University Undergraduate Programs Committee (UUPC) Minutes – Oct. 7, 2011
Members present: ChairJerry Haky, SC; Kenneth Keaton, AL; Ethlyn Williams, BA; Yan Yong, EG; Michael Harrawood, HC; Joy Longo, NU; Bebe Chang, Library; DeanEdward Pratt, Undergraduate Studies;Maria Jennings and Risa Polansky, Registrar’s Office.Members Absent: Ellen Ryan, CDSI; Elizabeth Villares, ED.Special Guests: Niki Wilson, Writing Across Curriculum (WAC).
Chair Jerry Haky called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
- Minutes and Announcements/Discussion
- Minutes:The minutes of the Sept. 9, 2011 meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Announcements/Discussion
- Chair Jerry Hakyreiterated the standing UUPC policy that if a college does not have a representative or substitute at a meeting, items from that college will be automatically tabled and moved to the end of the next month’s agenda. He noted also that representatives are expected to attend all meetings regardless of whether the college has items to present, and that substitutes are required in a member’s absence. He emphasized that it is unacceptable for a college to be unrepresented at a UUPC meeting.
- To encourage faculty to compose thorough syllabi that conform to UUPC guidelines, the committee agreed to provide a checklist along with course change/new course forms. After much discussion, it was decided that the checklist for now will serve as a resource, though if the trend of incomplete syllabi continues, the committee may revisit the issue and consider requiring that completed and signed checklists be submitted along with course change/new course proposals. The course forms will be updated to include “Syllabus checklist recommended” and the syllabus checklist will be added to the UUPC website.
- Representative Yan Yong of Engineering questioned why there is a deadline (Oct. 24) for University Catalog revisions given that the catalog is published only online. It was explained that, though revisions are accepted year round given the digital format, the annual call for revisions is designed to encourage all entities to review their entries and submit updates and revisions to ensure the catalog remains accurate and contemporary. Meeting the deadline ensures that submitted revisions are incorporated into the final, official version of the catalog in all black that is published in early March. All changes received after March will appear in red. Changes to courses and programs must be vetted through faculty governance. Editorial changes, modifications to elective selections, etc. may go directly to the catalog editors.
- To allow for more time to vet proposals and consult other entities for potential conflicts, the committee considered an earlier submission deadline for meeting items but decided against it. Instead, members are asked to submit electronic course proposals and curricular change memos to Maria Jennings in the Registrar’s Office as early as possible before the next meeting, but no later than a week before the meeting, allowing the agenda and website to be built in an expedient manner. Requests for course numbers should be submittedin advance to Risa Polansky in the Registrar’s Office.
- Chair Haky questioned whether course delivery method changes should come through the UUPC. The committee agreed that it is not necessary.
- Dean of Undergraduate Studies Edward Pratt informed the committee that he has seen 100 percent compliance in receiving General Education syllabi and announced that he will be forming an assessment committee offering a $500 stipend to fulltime faculty for a week’s work.
- Old Business
- CGN 4804C, Civil Engineering Design 2, tabled in September in anticipation of WAC vetting,
received WAC approval. The UUPC approved the course change. - EML 4142, Heat Transfer, tabled in September due to an incomplete syllabus, was resubmitted
with a satisfactory syllabus. The UUPC approved the prerequisite changes. - The proposed minimum grade and prerequisite changes for Biology courses remain tabled,
awaiting the UUPC’s requested revisions (divided elements) and an explanatory memo. Chair Haky said
David Binninger plans to attend next month’s meeting to addressquestions.
- Chair Haky noted that all of the conditionally approved courses of September received final
approval after the updated syllabi were reviewed.
- New Business University-Wide
- After soliciting new members with the aim of diversification, the WAC Committee has
appointed Dr. Fred Bloetscher of theDepartment of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics
Engineering, bringing membership to nine.The UUPC approved the appointment.
- New Business from the Colleges
- College of Arts and Letters program and course changes
Representative Ken Keaton informed the committee that the English Department’s proposed changes to the English Minor serve to streamline the existing five tracks into a single program. The amount of credits required, 15, remains the same. The prerequisite changes to the language courses come as a result of adding a new immersion course. Rep. Keaton also mentioned an effort to keep native speakers from enrolling in beginning language classes. Chair Haky asked why the Latin American Culture course has an SPN prefix, and Rep. Keaton explained that the class is taught in Spanish. Chair Haky also asked why the number for POS 3936 is changing and was told that the aim is to remove the course from the 900s category because it is not repeatable for credit as special topics and other 900 courses are.
