Education Committee


New Strategies to Engage Challenging Employee Populations

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Concierge Conference Centers

780 Third Avenue

New York, NY

Click here to view agenda

Click here to register

Engagement is the Holy Grail of corporate health management programs. However, if your employee populations is widely dispersed, includes shift workers, culturally and linguistically diverse and/or includes a wide range of education and literacy levels then great effort is needed to get employees plugged into health programs.

At our next conference we will present new trends in engagement strategy for difficult to engage employee populations, explore solutions from innovative service providers and present proven best practice employer strategies to get employees connected!

If you have a product or service solution that would be beneficial to mid- and large size employers don’t miss this event!

We anticipate 125 attendees at the conference. Our attendees represent tri-state area employers, consultants, MCO’s and others. At the conferences, attendees will have access to the exhibits during breakfast/registration and the mid-morning break.

Benefits of Sponsorship


Confirm ASAP

Member $5,000 Nonmember $6,000

Benefits include:

·  Company logo in all e-mail announcements and NEBGH website as a Platinum-level Sponsor/Exhibitor

·  Company logo in the on-site conference program

·  Marketing materials in our conference packet – one double-sided 8” x 11” sheet

·  Verbal recognition at the conference

·  An 8’ x 8’ size exhibit space

·  Ten complimentary admissions to the conference

·  Attendee list post conference


Confirm ASAP

Member $2,500 Nonmember $3,000

Benefits include:

·  Company logo in all e-mail announcements and NEBGH website as a Gold-level Sponsor/Exhibitor

·  Company logo in the on-site conference program

·  Verbal recognition at the conference

·  A 60” x 30” draped exhibit table

·  Six complimentary admissions to the conference

·  Attendee list post conference


Confirm ASAP

Member $1,250 Nonmember $1,500

Benefits include:

·  Recognition in conference program as a Silver-level Sponsor/Exhibitor

·  A 60” x 30” draped exhibit table

·  Three complimentary admissions to the conference

·  Attendee list post conference

Sponsor Confirmation Form

Please complete and return this page. Thank you!

ATTN: Adria Subbiondo

61 Broadway, Suite 2705

New York, NY 10006-2821

Fax – (212) 252-7448

Email –

My company will participate at:

_____Platinum-level at $______

_____Gold-level at $______

_____Silver-level at $______

Contact for the Exhibit Table:

Company Name:

Contact Name/Title:


Phone: Fax:


_____Please email a logo in a .jpg or .eps format, by the deadline above.

_____Check here for an invoice.

_____Check here to pay by credit card

Credit Card Number______

Expiration Date______

Name on Credit Card______

Billing Address of Credit Card______


Please make checks payable to Northeast Business Group on Health.

NEBGH is a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID # 13-3156952.