitwood reported that Cllr. Greene has resigned as a trustee. He thanked Cllr. Greene for his commitment and hard work. It was noted that the Parish Council now has 2 vacancies for trustees.
(iv) To consider 2 amendments to the St. Chad’s Centre Trust Articles of Association
Details of the amendments had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr. Deely proposed that we agree both amendments, seconded Cllr. Balzaretti and carried unanimously.
ACTION: The Clerk to inform the trustees.
8.02pm The Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas return to the meeting. Cllr. Greene takes the Chair.
(v) To agree dates for 2017/18
Councillors agreed that the Parish Council meeting should remain the third Thursday of every month except in December. Unofficial meetings would take place on a Monday 10 days before the official meeting.
ACTION: The Clerk to book the St. Chad’s Centre.
8.07pm Cllr. Whitwood leaves the meeting.
(vi) Passing of following accounts for payment:
RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Balzaretti, seconded Cllr. Gabbitas and carried unanimously).
Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; May
Mr. D. Connolly - Play area inspections (May) - £20.00
Mr. D. Connolly - grass cutting (April) - £185.00
Mr. A. Gandy - Meadow grass cutting (April) - £180.00
Zurich Municipal - annual insurance premium (amendment) - £468.36
Mr. P. Whitwood - materials for the working party - £27.19
8.11pm Cllr. Whitwood returns to the meeting.
8.Warwickshire County Council Matters
(i) To receive report
County Cllr. Caborn reported that he is waiting for a response from an officer regarding the flooding on Oakley Wood Road. Cllr. Balzaretti said that the school playing field is also being flooded. County Cllr. Caborn asked Cllr. Balzaretti if she could please arrange for the school to email him regarding the field.
ACTION: Cllr. Balzaretti to ask the school to email County Cllr. Caborn regarding the flooding of the school field.
(ii) Major road works timetable
County Cllr. Caborn said that he is meeting with the head of services to try and obtain a timetable.
ACTION: June agenda item.
9.Warwick District Council Matters
(i) To receive report
No new report.
(ii) Tachbrook Country Park; update
Cllr. Gabbitas stressed that the Parish Council wants to be included in the steering group. District Cllr. Day said that the portfolio holder is aware of this.
(iii) Bus shelter project update
It was reported that the County Council has changed the position of the bus stop which means that the majority of children are crossing the road to get to the bus stop. Concern was expressed for the safety of primary school children. Councillors agreed unanimously that the safety of the children should be the main concern when locating bus stops. County Cllr, Caborn agreed to discuss this matter with officers.
ACTION: Councillors to email details to County Cllr. Caborn who will discuss this safety issue with officers.
(iv) New benches update
ACTION: June agenda item.
(v) Outdoor gym - project update
ACTION: June agenda item.
(vi) Gypsy and Traveller Site
This item was discussed and councillors agreed not to comment at the moment.
(vii) Work on perimeter path update
ACTION: Cllr. Gabbitas to contact the officer, who was scheduling this work, to find out when it is going to happen.
(viii) Review of ward boundaries
District Cllr. Day explained that the number of district councillors for this ward will be increasing to 2. There will be no change to our boundary.
(ix) CIL Consultation on Modifications
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to look at the consultation and, if necessary, circulate a draft response to councillors.
(x) To agree response to Local Plan Consultation Main Modifications
Cllr. Bullen had circulated, prior to the meeting, a draft response. Cllr. Deely proposed that we submit this draft response, seconded Cllr. Gabbitas and carried unanimously.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to submit the agreed response.
10.Bloor Development Matters
(i) Management of the public open spaces on the Bloor Development update
The Clerk reported that she has not received a response from Bloor Development. She was given the name of another contact and asked to email him.
ACTION: The Clerk to email the manager responsible for the site.
(ii) Meadow storage - project update
Cllr. Bullen said he is drawing the plans which will be circulated to councillors. He will also contact nearby residents, the allotment manager and the horticultural manager. Cllr. Deely said that he would assist.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to draw the plans and circulate to councillors.
(iii) Flooding issues behind Holt Avenue update
ACTION: The Clerk to follow up with the manager on the site.
(iv) S106 funding update
The Clerk reported that she has chased Gary Fisher at the District Council for a response. Cllr. Gabbitas said that most of the developments are displaying boards advertising the S106 funding they are providing but with limited detail.
ACTION: Cllr. Gabbitas to take photos of the information and to provide to the Clerk. The Clerk to follow up with the District Council.
(v) Update on funding in place of storage base
Cllr. Whitwood reported that Bloor Developments have cleared the site. Councillors agreed that this should not be pursued.
(vi) Oakley Meadows footpath/cycleway link update
This is now open.
