Call for papers

The non-profit organisation Humatem, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the French Hospital Federation (FHF) invite you to send them your proposed papers for the conference “Equip’aid. Sharing for better healthcare” that they are organising from November 19 to 20, 2013 in Chamonix Mont-Blanc (Haute-Savoie, France), with the support of the World Health Organisation (WHO).


The conference “Equip’aid. Sharing for better healthcare” to be held in Chamonix Mont-Blanc (Haute-Savoie, France) from November 19 to 20, 2013, will bring together participants from Northern countries, countries in transition and developing countries.

This will be the first international meeting of reference devoted to the improvement of medical equipment support projects of healthcare facilities in the field of international aid. The term “medical equipment support projects” is defined as an international aid project aiming to improve the healthcare services of a healthcare facility through the reinforcement of itspool of medical equipment, through financial contributions or supply of equipment/equipment supply.


The conference will have the following objectives:

-Sharing information and experiences, by promoting dialogue between the stakeholders of medical equipment support projects,

-Identifying synergies, by examining the various practices and policies to transfer medical equipment and to make it available,

-Facilitating research work and transversal thinking about the issues of the sector, with the aim of improving practices over time,

-Developing a common vision around the orientation for thinking chosen for this first edition: “Sharing for better healthcare”.


The Equip’aidconference is intended to bring together, for the first time, all of the parties involved in medical equipment support projects in international aid actions:

-Representatives of civil society from the Northern countries, countries in transition and developing countries (associations, International Aid Organisations, International Migrant Aid Organisations, NGOs, collectives),

-Territorial authorities engaged in cooperation programs,

-Healthcare facilities involved in hospital cooperation programs and/or donors or beneficiaries/recipients of medical equipment,

-Companies in the healthcare sector (manufacturers, distributors, service providers, etc.),

-Organisations and resource people, experts (support networks, biomedical technicians and engineers, medical and paramedical personnel, researchers, economists, consultants, etc.),

-Training institutes and students,

-International Institutions (WHO, European Commission, national offices of International Cooperation Agencies, etc.),

-Funding agencies (World Bank, European Union, Agence Française de Développement, foundations, etc.),

-State figures: ministries (Health, Development, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Environment, etc.), State representatives (embassies, consulates, etc.).


The Equip’aid conference will be held over the course of two days, from November 19 to 20, 2013 at the Majestic Congress Center in Chamonix Mont-Blanc (Haute-Savoie, France).

It is being held within the framework of the 16th edition of the International Solidarity Week, a federating event in France.

The Conference will be organised in order to favor time for group and individual meetings with plenary sessions, workshops by topic, presentations of posters, audio-visual projections and spaces for informal exchanges.

The languages of the conference will be French and English with simultaneous translation of selected orals interventions.

The main topics planned are the following:

-The various forms of cooperation in medical equipment support projects (bilateral, between territorial authorities, hospitals, associations).

-The various intervention contexts (emergency, post-emergency and development, rural and urban, public and private, particular regional features, etc.).

-The place of donations of medical equipment within the framework of the Global initiative on health technologies launched by the WHO.

> Speech during plenary session by Adriana Velazquez Berumen, coordinator of Medical Device Unit, WHO

-The legal aspects of transfers (directives, laws and regulations that provide a framework for donations in the North, in countries in transition, and in developing countries, etc.).

-The obstacles to carrying out medical equipment support projects and the causes of failures in Northern countries, countries in transition, and developing countries.

-Good practices in medical equipment support projects (methodological tools, resources, available services and spaces for exchanges, innovative experiences and solutions).

-The importance of infrastructure in medical equipment support projects.

-The procurement of medical equipment (new or used, purchases or donations, local purchases or importing, adapted technologies).

-The logistics of transfers of medical equipment (specificities, available services, costs, etc.).

-The training of user personnel and biomedical workers.

-Local competencies and resources for the use and maintenance of medical equipment.

-The impact of medical equipment support projects on the management of healthcare facilities (financial impact and covering of costs, maintenance policies, management of electrical and electronic equipment waste and infectious clinical wastes, etc.).

-The specific constraints and the relevance of transfers of certain categories of medical equipment: medical imaging, operating rooms, anesthesia/intensive care, laboratory, dialysis, maternity, ophthalmology, dental, prosthesis and technical aids for disable people, hospital furniture, etc.

-The financing of medical equipment support projects (self-financing, financial contribution of the recipients, procedures and conditions for the interventions of funding agencies, etc.).


The Equip’aid conference organisers are issuing a call for papers. Proposals of oral presentations, posters or audio-visual projections must focus on one or several of the topics listed above (see “Organisation of the conference”).

It is requested that contributors focus on proposals of presentations based on field experiences, research work or studies for which the sharing would be useful for everyone’s information and for the evolution of thinking and practices.

