/ Dr. Chaya Koren
School of Social Work
Tel: +972-54-6345876
Room 2206

Late life couplehood (e.g. second couplehood in old age), intergenerational relationships in the family (e.g. Grandparent-adult grandchild relationship), ageism, the role of social work with the older population.

B.A. – 1980-1983 Tel-Aviv University The School of Social Work Bob Shapel

M.A. – 2000-2003 University of Haifa School of Social Work
Master Thesis: Late life widowhood, meaning in life and wellbeing

Ph.D. – 2004-2008 University of Haifa School of Social Work Ph.D. Dissertation: The meaning of second couplehood in old age from a dyadic view

Lecturer (full time) at the School of Social Work, the University of Haifa

Research Fellow: The Center for the Study of Society, the University of Haifa

Israel Science Foundation (ISF) – Grant Recipient for 3 years (October 2011- September 2014), grant amount for the first year: NIS 148,200

Project title: "The meaning of second couplehood in old age from an intergenerational and multi-cultural perspective."

Chapters in Edited Books

1. Band-Winterstein, T., & Koren., C. (2010). Who gives care to the caregivers?:" A retrospective view of professional workers with older people on shared war reality. In F. Azaiza, N. Nahmiash, & M. Cohen (Eds.), Social, health and education services in times of emergency. Haifa: Pardes. [Hebrew] (p. 229-245).

2. Zdun, S., & Koren, C. (submitted) Continuity and discontinuity of violent and non- violent behavior: The experience of everyday life among immigrants from the FSU in Germany and Israel. In R.K. Silbereisen (Ed.), Migration and societal integration.

3. Koren, C. (accepted for publication). What is ageism? In I. Doron (Ed.), Ageism in Israel. [Hebrew]

4. Eisikovits, Z, & Koren, C. (invited chapter). From advising to mentoring to becoming colleagues: an auto-ethnography of mentor-protégé relationship in social work education. In: S. Witkin (Ed.), Autoethnography in Social Work


1. Doron, I., Eyalon, L., Sheuvits-Ezra, S., Bodner, E., Inbar, N., Koren, C., Golander, H., Hazan, H., Carmel, S., Brodsky, J., & Goldberg, A. (2011). Ageism in Israel and Europe: Preliminary findings from the European social survey (ESS), Gerontology, [Hebrew].

2. Koren, C., & Eisikovits, Z. (2011). Life beyond the planned script: Accounts and secrecy of older persons living in second couplehood in old age in a society in transition. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28(1), 44-63, DOI:10.1177/0265407510385430

3. Eisikovits, Z., & Koren, C. (2010). Approaches and outcomes of dyadic qualitative analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 20(12), 1642-1655. DOI:10.1177/1049732310376520

4. Koren, C., & Doron, I. (2009). Bridging between the real and ideal practices of social workers in old age homes. Hallym International Journal of Aging, 11(1), 77-89.

5. Stock, O., Zancanaro, M., Rocchi, C., Tomasini, D., Koren, C., Eisikovits, Z., Goren-Bar, D., & Weiss, P.L. (2009). The design of a collaborative interface for narration to support reconciliation in a conflict. Artificial Intelligence & Society, 24, 51-59.

6. Koren, C. & Lowenstein, A. (2008). Late-life widowhood and meaning in life. Ageing International, 32, 140-155

7. Koren, C., & Doron, I. (2005). The social worker's role in homes for the aged: The real, the ideal and the gaps between. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 44(3/4), 95-114.

7a. also published as Koren, C., & Doron, I. (2005). The role of social work in old age homes: The real, the ideal, and the gap between them. Hevra and Revaha, 25(2), 185-206. [Hebrew]

8. Doron, I., & Koren, C. (2004). The social worker's role in homes for the aged: A twenty year perspective. Journal of Social Work in long Term Care, 3(2), 47-69.

8a. also published as Doron, I., & Koren, C. (2005). The role of the social worker in homes for the independent and frail older persons: A perspective of twenty years. Gerontology, 32(1), 39-61. [Hebrew]


9. Koren, C. (2011). Continuity and discontinuity: The case of second couplehood in old age.The Gerontologist, Advance Access published March 22, 2011, doi:10.1093/geront/gnr018

10. Koren, C., & Eisikovits, Z. (accepted for publication). Continuity and discontinuity of violent and non-violent behavior: Towards a classification of male adolescent immigrants from the FSU in Israel, Sociological Focus,

11. Band-Winterstein, T. Koren, C. & Eisikovits, Z. (accepted for publication). Memories of older women living in the shadow of intimate partner violence: A retrospective view. Megamot, [Hebrew]

12. Winterstein, T., Eisikovits, Z., & Koren, C. (2010). Between remembering and forgetting: Forgiveness among older battered women. Qualitative Social Work, OnlineFirst, published on May 18, 2010 as doi:10.1177/1473325010361998

13. Winterstein, T., Koren, C. (2010). "We take care of the elder but who takes care of us?": Professional workers with elders in a shared reality of war. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29(6), 772-792. DOI: 10.1177/0733464809357427