Irlam Community Centre

Locklands Lane


15th September, 2005

Meeting commenced: 7.00 p.m.

" ended: 9.15 p.m.

PRESENT: John Shelley - in the Chair

Councillors Hudson, Jones, Kean and Lightup

John Morley - Irlam Rotary Club

Gladys Marshall - Over 50s Group

Chris Brereton - Salford Advertiser

N.C. Taylor - Irlam W.I.

Mary Cherry - Local History and Over 50s Club

Jean Dodd - St. John’s Church

Sergeant John Rowson } Greater Manchester Police

Sergeant Andy Robb }

Richard Abernethy - Irlam Accord

Pat Lever } Local Resident

Dave Lever }

Sheed Ali }

Tony Smith }

W. Brock }

Alan Rice }

Keith Hunt }


Ursula Sossalla-Iredale - Neighbourhood Manager

Reita Sheehy - NPHL

Simon Hood - Early Years

Guy Williams - Salford Community Leisure

Trupti Patel - Urban Vision

Nikki Park - Customer and Support Services Directorate


Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee - 15th September, 2005


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Hunt and Mann and Don Baxter, Terry Handsley, Nancy Heap, Rachel Slack, Christine Barwood, Sybil Norcott, Chris Trueblood, Basil Pearson and Judy Edmonds.

The Chairman referred to the tennis match held between Councillor Roger Jones and the Strategic Director of Environment, Bruce Jassi, which had been organised as part of the opening of the new tennis courts at Princes Park, and indicated that the score did not reflect the result of the match, and that he wished to thank Councillor Jones on behalf of himself and Members of the Community Committee for his participation in the event.


RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Community Committee held on 21st July, 2005, be approved as a correct record.


The Community Committee considered an action sheet arising from the meeting held on 21st July, 2005, with specific reference to the following:-

(a) Minute 6(e) - Community Action Plan Update

RESOLVED: THAT Councillor Keith Mann be requested to provide information at the next meeting of the Community Committee with regard to future arrangements, following the decision that had been taken by Salford CVS not to replace the Community Network representative in Irlam and Cadishead.

(b) Minute 6(f) - Adult/Lifelong Learning

RESOLVED: (1) THAT it be noted that copies of the prospectus outlining the courses that were being delivered across the city had been made available at the meeting.

(2) THAT an e-mail be sent to Linda Ross requesting details as to why information had not been circulated outlining courses that were available in Irlam and Cadishead.

(c) Minute 6(h) - Feedback from Tour of Liverpool Road

Councillor Roger Jones indicated that two meetings had been held to discuss issues along Liverpool Road and at the next meeting it was hoped that resources would be identified to enable appropriate action to be taken.

RESOLVED: THAT the information be noted and that an update be provided at a future meeting of the Community Committee as appropriate.

(d) Minute 6(i) - Councillor Hunt (Newsletter)

Ursula Sossalla-Iredale provided information with regard to the cost of printing copies of the newsletter.

RESOLVED: THAT future editions of the newsletter be printed in colour.

(e) Minute 6(k) - Highway Repairs

RESOLVED: THAT the schedule detailing priorities that had been identified for the area in terms of highway repairs be submitted at the next meeting of the Community Committee.

(f) Minute 7 - Budget Applications

RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that this item had been dealt with later in the meeting (Minute 19 refers).

(g) Minute 9(a) - Police Presence in Irlam and Cadishead

RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that this item had been dealt with later in the meeting (Minute 19 refers).

(h) Minute 9(c) - Improvements to Barton Cycle Track Phase 1

Trupti Patel reported on the proposals in relation to Phase 2 of the improvements to the Barton Cycle Track and indicated that it was hoped that details of the design would be available to display at a future meeting of the Community Committee.

Reference was made to (a) the surfacing of the highway in relation to the improvements to Phase 1 of the cycle track and (b) concerns expressed with regard to the timings of the traffic signals and those which were not working.

The Chairman indicated that United Utilities had now carried out the work required in relation to Phase 1, therefore, the surfacing works could now be completed.

