Barry University

Adrian Dominican School of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning


TSL 406 – Applied Linguistics 3 credit hours

Instructor: / Term:
Office Location: / Class Location:
Office Hours: / Class Dates:
Work Phone: / Class Time:
Fax: / Field Experience:
E-mail: / Website:


Introduces theories, principles, research, and issues of language acquisition and the teaching and learning of English as a second language; emphasizes the application of linguistic related research findings to the practical concerns of pedagogy to support social communicative competence and academic achievement in the classroom.


The past several decades have emphasized cultural diversity in the United States, particularly in South Florida, where increased immigration patterns have occasioned a variety of cultures, races, and ethnic groups to live side by side. Given the implications of the 1990 Consent Decree filed to insure Limited English Proficient (LEP) students/English as a Second Language (ESL) students their right to equal access to educational programs and services, present and future, teachers must:

1.  Develop techniques to address the needs of ESL students in all classrooms.

2.  Develop the necessary knowledge base in the fields of intercultural communication, language, and culture learning in general.

3.  Develop the necessary theoretical and practical skills for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of culturally sensitive curriculum and instruction appropriate for a linguistically pluralistic school setting.


The goals of this course are to:

1.  To enable educators to create the instructional environment that accommodates the various learning styles and cultural backgrounds of ESL students.

2.  To present a linguistic knowledge base of language principles, language skills, and theories of first and second language acquisition necessary for understanding and serving the needs of ESL students.

3.  To provide teachers with a frame of reference and practice to develop and apply theories and methods involved in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages.


·  National TESOL Standards for the Accreditation of Initial Programs in P-12 ESL Teacher Eduction

·  National Association for the Education of Young Children

·  NCATE – Approved Curriculum Guideline for the Basic Programs for the Preparation of Primary/Elementary Teachers


● Florida Subject Area Competencies and Skills: ESOL K-12

● Florida Performance Standards for Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Students will be able to: / ESOL K-12 Competencies and Skills / TESOL
Florida Performance Standards
1. / Describe, compare, and contrast the nature of first and second language acquisition. / 1, 2, 7 / 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 25
2. / Understand how to use principles of language acquisition in the classroom to facilitate second language development. / 1, 2, 7, 10 / 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 25
3. / Determine and apply appropriate instructional strategies using knowledge of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. / 1, 2, 7, 10 / 5, 10, 14
4. / Demonstrate knowledge of and identify major leaders in the field of ESOL methodology (e.g., Krashen, Cummins, Vygotsky, etc.) / 7 / 6, 7
5. / Demonstrate effective lesson planning for ESOL instruction, including adaptation of content area lessons. / 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 / 1, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16
6. / Recognize strategies for developing family involvement in the ESOL community. / 13, 14 / 22, 23
7. / Conduct ESOL programs within the parameters, goals, and stipulations of the Florida Consent Decree. / 5, 13 / 1
8. / Demonstrate awareness and understanding of interactions in the multicultural classroom by using knowledge of the cultural characteristics of Florida's ESL population
/ 3, 9 / 2, 3, 4


Targeted: AP #8 Knowledge of Subject Matter


AP #5 Diversity

AP #12 Technology


Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2004) Essential linguistics: What you need to know to teach reading, ESL, spelling, phonics, grammar. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.



NOTE: Websites continually change so the information here may not always be available.

Broward County Public Schools –

Center for Applied Linguistics –

Florida Department of Education –

Florida Department of Education – Sunshine State Standards –

Florida Department of Education, Office of Multicultural Student Language

Florida Performance Standards for Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages

Miami-Dade County Public Schools – Competency Based Curriculum -

Miami-Dade County Public Schools –

National Association for Bilingual Education –

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition –

Teachers for English for Speakers of Other Languages –

U. S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement & Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students -

University of South Florida, College of Education, ESOL E-Library -


Overhead Transparencies

Pertinent Videos

Power Point Presentations


The Content Outline must include the following:
·  Indicate the content covered in each session
·  Include mid-semester evaluation to indicate student progress
·  Include Final Exam

The professor reserves the right to make changes in the time frame of topic presentation and assignments to comply with course schedule.

This Content Outline is based on a sixteen week schedule in which a course meets once per week, with each course meeting lasting 2 hours and 40 minutes. This course has 5 hours of Guided Field Observations.

Session / Date / Topic / Chapters /
1 / Introduction & overview of the course / Introduction
2 / Florida Consent Decree, English Language Learners & Program Models / Florida Consent Decree
ESL Program Models
What program models exist to serve ELLs?
3 / Language & Its Components / What is linguistics?
4 / Phonology / 3 & 4
5 / Morphology / 7 & 8
6 / Syntax / 9
7 / Semantics & Pragmatics / Teaching pragmatics
9 / Theories of first language acquisition / 1
10 / Theories of second language acquisition / 2
Myths and misconceptions about second language learning: What every teacher needs to unlearn
11 / Factors that affect second language acquisition / Acquiring a second language for school
12 / Instruction of Oral & Written Language Skills / 4, 5, 6, 8
13 / Content Area Instruction / Meeting the challenge of content instruction
14 / Content Adaptation &
Cummins’ Quadrant – Dimensions of Language Proficiency / Cummins’ Quadrants
Teach in Florida
15 / Assessment of ESL students / Virtual Assessment Center
English language learners and high stakes tests


