King George V Playing Field - Event Application Form

This form must be completed and returned to the Wivenhoe Town Council offices before any application to use the King George V Playing Field can be considered.

The receipt of an application by Wivenhoe Town Council does not constitute a booking and organisers should not commit themselves to any expenditure until a signed hire agreement has been received from the Town Council.

Annual events will normally be given priority but the Council cannot guarantee the provision to any particular event or organising body based on previous use alone.

Section One – Organiser Details

Name of Organisation:…………………………………………………………………...... ….

Name of Event Organiser (the person in charge of the event):


Event Organiser contact details:


Tel. No. – Home:……………………………………………………………………………......

Tel. No. – Work:………………………………………………………………………………....

Mobile No:……………………………………………………………………………………......

Fax No:…………………………………………………………………………………………...

E-mail address:……………………………………………………………………………….....

Contact details for public enquiries:…………………………………………………………...

Section Two – Event Details

Name or title of event: ………………………………………………………………………….

Description of event: …………………………………………………………………………..



Event start date:...... Event end date:......

Start time each day...... End time each day......

Number of people expected to attend: ……………………………………… (on any day if for more

than one day)

Date/time to enter KGV for preparation ......

Date/time the KGV will be vacated after the event......

Is all or part of KGV required for the event ? ......

Is any part of the KGV to be closed for casual public use

and therefore only open for the event itself? Yes  No

If yes describe which area will be closed......

Date/time of closure...... Date/time re-opening ......

Is the event free? YesNo 

Content of Event

Do you intend to have or allow any of the following attractions at the event?

Fireworks/pyrotechnics / Fairground equipment / Circus
Other animals
Live music / Live entertainment / Alcohol*
Carnival/procession / Hot Air Balloons / Horses or other animals
Parachutists / Children’s activities / Sports activities
Exhibitions and Craft stalls / Food / Drink sales - commercial / Food / drink sales - other
Inflatables (e.g. bouncy castle) / Car boot sale
Other (please specify):


Please supply as much information as possible on all of the items above.

After this application has been submitted, no additional items may be included without the express consent of WivenhoeTown Council.

KGV is a licensed premise under the Licensing Act 2003 – Event organisers will need to ensure that their event complies with the operating schedule for KGV and that it meets the licensing objectives – a copy of the operating schedule is included with this form.

Sale of Alcohol

If alcohol is to be sold at your event, please provide details of how it will be sold and its sale controlled:

Name and address of the Personal License Holder responsible for the sale of alcohol:


Registration No:......

Section Three – Services and facilities

Please indicate here the Services and facilities that you will be providing on the KGV:

No. of Event Stewards______Staging Yes  No 

No. of Security Staff______Amplification/P.A. Systems: Yes  No 

Portable generatorYes  No  Marquees Yes  No 

Other ______

Notes: The Event Organiser has responsibility to:

ensure an adequate number of qualified event stewards and security staff are appointed in accordance with HSE guidelines and BS 8406 – Event Stewarding

ensure that toilet facilities are adequate for the number of people attending the event.

Section Four – Insurance

Event organisers are required to hold a current policy of Insurance in respect of Public Liability or Third Party risks (including products liability where appropriate).

Cover must be for the full period of occupation of the site including the time taken to prepare for the event and dismantle afterwards.

Note: All insurance documentation must be produced at least 28 days before the Event. Failure to comply may result in the Council refusing to grant permission for the holding of the event.

Section Five – Emergency Services

You are required to notify the Police and other appropriate Emergency Services if you anticipate more than 500 people attending your event.

Please indicate contact made:


St. JohnAmbulance……………………………………………………

Section Six – Additional Requirements

The following must be provided to the Council:

A detailed site plan showing the position of entrances and exits, control points, steward positions, stalls, marquees, exhibition units, car parking etc is required.

A generic risk assessment for the event, identifying all risks associated with the event and what preventative measures are to be taken to minimize these risks.

An Emergency Evacuation Plan and Event Safety Plan.

If permission is granted for the event, I hereby agree to comply with the conditions set out in this form, the hire terms and conditions and all reasonable instructions given by all authorized Officers of the Council.

Signed ……………………………………


Date ………………………………………

Please send this completed form, together with any supporting documentation to the following:
Wivenhoe Town Council
77 High Street
Essex CO7 9AB
Tel: 01206 822864
Fax: 01206 827298

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