RESOLVED: THAT Trupti Patel be requested to investigate the concerns raised in relation to the timings of the traffic signals and those which were not working.

(i) Minute 9(d) - Access to Information Regarding a Persons Medication/ Conditions/Allergies - Scheme Operating in Warrington

Members of the Community Committee were informed about the Access to Information regarding a Person’s Medication/Conditions/Allergies Scheme which was currently operating in Warrington, and the need for resources to be identified to enable the scheme to be operated within Irlam and Cadishead.

Councillor Roger Lightup referred to the ‘Message in a Bottle’ Scheme and the negotiations which were currently ongoing within the Greater Manchester area.

RESOLVED: THAT an e-mail be sent to the Strategic Director of Community, Health and Social Care requesting information with regard to the ‘Message in a Bottle’ Scheme, the amount of funding required and whether resources were available to operate such a scheme in the area.

(j) Minute 9(e) - Cadishead Community Hall

RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that the advertisement publicising the availability of Cadishead Community Hall for hire had been included in the latest edition of the newsletter.

(k) Minute 9(f) - Chemicals and Health Campaign

It was reported that a letter had been sent to Gary Titley, MEP, requesting assurance that he would personally vote to ensure that the new EU Chemicals Regulation was strong enough to phase out the worst chemicals in favour of safer alternatives, however, this had not been received, therefore, further correspondence had been sent and a response was awaited.

RESOLVED: THAT the response from Gary Titley, MEP, be submitted at the next meeting of the Community Committee.

(l) Minute 9(g) - Motorbikes

RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that this item had been dealt with later in the meeting (Minute 19 refers).

(m) Minute 12 - Bus Stop Improvements

RESOLVED: THAT further correspondence be sent to the GMPTE, prior to the next meeting of the Community Committee requesting a response in relation to whether it would be possible for real time passenger information to be provided in the area.


At the meeting of the Community Committee held on 21st July, 2005, (a) information was requested in relation to the ages of those persons who were causing problems on the Moss Vale Estate, with a view to identifying whether there was a need for a detached youth worker to be provided in the area, and whether this should be included in the Community Action Plan, (b) information was requested with regard to whether it was proposed to reduce the number of police officers or police community support officers operating in the area and (c) concerns had been expressed with regard to problems that were being caused by motorbikes in various parts of the area.

Sergeant John Rowson reported that (i) the ages of those causing problems on the Moss Vale Estate were between 12 and 19 years, and the young people usually congregated in groups of 5 or up to 20/25 plus, therefore, it was considered that the provision of a detached youth worker in the area would be of assistance, (ii) Greater Manchester Police, Salford Division was undergoing a major restructure which would involve a collection of officers working within a cell area, which would in turn reduce the time in which police officers were kept at a police station when involved in an arrest, however, such proposals did involve the loss of a community police officer in the area, (iii) there was no additional funding or proposals to increase the number of police officers and the restructure would involve moving a number of officers to the busiest areas of the city, (iv) in relation to statistics detailing incidents of crime, Irlam and Cadishead were low in comparison to other areas of the city, (v) the reduction of the police officer and whether in the future this would have an effect on anti-social behaviour in the area, would be monitored and addressed if required and (vi) Greater Manchester Police did have a policy in relation to motorbikes which detailed the action which could be taken.

Concerns were expressed with regard to (a) the mini-motorbikes which were causing a nuisance in the area of the Boathouse Public House, (b) large vehicles parking outside the newsagents before the Peel Green roundabout causing a road safety hazard and (c) the mini-motorbikes and whether it was an offence to use them on the highway.

Sergeant John Rowson reported that legislation indicated that the mini-motorbikes should not be used on the highway as they would not possess an MOT certificate, or adequate insurance.

Councillor Christine Hudson indicated that discussions had been held at a recent meeting of the Crime and Disorder Team with regard to the introduction of legislation which would require that such vehicles would need to be registered prior to their purchase.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the information be noted.

(2) THAT an update be provided at a future Community Committee to identify whether the loss of the community police officer had resulted in an increase in anti-social behaviour in the area.