Course requirements must include the following:
·  The Required Accomplished Practices Assignment designed specifically for this course. This assignment MAY NOT be altered.
·  You may include additional instructional activities and assignments; however, they MUST meet the course goals and objectives and align with one or more of the Accomplished Practices.
·  REMEMBER ALL instructional activities and assignments must address the needs of all learners including learners with diverse linguistic backgrounds and exceptional learners.
Targeted AP: #8 – Knowledge of Subject Matter
Supplemental AP:
#5 – Diversity


1.  Linguistic Interference Project ( points)

A. Interference Activity ( points)

Select one specific linguistic interference from an observed ESL student in a K-6 instructional setting. Identify and develop and implement an activity that would help the selected student with the identified interference. Each learner is to develop a handout that contains the following information:

1)  The identified specific interference

2)  A L2 rule pertinent to the interference

3)  Activity to deal with the interference

B. In-Class Sharing of Interference Project ( points)

Each learner is to share (with her/his peers and the professor) her/his Interference

Project. This sharing is to be in the form of an in-class presentation of from 5 to

10 minutes in length. This presentation is to provide the information from

Sections 1 of this assignment. Each learner is to provide her/his peers and the professor each with a handout containing this information. Visuals will enhance the presentation. This is a professional presentation and will be evaluated as such. The observation form used to evaluate each presentation will be discussed in class.


To be included at the discretion of the instructor.

·  You may include additional instructional activities and assignments; however, they MUST meet the course goals and objectives and align with one or more of the Accomplished Practices.
·  REMEMBER ALL instructional activities and assignments must address the needs of all learners including learners with diverse linguistic backgrounds and exceptional learners.

FIELD EXPERIENCE 5 hours of guided observation

Field experiences are a vital component not only of this course but in understanding teaching, as well as the role of the teacher. Experimental learning (“on the job” preparation) is unmatched. As such, passing this course is based on successful completion of all required field experiences. Successful completion includes (but not necessarily limited to) completion of all paperwork, meeting timelines, and professional responsibilities and dispositions associated with field experiences. Receiving an ‘Incomplete” for not completing field experiences in the timelines provided within this syllabus, is not an option. Acting professionally and responsibly also implies adherence to Barry University policies regarding cheating and falsification of reports or documents. Such actions will result in course failure.


The midterm examination may include multiple choice items, short answer responses and extended response essays emphasizing applications of the principles, concepts and instructional strategies presented in class.


The final examination may include multiple choice items, short answer responses and extended response essays emphasizing applications of the principles, concepts and instructional strategies presented in class.


Any of the following instructional techniques may be utilized as they fit within the context of the session: Class discussions, text-based discussions, lectures, cooperative learning groups, hands-on experiences, student presentations, debates, video tapes, reflections, analysis, journal writing, practical applications, problem solving, and guest speakers. Presentations will address the needs of all learners including: learners with diverse linguistic backgrounds and exceptional learners. Students are expected to participate during each class. All assigned reading must be completed before class.


Final grade will be based on course requirements and examinations. The graded activities will reflect both alternative and traditional assessments. Grades activities and their relative weights are as follows:

ASSIGNMENTS / Possible Points
Required Accomplished Practice Assignment
Additional Course Assignments
Midterm Examination
Final Examination


The Teaching and Learning Department grading scale will be used.

93-100=A 85-92=B 78-84=C 70-77=D 0-69=F


Written materials must reflect student’s knowledge of the subject as well as the use of higher thinking skills (analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and evaluation). Assignments must contain correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. All papers must reflect the student’s own thoughts and words unless quotation marks are used. Projects and the final exam are to be completed in a professional manner. All assignments are due on the designated date. Remember: Effort does not necessarily equal achievement!


1.  Adherence to the Barry University (Dis)honesty Policy as described in the Student Handbook is required. Including policies related to Cheating and Plagiarism and defined as:

§  Cheating - the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain aid and/or information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements, including examinations. Cheating includes falsifying reports and documents.

§  Plagiarism - the use, without proper acknowledgment, of the ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or speaker. Plagiarism includes the unauthorized copying of software and the violation of copyrights laws.

2.  All assignments, including reading assignments, are due on the designated date. Course work WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED after ______

3.  Attendance: Attendance is MANDATORY and WILL AFFECT your final grade. Students are expected to attend and to be on time for every class. It is the responsibility of the students to initiate the withdrawal during the designated withdrawal period. Otherwise an F will be issued at the end of the term.

4.  Respect for the Learning Environment should include, but not limited to, turning off all cellular telephones and switching your pagers to “vibrate” mode.

5.  Requests for incomplete grades must be submitted in writing to the professor prior to completing two-thirds of the course and should clearly document the reason(s) for requesting an incomplete grade. All requests are subject to review and approval by the professor.

6.  All course assignments utilizing any resource including on-line resources must be cited.


It is the policy of Barry University to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. This University adheres to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Services (305-899-3488), located in Room 102 in the R Kirk Landon Student Union. The Office will aid in appropriate accommodations for the student and notify faculty in a timely manner. This is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990.


Artiles, A. J., Harry, B., Reschly, D. J., & Chinn, P. C. (2002). Over-identification of students of color in special education: A critical overview. Multicultural Perspectives, 4, 3-10.