7.15 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Colour: GREEN
Celebrant: The Provost
Stewards on Duty: Group C
1. Opening Hymn: A&MNS 133(Bishopthorpe)
2.Introductory Sentence: Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary bless, for to this you have called, that you may obtain a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9
3.The Preparation (Page 170)
4.Collect for Purity (Page 171)
5.Summary of the Law (Page 172)
6.Words of Comfort (Page 175)
7.Confession to Collect (Pages 175-176)
8.Collect: God of our forebears, as your chosen servant, Abraham, was given faith to obey your call and go out into the unknown, so may your church be granted such faith that we may follow you courageously now and forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty God, without you we are not able to please you, mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
9.O.T. Reading: Gen. 12: 1-9- Ven. ‘Segun Ladeinde
10.Epistle: Romans 12: 1-8- Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija
11.Gradual Hymn: A&MNS 395 (Slane)
12.Gospel: Luke 15: 11-32
13.Sermon: Ven. Stephen Fagbemi
14.Creed: (Page 178)
15.Intercession :( Pages 183-184) Mr. Oladipupo Alakija
16.Offertory Sentence: I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel : I have set God always before me : for He is on my right hand, therefore I shall not fall.
17.Offertory Hymn: A&MNS 396 (Tune A&MNS 224 - Mannheim)
18.Preparation of Gifts to Eucharistic Prayer (Pages 187-190)
19.Breaking of Bread to Anthem: (Pages 190-193)
20.Prayer of Humble Access: (Pages 193-194)
21.Communion Sentence: One thing have I desired of the Lord which I will require; even that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.
22.Administration: (Page 194)
23.Hymns during Administration:
(i) A&MNS 115 (Repton)
(ii) A&MNS 117 (1st Tune Gerontius)
(iii) A&MNS 122 (Tune A&MNS 128 St. James)
(iv) A&MNS 125 (1st Tune Richmond)
(v) A&MNS 126 (Dominus Regit me)
(vi) A&MNS 129 (1st Tune - St. Paul’s)
(vii) A&MNS 249 (1st Tune Innocents)
(viii) A&MNS 366 (Tune - A&MNS 179 - Heathlands)
24.Post Communion Hymn: A&MNS 510 (The Ash Grove)
25.Post Communion Prayer: Grant, O Lord that through these holy mysteries we may gain that purifying which we need and find protection that alone can be our safeguard; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
26.The Lord’s Prayer to Thanksgiving Prayer (Pages 195-196)
27.Altar Call:
29.Spiritual Tonic: Matthew 13:15-16
30.Benediction to Dismissal:(Pages 404)
31.Withdrawal Hymn: When we walk with the Lord (Trust & Obey) - Stained Glass Window
Cantor: Ven. S. Obi Nwankerendu
Responses:William Byrd
The Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness
1.Entrance Hymn: A&MNS 233 (Hereford)
2.Call to Worship: (pages 18-19)
3.Confession and Absolution
4.Venite: C.P. 185 C.R Goodson in C
5.Psalms: 77 - C.P. 170 (R. Clark in A minor)
6.1st Lesson: Gen. 13: 1- 18 Cathedral Diocesan Women’s Guild
7.Benedictus: C.P. 243 (J. L. rogers in E flat)
8.2nd Lesson:Galatians 5: 13-end Cathedral Diocesan Women’s Guild
9.Te Deum: C.P. 4,5 & 6 (Second set)
10.Creed to 3rd Collect
11.Anthem: Subdue Us By Thy Goodness - J.S. Bach
Subdue us by Thy goodness
Awake us by Thy grace
That men whose hearts are weary
May life a-new embrace
And though earth’s woes are near us
Thy Spirit still shall cheer us
All praise and thanks to Thee.
