Math 120 – 03: Elementary Functions

M W F 12:00 – 12:50

Instructor:Mr. Chris Staat

Office:Hinkle 131

Phone:745 – 3250

Hours:Office: MWF: 8:30 – 9:45, MWRF: 1:00 – 2:00

Math Lab: MWF: 10:00 – 11:00, T: 12:00 – 2:00, R: 12:00 – 1:00


Webpage: (This is the Blackboard Log In page.)

Text:Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra – 5th Edition

By: Crauder, Evans, Noell

We will be covering the majority of chapters 1 – 5.

Materials:We will be making substantial use of the TI-84 (or 83) graphing calculator.

This calculator is required for all sections of Math 120.

Homework:There will be homework assigned for each section (see last page for details). The purpose of these exercises is to get you familiar with the material of the section and the type(s) of questions and ideas that I expect you to understand. This will not be graded. However, if you do not work on the homework, it will be reflected in your weekly quiz scores and exam scores. Each class will begin with a little time devoted to questions about the homework.

Quizzes:There will be a homework quiz almost each Friday. The questions on these quizzes will be very comparable to homework assigned in sections covered during that week. The best 10 of these quizzes will be kept and count as 50% of your overall grade in the course.

Exams:There will be a midterm exam worth 20% of your overall grade and a final exam worth 30% of your overall grade. See the class schedule for the dates of these. These exams will both be fully cumulative.

Philosophy:The overall goal of this course is to provide you with some understanding of the role of mathematics in modeling the real world. Our approach makes significant use of technology, and so the development of conceptual understanding is just as important if not more so than the mastery of exclusively algebraic skills. Quantitative literacy, problem solving skills, and written communication of results will all be focuses of the course. This course does fulfill a Core requirement.

Grades:Your final grade will be computed by counting the average of your best 10 quizzes as 50% of your grade, counting the midterm exam as 20% of your grade, and counting the final exam as 30% of your grade. The scale will be as follows:

A = 94 – 100D+= 68 – 70

A-= 91 – 93D= 60 – 67

B+= 88 – 90

B = 84 – 87F= below 60

B-= 81 – 83

C+= 78 – 80

C = 74 – 77

C-= 71 – 73

I encourage each of you to come and see me in my office or the Math Lab with any questions or concerns you are having with the course and the material. We will dedicate some class time to homework questions, but this time will be limited by what we must cover each class. Thus, to get the most time possible for homework and review questions, come and see me in the office/lab.

I also encourage everyone to make use of the Math Tutoring Lab even when I am not on duty. When I am not in the lab, there is an upper level Mathematics major/minor on duty who can assist you. It is in Conaton Learning Commons (CLC) 419. It is free to all Xavier students.

Do not fall behind on homework!!! Come and see me if you’re struggling. It is much easier to catch up on one night’s worth of material than it is a week’s worth. So as soon as you are struggling, come and see me about it.


Date / What’s Happening / Date / What’s Happening
M 8/26 / Introduction, 1.1 / M 10/21 / 3.4
W 8/28 / 1.1 – 1.2 / W 10/23 / Chapter 3 Review
F 8/30 / HWQ #1 / F 10/25 / HWQ #8
M 9/2 / NC – Labor Day / M 10/28 / 4.1
W 9/4 / 1.3 / W 10/30 / 4.1 – 4.2
F 9/6 / HWQ #2 / F 11/1 / HWQ #9
M 9/9 / 1.4 / M 11/4 / 4.3
W 9/11 / 2.1 / W 11/6 / Review 4.1 – 4.3
F 9/13 / HWQ #3 / F 11/8 / HWQ #10
M 9/16 / 2.2 / M 11/11 / 4.4
W 9/18 / 2.3 / W 11/13 / 4.5
F 9/20 / HWQ #4 / F 11/15 / HWQ #11
M 9/23 / 2.3 – 2.4 / M 11/18 / Chapter 4: Further Look at Logs
W 9/25 / 2.4 / W 11/20 / Logarithm Review
F 9/27 / HWQ #5 / F 11/22 / HWQ #12
M 9/30 / 2.6 / M 11/25 / 5.1
W 10/2 / 3.1 / W 11/27 / NC – Thanksgiving Break
F 10/4 / HWQ #6 / F 11/29 / NC – Thanksgiving Break
M 10/7 / Fall Holiday - NC / M 12/2 / 5.1 – 5.2
W 10/9 / 3.2 / W 12/4 / 5.2 – 5.3
F 10/11 / HWQ #7 / F 12/6 / HWQ #13
M 10/14 / 3.3 / M 12/9 / 5.3, 5.5
W 10/16 / Review / W 12/11 / 5.5
F 10/18 / Midterm Exam / F 12/13 / 5.5 Review


Monday, December 16, 12:00 – 1:50

Homework by Section:

1.11 – 11 odd; 25, 27, S1 – S9 odd; S13, S15, S19

1.21, 3, 5abcd, 7, 11, 15, 19, 21, S1 – S19 odd

1.31, 5, 9abcd, 11abcd, 23, S1 – S25 odd

1.41 – 7 odd; 13, 19, S1 – S11 odd

2.11 – 9 odd; 19abc, 25, S1 – S25 odd

2.21 – 9 odd; 19, 21, S1 – S13 odd

2.31 – 17 odd; S1 – S23

2.41 – 13 odd; 25, S1 – S11 odd

2.61 – 7 odd;13, 17, 19, S1 – S15

3.11 – 19 odd; S1 – S23

3.21, 3, 5, 7abc, 9, 11, 13, 15, S1 – S21 odd

3.31, 3, 5, 7ab, 9, 11, S1 – S7 odd, S11 – S19 odd

3.41 – 9 odd; S1 – S11 odd

4.11, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, S1 – S9 odd, S15 – S19 odd

4.21, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, S1 – S21 odd

4.31 – 11 odd; S1 – S15 odd

4.41 – 15 odd; S5 – S23

4.57, 11, 13, 15a, 17ab; S11, S13, S15, S17, S23, S25, S27, S31, S33

Chapter 4: Further Look at Logarithms: p. 3131 – 11 odd, 17 – 23 odd

5.11 – 15 odd; 19, S7 – S15 odd; S21, S23, S25, S27 – S31

5.21 – 11 odd; S7 – S15 odd

5.31, 5, 7, S1, S5 – S13 odd

5.51, 3, 7 – 15 odd, 19, 23, S3, S5 – S9, S11, S15, S17; handouts

p. 393 #1, 3 – 7, 9