Individual Growth Plan

Beginning of Year August 2015

Review Year:August 2015-December 2016
Evaluation & IGP Due: January 20, 2017
New IGP: January, 2017 / School/Department:
Name:Click here to enter name. / Position:Click here to enter job title.
Goals / Activities / Actions / Expected Outcomes
Evidence of Completion / Resources Needed / Timeline
Goal 1:Click here to enter Goal 1.
Goal 2:Click here to enter Goal 2. / Click here to enter activities for Goal 1.
Click here to enter activities for Goal 1.
Click here to enter activities for Goal 1.
Click here to enter activities for Goal 2. / Click here to enter . /
Staff Signature: / Date:Click here to enter a date.
Administrator Signature:
(or designee) / Date:Click here to enter a date.

Mid-Year-Review to be completed by April, 2016

Mid-Year-Review April, 2016

Review Year:August 2015-December 2016 / School/Department:
Name:Click here to enter name. / Position:Click here to enter job title.
Evidence of Progress Toward Goals:
Click here to enter progress toward goals.
Staff Comments:
(Optional) / Click here to enter staff comments. /
Administrator Comments:
(Optional) / Click here to enter administrator comments. /
Staff Signature: / Date:Click here to enter a date.
Administrator Signature:
(or designee) / Date:Click here to enter a date.

End of Year Review to be completed by December, 2016

End of Year Review December, 2016

Review Year: August 2015- December 2016
Evaluation & IGP Due to Human Resources by January 20, 2017 / School/Department:
Name:Click here to enter name. / Position:Click here to enter job title.
Evidence of Progress Toward Goals:
Click here to enter progress toward goals.
Staff Comments:
(Optional) / Click here to enter staff comments. /
Administrator Comments:
(Optional) / Click here to enter administrator comments. /
Staff Signature: / Date:Click here to enter a date.
Administrator Signature:
(or designee) / Date:Click here to enter a date.