12.Hymn before Sermon: A&MNS 380 (Vieena)
13.Sermon: Ven. Stephen Fagbemi
14Intercession: Ven. Williams Mehinsan
15.Hymn for Offering: A&MR 235 (Tune A&MNS 171 - Thornbury)
17.Spiritual Tonic: Matthew 13:15-16
18.Altar Call: i) Cathedral Diocesan Women’s Guild
ii) Family Harvest
19.Conclusion to Benediction
20.Final Amen: William Byrd
21.Withdrawal Hymn:Hymns 378 (Queen Pastores)
Stained Glass Window
9.15 a.m. Cornerstone Fellowship
Time: 9.15 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
1.Opening Hymn: A&MNS 233
2.Call to Worship
3.Psalms: 77
4.Praise and Worship
5.Bible Reading: Genesis 13: 1-18
6.Special Number
7.Message: Revd. George Abara
8. Creed, Collects and Intercession/Creed to Prayers
9.Sunday Offering:
11.Prayer and Benediction
12.Closing Hymn: A&MNS 378
9.15 a.m. Children’s Church/Sunday School
Worship Leader: Mrs. B. Ladeinde
2.Opening Hymn: SOP 31
3.Bible Reading: Genesis 12: 1-9
4.Hymn: SOP 632
5.Creed to Prayers:
6.Hymn: Choruses (Offering to be taken)
7.Closing Prayer
8.Hymn: SOP 100
9.Children go to their various classes
Celebrant: Revd.’ Bola Ojofeitimi
Setting: Bruce Steane
1.Hymn: A&MNS 192 (Praise my soul)
2.Introit: Lord,I trust Thee (Hardel)
Lord I trust thee, I adore thee; Ah! thou friend of man, restore me; On thy loving grace relying; For the bread of life I’m sighing; Quench my thirst and let my hunger cease; Fill my heart with joy and endless peace; When the breath of life has left me; May my soul be blended with thee
3.Introductory Sentence: Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary bless, for to this you have called, that you may obtain a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9
4.The Preparation (Page 170)
5.Collect for Purity and Gloria (Page 171)
6.Summary of the Law (Page 172)
7.Words of Comfort (Page 175)
8.Confession to Collect (Pages 175-176)
9.Collect: God of our forebears, as your chosen servant, Abraham, was given faith to obey your call and go out into the unknown, so may your church be granted such faith that we may follow you courageously now and forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Almighty God, without you we are not able to please you, mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
10.O.T. Reading: Genesis 12: 1-9 Revd. George Abara
11.Epistle: Romans 12: 1-8- Miss Grace Uwandu
12.Gradual: A&MNS 180(Moscow)
13.Gospel: Luke 15: 11-32
14.Address: The Provost
16.Intercession: (Pages 183-184)
17.Peace: (Page 186)
18.Offertory Sentence: I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: I have set God always before me: for He is on my right hand, therefore I shall not fall.
19.Offertory Hymn: A&MNS 396 (1st tune A&MNS 263 -St. Helen)
20.Preparation of Gifts to Eucharistic prayer :( Pages187-190)
21.Breaking of Bread to Anthem: (Pages 190 - 193)
22Prayer of Humble Access: (Pages 193 - 194)
23.Communion Sentence: One thing have I desired of the Lord which I will require; even that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.
24. Hymns during Administration:
(i) A&MNS 2 (Melcombe)
(ii) A&MNS 4 (Tune A&MNS 179 - Healthland)
(iii) A&MNS 49 (Was Lebet)
(iv) A&MNS 52 (Dundee)
(v) A&MNS 102 (Westminster)
(vi) A&MNS 196 (Northempton)
(vii) A&MNS 109 (Contemplation)
(viii) A&MNS 110 (University)
25.PostCommunion Hymn: A&MNS 194 (Gwalchmai)
26. Post Communion Prayer: Grant, O Lord that through these holy mysteries we may gain that purifying which we need and find protection that alone can be our safeguard; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
27.The Lord’s Prayer to Thanksgiving Prayer (Pages 195-196)
28.Altar Call: Revd. Steve Fagbemi
30.Spiritual Tonic: Matthew 13:15-16
31.Benediction to Dismissal (Page 196)
32.Final Amen: William Byrd
33.Withdrawal: When we walk with the Lord (Trust & Obey) see attached sheet - Stained Glass Window
Cantor:Ven. Williams Mehinsan
1.Hymn: A&MNS 134 (Buckland)
2.Call to Worship:
3.Psalm: 102 (Said)
4.O. T. Reading: Daniel 1
5.Office Hymn: A&MNS 217(Abridge)
7.N.T. Reading: Ephesians. 4: 17-end
8.Nunc Dimittis:
9.Sermon: Ven. ‘Segun Ladeinde
10.Creed to 3rd Collect
12.Intercession: Ven. ‘Segun Ladeinde
13.Hymn for Offering: A&MNS 520 (Tune A&MNS 198-Darwall;s 148th)
14.Vesper Hymn: A&MNS 6 (Tune A&MNS 89 - Warrington)
15.Conclusion to Benediction
16.Blessing/Final Amen:
17.Withdrawal Hymn: A&MNS 213 (3rd tune A&MR 298 - Sandon)
So Abraham said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarrelling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers” Gen. 13:8
We have read or heard several times about herdsmen in the Northern part of the country engaged in bitter arguments and fights leading to devastating destruction of lives and properly. Oftentimes, these disputes that engulf a whole or two communities have needed the intervention of security agencies to quell the mayhem unleashed on such affected area(s) in question. Some communities still engage in cold war years after the clashes and the perceived settlement that could have followed.