11.Amenities Matters
(i) To receive report
No new report.
(ii) Sports, Leisure and Well-being projects update
Cllr. Deely said that he has looked at the Meadow makeover quotes and would like to clarify some issues. He believes a resident might be interested in managing this project.
(iii) WG noticeboard repairs update
Cllr. Gabbitas reported that the bus shelter will have a noticeboard. Councillors were asked to decide whether 2 noticeboards are required.
ACTION: Councillors to decide whether 2 noticeboards are required.
(iv) Working party update
Cllr. Whitwood reported that the access to the Meadow needs tidying and the strip by the cycle path needs attention. He asked if the payback team could carry out the heavy work on the BMX track. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea. Cllr. Whitwood to liaise with Cllr. Leeke to arrange this. The WP were going to tidy up Farm Walk footpath but the dog fouling on the path is dreadful. Cllr. Balzaretti said that Kingsley Road is also bad and the cycle path where it is left in bags. The Clerk was asked to mention in the magazine.
ACTION: June agenda item.
(v) To consider securing our open green spaces
Councillors agreed that we did secure our open green spaces recently when we were alerted to a potential issue.
12.Police/Community Matters
(i) To note report from Police
Circulated via email.
(ii) Welcome Pack update
It was reported that Cllr. Herbert is waiting for the draft which will be circulated to councillors. Cllr. Gabbitas said that we should ensure that the new school is mentioned.
ACTION: Cllr. Herbert to be made aware that the new school should be included.
(iii) Engaging with Warwick Town and Whitnash Town Councils in respect of traffic issues on Warwick Gates; letter drafted
ACTION: The Clerk to send the letter to Cllr. Gabbitas.
(iv) Allotment fencing/landscaping
Cllr. Bullen explained to the meeting where he believes additional fencing is required. He agreed to circulate a sketch to councillors. It was further agreed that the bank needs seeding plus additional planting. Cllr. Bullen said that he understands Bloor Developments have given the contract to Harborough Landscapes.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to circulate a sketch to councillors and contact Harborough Landscapes regarding the additional planting and seeding.
(v) Police May Newsletter
See item 12(i).
9.25pm District Cllr. Day leaves the meeting.
13.Planning Matters
(i) Neighbourhood Plan; area designation approved
Councillors agreed that the NP team needs to meet prior to meeting with a consultant. The Chairman, Cllrs. Deely and Bullen agreed to contact the team and also invite a representative from Heathcote Park. It was agreed that they would meet on Monday at 7.30pm.
ACTION: The Chairman, Cllrs. Deely and Bullen to contact the NP team and invite them to a meeting on Monday at 7.30pm. The Clerk to book a room at the St. Chad’s Centre.
It was further reported that councillors had met with a developer who wishes to build 4 houses in the parish. It was agreed that this information should be passed to the NP team. The Clerk should write to the developer making him aware that his proposal has been passed to the NP team.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the developer.
(ii) Planning application no. 17/0818 - 10 Shylock Grove
This application was discussed and councillors agreed not to comment.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.
(iii) Planning application no. 17/0438 - Oakley Grove Phase IIB; to review
Cllr. Bullen explained that the moving of the ponds into the country park greatly reduces the amount of space available to residents. The inspector stated that the country park should act as a green buffer to the village. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen should speak to the planning officer about these concerns.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to liaise with the Planning Officer.
(iv) Planning application no. 17/0171 - 18 Wychwood Close; to review response and consider responses from planning officer
The Clerk reported that these applications have just been withdrawn.
(v) Planning application no. 17/0690 - Grove Farm, Phase 2C
Councillors agreed to object to this application due to an increase in number of houses. Cllr. Bullen to draft a response.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to draft a response.
(vi) Planning notice no. 17/0411 - 11 Church Hill; granted
(vii) Appeal decision; 1 Oakley Wood Cottages
Cllr. Bullen explained that this appeal contained 2 decisions; one was dismissed and one was permitted.
(viii) Tree applications process
Cllr. Bullen said that the County Council is not consulting with us regarding trees with TPOs on them. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the County Council to find out if they are able to.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the County Council regarding TPOs.
(i) School bus; Bolingbroke junction
Cllr. Balzaretti was thanked for resolving this issue.
(ii) Heathcote Park
A resident has asked if we can assist with one of the developments which is called Heathcote Park. This is creating confusion with the real Heathcote Park. Councillors agreed that all we can do is explain to the developer the issues being faced and request that the development is renamed. Residents from Heathcote Park should also write to the developer.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the resident and the developer.
15.Date of next meeting
Thursday, 15th June 2017 at 7.30pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.
SIGNED15th June, 20171