Initially, contributors are invited to send to by E-mail before April 30, 2013, an abstract of the proposed presentation (this also applies to documentary films), in French or in English, according to the required format. > See proposal submission form (Word 97-2003 format or pdf format) on page 7.

For a proposal of projection of a documentary film that has already been made, the DVD containing the film, in French or in English, must be sent by post, at the same time as the summary, to the following address: Equip’aid c/o Alternacom, 41 Rue du Chemin Vert, 75 011 Paris (France).

The organisers will let the contributors know whether or not their presentation proposals have been selected by June 14, 2013 at the latest.

The proposals can be selected for an oral presentation in a plenary session or workshop, or for a poster or an audio-visual projection.

-If the proposal is selected for an oral presentation, the contributor will be asked to provide a complete presentation in French or in English, in PowerPoint form, of a duration set by the organisers. This will be specified later on to the contributor and can range from 10 à 20 minutes, according to its final destination (plenary session or workshop). The PowerPoint support must be submitted to the organisers on September 27, 2013 at the latest. Minor modifications can be made until November 8, 2013.

-If the proposal is selected for a poster, it must be of maximum dimensions 46 x 33 inches (118 x 84 centimeters - vertical format). The poster, in French or in English, must be provided by the contributor on the first day of the conference to be attached to the adapted supports made available by the organisers. The posters will be accompanied by a 5-minute oral presentation during the dedicated sessions.

-If the proposal is selected for an audio-visual projection, the DVD containing the documentary film, in French or in English, in the timing and the format agreed on with the organisers, must be sent by September 27, 2013 (if it was not already provided at the time of the submission).


-Maud Allegro, project officer capacity building and training, Cap Solidarités (France)

-Cathy Blanc-Gonnet, Director, Humatem (France)

-Bruce Compton, Senior Director, International Outreach, The Catholic Health Association of United States (USA)

-Nicusor Fota, Executive Manager, CRED Foundation, Romanian-Swiss Centre for Health Sector Development(Romania)

-Hugues Gaertner, Biomedical Engineer, Doctors Without Borders (Belgique)

-Pascal Garel, General Director, HOPE, Europe and International Pole Manager, FHF (Europe / France)

-Véronique de Geoffroy, director of operations, Groupe URD (France)

-Emmanuèle Gerdil, Pharmacist, General Secretary, Biologie Sans Frontières (France)

-Aurélie Jeandron, Biomedical Engineer, Researcher, President Humatem (France)

-Adjaratou Maliki Seidou, Hospital Biomedical Engineer, Ministry of Health of Benin (Republic of Benin)

-Robert Malkin, Professor of the Practice and Director of Developing World Healthcare Technology Laboratory, Duke University (USA)

-Shauna Mullaly, Biomedical Engineering Consultant, Tropical Health Education Trust (United Kingdom)

-Maurice Page, Biomedical Engineer, manager for international development, Humatem (France)

-Astrid Adriana Pozos Barcelata, Research Consultant, Investigación en Salud y Demografía S. C. (Mexico)

-Jean-Jacques Romatet, General Director of the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille, President of the International Relations Committee of the Conference of General Directors of University Hospital Centers (France)

-Benoît Silve, General Director, Institut Bioforce (France)

-Christian Troubé, journalist, director, Agence Rue Principale (France)

-Adriana Velazquez Berumen, Coordinator of the Medical Device Unit, WHO (Switzerland)

-Dr. Emmanuel Zida, Director of the Infrastructure, Equipment and Maintenance, Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso) (to be confirmed)



-European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE)

-French Hospital Federation (FHF)



The organisation of this founding conference is coming at the end of a three-year program of actions led by the non-profit organisation Humatem, entitled: “Strengthening cooperation tools and structuring the dialogue between donation stakeholders in the provision of medical equipment” (DCI-NSA/2009/205-811). This program, implemented between January 2011 and December 2013, is co-financed by the European Union (EuropeAid), the Rhône-Alpes region, the General Council of the Haute-Savoie, the municipality of Les Houches, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE), the Biologie Sans Frontières and Humatem associations. Moreover the Majestic Congress Center is kindly offered by the municipality of Chamonix Mont-Blanc.

Call for papers – February 2013


To be filled in and returned before April 30, 2013, by E-mail to

(in French or in English)

Information about the author(who will speak on the day of the presentation):

First name(s), Last name:

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., etc.):




Postal Code, City:


Telephone:Mobile telephone:


List of the co-authors (first and last names, organisations, countries):

Title of the proposed presentation:

If the proposed presentation is a documentary film:




Summary of the proposed presentation (300 words maximum, Arial font, 11 point, single spaced)

Please structure your summary as follow:

- Introduction

- Objectives

- Realisations

- Results

- Conclusions

- Outlook

Acknowledgements (optional - cite here your partners, donor agencies, people who provided substantial help with the study but who are not listed among the authors, etc)

This conference is financed by:

Call for papers – February 2013