MIS 3510 Systems Analysis and Design * Travica * Exercises

Page 252, 5. (modified)

When a customer of Best Insurance Company wants to add a new car to his/her insurance policy, the customer talks with an insurance clerk, providing the required details. The system updates the policy. If the customer wishes so, a new driver can be added to the updated policy, which has implications for the charges and other policy details.

a.  Create a use case diagram

b.  Create brief use case description, as many as needed

a. Create a use case diagram

b. Create brief use case description, as many as needed

Use Case: / Add a new car to vehicle insurance policy
Brief Description: / Customer requests adding a new car to the insurance policy, and a clerk updates the policy in the system.
Use Case: / Add a new driver to vehicle insurance policy
Brief Description: / Customer requests optionally to add a new driver when adding a new car to the insurance policy, and a clerk updates the policy in the system.

a)  Create Full Description of use case Add a new car to an insurance vehicle policy

Use Case Name: / Add a new car to an insurance vehicle policy
Scenario: / Telephone-based, involving customer and clerk
Event (Trigger): / Customer demands a new vehicle to be added to existing insurance policy
Brief Description: / Customer provides data for policy extension, selects coverage, and identifies drivers of the new car. System updates the policy.
Actors: / Customer service clerk
Flow of Events
(Steps): / Actor / System
1. Clerk enters policy number
2. Clerk verifies policy is current
3. Clerk enters car identification data
4. Clerk enters each type of coverage customer requests, including
deductibles and coverage amount
5. Clerk indicates end of session / 1.1 System finds policy and displays details
3.1 System validates that car has known standard
4.1 System validates coverage requests and adds to policy
4.2 System validates combination coverages
5.1 System updates policy, calculates new premium, and prints new statement
4.1 If the customer requests a new driver to be added, the clerk initiates a use case Add new driver.

a)  Create an activity for the use case Add a new car to an insurance vehicle policy