ENG 4932 / Senior Seminar /
/ Change prerequisitesFRE 2220 / Intermediate French Language and Culture /
/ Change prerequisitesLIT 4194
/ Comparative Caribbean Literature /3
/ Remove corequisitePOS 3936
/ Research Methods in Political Science /3
/ Change course number (3703)SPN 1120
/ Beginning Spanish Language and Culture 1 /4
/ Change descriptionSPN 1121
/ Beginning Spanish Language and Culture 2 /4
/ Change descriptionSPN 1150
/ Intensive Beginning Spanish /8
/ Change descriptionSPN 2220
/ Intermed. Spanish Language and Culture 1 /4
/ Change prereqs. and descriptionSPN 2221
/ Intermed. Spanish Language and Culture 2 /4
/ Change descriptionSPN 2240
/ Intermediate Spanish Conversation /3
/ Change descriptionSPN 3410
/ Advanced Spanish Conversation /3
/ Change pre/corequisitesSPN 3501
/ Latin American Culture and Civilization /3
/ Change pre/corequisitesSPN 4790
/ Spanish Phonology and Dialectology /3
/ Change prerequisites and titleThe UUPC approved the Arts and Letters submissions.
- College of Businessprogram change and new courses
Representative Ethlyn Williams informed the committee that the new human resources course is tailored specifically to the hospitality industry, adding that Management Programs supports its creation. The new social media course is to be incorporated into the Management Information Systems major, which is also being updated when it comes to language: the Business Intelligence concentration is being renamed Business Analytics.
HFT 3221* / Human Resource Management for the Hospitality Industry /3
/ NewISM 4044** / Social Media and Web Technologies /
/ New* Approved by Management Programs ** OK’d by AL rep. on behalf of Sociology
TheUUPC approved the Businessprogram change andcourse submissions.
- College for Design and Social Inquiry new course
Because no college representative was present, the UUPC tabled this item.
PAD 4393 / Disaster and Emergency Management /
/ New (tabled)- College of Engineering and Computer Science course changes
Rep. Yongwithdrew the proposals to create CGN 2329C and CGN 3202 and to terminate CGN 2327. The remaining course changes bring prerequisites in line with the course consolidations approved last month.
CGN 2327
/ Fundamentals of AutoCAD /3
/ Terminate (withdrawn)CGN 2329C
/ Computing and AutoCAD /3
/ New (withdrawn)CGN 3202
/ Engineering Applications /3
/ New (withdrawn)CGN 4804C
/ Civil Engineering Design 2 /3
/ Add WACEGM 4045
/ Electro-Mechanical Devices /3
/ Change pre/corequisitesEML 3523C
/ Experimental Methodology /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 3701
/ Fluid Mechanics /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 4142
/ Heat Transfer /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 4262
/ Machine Design 2 /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 4380
/ System Dynamics /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 4500
/ Machine Design 1 /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 4521C
/ Engineering Design / 3 / Change prerequisitesEML 4534
/ Computer Apps in Mechanical Engineering 2 /3
/ Change prerequisitesEML 4730L / Mechanical Engineering Lab /
/ Change prerequisitesEOC 3114
/ Vibrations /3
/ Change prerequisitesEOC 3123
/ Fluid Mechanics 1 /4
/ Change prerequisitesEOC 3213
/ Materials 1 –Marine Topics /1
/ Change prerequisitesEOC 3410C
/ Structural Analysis 1 /3
/ Change prerequisitesEOC 4193
/ Ocean Thermal Systems /3
/ Change prerequisitesEOC 4201C
/ Engineering Materials 2 /4
/ Change prerequisitesTheUUPC approved the remaining Engineeringcourse submissions.
- Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College new courses and course change
After much discussion regarding what differentiates Honors Introductory Chemistry from the general introductory chemistry course offered as a basic class to non-honors students through the College of Science,*as well as lengthy discussion regarding the role of the UUPC in overseeing such courses*, Representative Michael Harrawood agreed to table the item to allow the instructor the opportunity to address questions and revise the syllabus if necessary. *Amendment added during UUPC meeting of 11/4/2011.
CHM 1025
/ Honors Introductory Chemistry /3
/ New (tabled)CLA 4436
/ Honors Ancient Greece /3
/ Add WACMAS 4302
/ Honors Modern Algebra 2 /3
/ NewSPN 2240
/ Honors Intermediate Spanish Conversation /3
/ NewTheUUPC approved the remaining Honorscourse submissions.
- Update from the Library
Representative Bebe Chang informed the committee that from October 17 to December 16, 2011, FAU is to host an exhibit of memorabilia from World War II bombardier and long-time Miss Universe President Harold L. Glasser.
V. Next Meeting/Adjournment
The next meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Nov. 4, 2011 in SU 80, room 132.
Chair Haky adjourned the meeting at 11:29a.m.
UUPC Minutes – October 7, 2011