HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: PM-3-90

SUPPORT SERVICESRevised: April, 2011

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Transportation of the client to and from the Day Away Program is essential for providing respite for the caregiver. It allows the caregiver to remain at home and provides additional time for rest. For the client it promotes independence from the caregiver and fosters the feeling of going off to a "club" with friends. In determining the appropriate form of transit for the client, safety, availability and client/caregiver wishes must be balanced.


  1. At the initial intake meeting(s) of the client/caregiver and the Family Support Counsellor or the Family Care Coordinator transportation will be discussed and if agreed upon, the mode of transportation will be added to the admission agreement. In certain cases the caregiver may choose to transport the client. Although the Family Support Counsellor or Family Care Coordinator can encourage the caregiver to use the existing transportation arrangements, the caregiver's choice must be respected.
  1. When using a volunteer driver, this driver will be introduced to the client before transporting and relevant personal and medical information shared. If the client exhibits behaviour which staff assess as difficult, then a staff member may initially accompany the volunteer driver when transporting this client. This will provide staff the opportunity to assess the situation and provide teaching as required, and it will also allow the driver and client to become familiar with one another.
  1. Whenever possible the same volunteer driver will be used with the same clients in order to build familiarity and trust with both the client and the caregiver.
  1. All volunteer drivers, or staff acting in this capacity will follow the policies and procedures as outlined in PM-5-170 (Emergency Procedures for Volunteer Drivers), PM-5-160 (Overnight Accommodation & Re-imbursement) and VM-4-80 (Reimbursement Of Volunteer Expenses).
  1. When using alternative methods of transportation, such as an HCSS van, SaugeenMobility and Regional Transit, etc., if client behaviour and/or client numbers using this means of transit could compromise clients' safety, then a staff member or trained volunteer will accompany the driver in transporting these clients.
  1. Regardless of the method of transportation, clients are expected to adhere to all provincial laws in regards to seatbelt usage. If the client is capable of understanding the consequences of their actions and chooses to not wear his or her seatbelt, staff will inform the client that they are responsible for any charges laid under the Highway Traffic Act. If the client is incapable of understanding the consequences of his or her actions, the substitute decision maker will be notified. In either situation staff may choose to document these issues in a letter, one copy going to the client/substitute decision maker and a second remaining in the client file.
  1. Regardless of method of transportation, the clients will be escorted to and from their home and facility by a staff member, volunteer or driver.
  1. No high risk client will be left at home alone, unless previous approval has been given by the caregiver. This will be documented on the service agreement. In extraordinary circumstances, a waiver of liability may be sought by the program staff.
  1. Clients and/or their caregiver may choose alternate transport arrangements to those provided by Day Away. If the safety of these arrangements is a concern to staff, the Family Support Counsellor, or the Family Care Coordinator,will discuss this with the client/caregiver.
  1. In the event that a client/caregiver wishes to cancel a prearranged ride, he/she will provide a minimum of one working days notice by calling the DAW program and leave a message if necessary. If sufficient notice is not provided, the client will be billed the minimum $10.00 fee. This will not be applied if circumstances beyond the clients’/caregiver’s control dictated a cancellation.
  1. Transportation costs to bring the client to Day Away and to take the client home are included in the daily fee for Day Away. However, when a client attends any Day Away site other than the one closest to their home (5 km. buffer one way), regardless of the reason, the client will be charged an additional transportation cost equal to the difference in distance between the closest Day Away site and the one they are attending.