The above analysis will help us to understand better what transpired between Abraham and Lot - his nephew.
Abraham and Lot travelled around the desert in tents. They followed God and did what He commanded. As it is usual of the nomadic, they travelled with their sheep and animals. They both had lots of them which later became a problem rather than a blessing.
As they moved from place to place, they had to have enough land for both groups of animals to graze. As the herds and flocks grew they needed more land and food for the animals.
Consequently, Lot’s herdsmen started disputing with Abraham’s herdsmen. They argued over where the animals would graze. Abraham, being good natured prevented a fight that could have ensued. He offered to part with Lot, his men and animals. Lot, being driven by greed and avarice, chose a seemingly better portion. Lot looked up and saw the beautiful green grass around the river. He also saw two cities that had lots of activity.
So, Lot chose for himself the green pasture to the East. Because Lot chose this land, Abraham went to the West and settled in the land of Canaan.
Scripture states that, “the Lord sees not as man sees” (1 Sam. 16:7). Lot saw only the well-watered valley. God saw the people of Sodom who were “wicked...... exceedingly” (v.13). Lot’s failure to discern and abhor evil brought death and tragedy to his family.
Lot’s great failure was that he loved personal gain more than he hated wickedness of Sodom (10-13). Perhaps he reasoned that the material advantages, culture and pleasures of Sodom outweighed the dangers and that he was strong enough spiritually to remain faithful to God. Thus, he exposed himself and his family to the immorality and ungodliness of Sodom only to learn the bitter lesson that his family was not strong enough to resist its evil influences.
Being good here is not about dolling out money or material things to the poor and the needy, or paying tithe, levy or donations to the Church. Goodness being of the fruit of the Spirit, is a desire and ability to live for God and do things God’s way. God wants us to do things His way and love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. If you invite Jesus now, He will come into your life and help you do what is right. He will guide you and show you the right way to do things. God’s way!
Have a wonderful harvest season!
Completely Yours,
1.We welcome the Ven. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Fagbemi as they worship with us this morning. Ven. Fagbemi has returned to take up appointment as the new Dean of the Vinning College of Theology, Akure. May the good LORD continue to bless their ministry.
2.Harvest Launch:
We thank God for a very successful harvest launch last Sunday, and praise the Host Society for a successful outing. We pray that God will grant them more success in the events ahead.
3Family Harvest 2011:
We bless the LORD who has made us to come before Him again with members of our families. Our God is a faithful God!!!
4Harvest Committee:
This is to remind those societies that have not paid their Harvest Levy in full to please do so as soon as possible. The Children’s Treat takes place on Saturday, 6th August. Tickets are available for society representatives to pick up from the bookstall. All members of the Cathedral are invited to participate in the Cultural Harvest Thanksgiving ServiceFeast in the Seminary ground on Sunday, 14th Aug. Please come dressed in your native attire. There will be many prizes awarded, including best dressed man/woman/child.
5.Restoration of the Stained Glass Window:
The project to restore the Cathedral’s historic stained glass windows has commenced with a cost estimate of N20m. Once completed, the Cathedral’s stained windows will not require major inspection or maintenance for at least another 100 years. Kindly issue your cheque in favour of “The Cathedral Church of Christ” and endorse on the back - “Restoration of Stained Glass Window”.
6.Home Call: - Chief S. A. Makinwa
Funeral arrangements are as follows:
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 6pm, Service of Songs jointly organised by the Cathedral Guild of Stewards, Cathedral Circle, Cathedral Youth Fellowship, Cathedral Ladies Friendly Society and the Girls’ Guild at the Lagos Anglican Diocesan Seminary.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 9am, Commendation Service at the Cathedral Church of Christ.
Thurs. Aug 4, Wake-keep at his Ondo residence, Ago Itunu,
Friday, Aug 5, Funeral Service at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Ondo State.
7.Clergy Appreciation Week:
This year’s Clergy Appreciation Week was observed from Sunday 3rd - Sunday 10th July, 2011. We still expect your donations and the Lord will continue to bless you as you did. You can leave your contributions with Ven. Segun Ladeinde. All cheques to be drawn in favour of “LAGOS ANGLICAN DIOCESAN WORKERS’ FUND”. May you never miss your reward as you bless the servants of God.
a. Bishop’s Cup (4th Edition) - Theme: Friendship beyond Borders: This is on-going at the CMS Grammar School Football Pitch, Bariga. It will last till 20th August, 2011 when the 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed teams will be determined. Your kind support towards our Cathedral Team will be appreciated.
b.Youth Summit 2011 - Theme: Youth Development: This will hold on Saturday, 13th August, 2011, at Yetunde’s Apartment, Plot B, Michelle Okocha Crescent, Parkview Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos between 9.00am & 4.00pm.Admission is Free!!!
c. Praise Nite 2011 - Theme: Praise Yea the Lord: This will hold on Friday, 26th August, 2011, at Ayo Rosiji Hall, 1st floor, Cathedral House, beginning from 10pm till dawn. It promises to be spirit-filled and entertaining.