(3) THAT Sergeant John Rowson and the Neighbourhood Manager discuss whether it would be possible to publicise an article in a future edition of the newsletter detailing the procedure for reporting nuisance caused by motorbikes.

(4) THAT the concerns raised with regard to the mini-motorbikes causing a nuisance around the Boathouse Public House and large vehicles parking outside the newsagents before the roundabout at Peel Green, be investigated.




The Neighbourhood Manager submitted (a) the recommendations arising from the meeting of the Irlam and Cadishead Community Initiatives Budget Panel held on 7th September, 2005, and (b) a financial position statement in relation to the devolved budget, as at 22nd August, 2005.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the recommendations of the Community Initiatives Budget Panel arising from the meeting held on 7th September, 2005, with regard to the applications from (a) Fiddlers Lane Community Primary School, (b) Air Training Corps, (c) Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee, (d) Salford Heart Care, (e) The Salfordian Trust Limited, (f) Cadishead Youth and Community Association, (g) Salford City Council on behalf of New Life Church, (h) NPHL (Moss Vale Residents Association), (i) Irlam MS Football Club, (j) Cadishead Public Band and (k) Lucy Winskill Sheltered Housing Social Group, be endorsed.

(2) THAT the financial position statement be noted.

(3) THAT it be noted that the Moss Vale Residents Association had expressed their thanks with regard to the funding which had been allocated towards the provision of CCTV in the area.


RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that there would be a special meeting of the Community Committee, to be held on 22nd September, 2005, at Irlam Council Offices, commencing at 6.00 p.m., to review the Community Action Plan.


The following issues were raised during the Open Forum:-

(a) Millennium Walkway, Path Outside Irlam Community Centre,

Locklands Lane, Irlam

Concerns were expressed with regard to the condition of the path outside the Irlam Community Centre, along Locklands Lane, due to the overgrown brambles/weeds.

RESOLVED: THAT an e-mail be sent to the Strategic Director of Environment requesting that the concerns raised be investigated.

(b) Traffic Signals at Fairhills Road, Irlam

RESOLVED: THAT information be submitted at the next meeting of the Community Committee following investigations with regard to the operation of the traffic signals on Fairhills Road.

(c) Cadishead Way - Cycle Track

Concerns were expressed with regard to the cycle track along Cadishead Way, as access was difficult, due to the overgrown verges and hedgerows.

RESOLVED: THAT an e-mail be sent to the Strategic Director of Environment requesting that the concerns raised be investigated.

(d) Proposal for a Tyre Incinerator, Partington

Concerns were expressed with regard to the proposed operation of a tyre incinerator in Partington.

RESOLVED: THAT an e-mail be sent to the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning requesting that a planning officer write to Trafford MBC to obtain information with regard to the abovementioned proposal.

(e) Traffic Calming Measures Allotment Road/Prospect Road

RESOLVED: THAT Trupti Patel be requested to investigate whether there were any proposals to introduce traffic calming measures on Allotment Road/Prospect Road.

(f) Expenses Incurred by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the

Community Committees

The Chairman requested information with regard to whether a procedure had been introduced to reimburse Members of Community Committees for expenses incurred whilst carrying out duties required by their role.

RESOLVED: THAT the Area Co-ordinator and Councillor Keith Mann be requested to investigate whether a procedure had been introduced to enable expenses to be reimbursed.

(g) Pothole on Path in Front of Irlam Library/Higher Irlam Post Office

Concerns were expressed with regard to (a) a large pothole which had appeared on the path in front of Irlam Library, as a gentleman had recently fell when it was full of water and (b) broken glass outside Irlam Library and youths congregating in that area.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT Trupti Patel be requested to investigate the concerns raised with regard to the large pothole in front of Irlam Library.

(2) THAT an e-mail be sent to the Strategic Director of Environment requesting that action be taken to remove the broken glass outside Irlam Library.


RESOLVED: THAT it be noted that this item had been withdrawn.


Simon Hood gave a presentation on the proposed children’s centres, the main points of which were as follows:-