We urge the whole congregation to support our young ones as we aim to promote youth development in the Cathedral. For further enquiries, please contact 0702-954-5149; 0802-317-6680; 0803-309-0586; 0802-918-0308; 0807-689-7873; 0803-133-0550.
9.Mid-Week Fellowship and Love Feast:
Are you celebrating your birthday or any joyous occasion in your family or remembering a loved one? Think of sharing your joys with the lowly ones, who can give you nothing in return, but are being led to Christ by us. Sponsor a Wednesday afternoon. Cost is N27,000 per Wednesday. You can pay part of an afternoon’s cost. See Omoba Ademola or the Parish Clerk during the week. Thank you and God bless.
We thank Dr. Abiola J. Reffel for sponsoring our Mid-Week Fellowship for July 27, 2011, in thanksgiving to God for her birthday which comes up on Monday, 29th July, 2011. God will continue to grant her good health, joy and happiness throughout the days of her life.
10.Pilgrimage to Jerusalem:
Registration is now on for the September 2011 Pilgrimage to Israel which will take place from 19th to 28th September, 2011. Please see the church notice Board or contact First Dolphine Travels at Suite B316 Ikeja Plaza, 81 Mobolaji Bank-Anthony Way, Ikeja, Lagos. Tel: 01-8116556 and 0802 313 3348.
11.The Girls’ Brigade Annual Free Summer School Coaching Programme 2011:
The School will run from 1st August to 1st September, 2011 for all students in Primary 1 to S.S. 3. Time is 9.00am - 1.00pm. Parents should encourage their children to be part of this programme and register. For more information, please contact Mrs. C.F. Brodie-Mends (Captain) on 0805 845 0597 or Mrs. Toyin Senbanjo (Secretary) on 0704 180 6013.
12.Church Needs:
(a) Camcorder (Panasonic or Canon) with Hard disk (80 GB), 78 X OPTICAL zoom and digital zoom 3500 x
(b) APC Smart - UPs 2.2 KVA.
(c) 2 Megaphones
(d) 42 - inch LCD TV and a DVD Player for the use of our Elders’ Room.
We thank all those who have responded to our requests in the recent weeks. Please kindly assist in the provision of the above listed items for the Church. Thank you.
13.Fellowship Hour - July 2011
Sunday, 24/7/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. Service
Sunday, 14/8/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. Service
Sunday, 28/8/2011 - Vacant after 7.15 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. Service
14. (A)Sponsorship:
Our Social Welfare Service Unit is seeking sponsorship for the following: Part payments will also be gratefully appreciated.
(i)Mr. Igri Prosper: He urgently needs the sum of N4,075,000 for a kidney transplant. Kindly donate generously towards giving him a chance to live. Any amount would be highly appreciated. Cheques should be made payable to “Cathedral Church of Christ (SWSU) and “Mr. Igri Propser’s Kidney Transplant” endorsed at the back. We thank a Parishioner who donated the sum of N225,000 in the course of the week.
(ii)A member of the Church: He is a graduate of the University of Lagos and needs a total sum of N119,400 for his ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants) examinations and tutorial/preparation fees.
(iii)Mr. Jelili Akinosun: He is an HNDI Student of The Polytechnic Ibadan. He needs a sum of N115,000 for 2 years School Fees plus Project Allowance.
(iv)Master Emmanuel Ben: He is an SSI student of Starlight College, Sari-Iganmu, Lagos. He needs to be assisted with the sum of N45,000 per year (N15,000 per term) for the next 3 years.
(v)Miss Opeoluwa Rachael Olaleye: She is an NDI Student of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta. She needs a sum of N90,500 for her year 1 School Fees and a sum of N65,000 for her year 2 School Fees, plus N15,000 for Project Allowance.
(vi)Mrs. Seun Moses: Admitted into the Lagos University Teaching Hospital(LUTH) on 2nd April, 2010, diagnosed with Vesico-Vaginal Fistula (VVF) and obstetric palsy. She has been abandoned by her husband and relations for the last one year and LUTH has stopped treating her due to an outstanding debt of N115,825. Also cost of surgery is estimated at N250,000.00. The Unit requires a total sum of N365,825. Part payment will also be appreciated.