11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems


Genova -Italy,4-5 September 2017

www.mcis2017.webs.com /

Information Systems as Catalyst for the Alignment of Business Sustainability with Quality of Life


(Plenary room) / Stream A
(room 1) / Stream B
(room 2) / Stream C
(room 3) / Stream D
(room 4)
14.00-14.30 / Welcome / ---
14.30-15.30 / Keynote
15.30-16.00 / Coffee break
16.00-17.30 / --- / Session A1
Health IS - 1
Papers from Track 12 / Session B1
E-business and Business Analytics
Papers from Tracks 7 and 3 / Session C1
Innovations, methods and tools in information systems development-1
Papers from Track 8 and 16 / [Doctoral & Jun. Faculty Consortium continues]
Chair: tba / Chair: tba / Chair: tba
2, Eeva Kettunen, Tuomas Kari, Panu Moilanen, Hanna Vehmas and Lauri Frank, Ideal Types of Sport and Wellness Technology Users / 22, Hassan Dennaoui and Angelika Kokkinaki, GE-Government: A Geographic Information Based e-Government Citizens’ Adoption Framework / 42, Felix Sanchez-Puchol and Joan A. Pastor-Collado, A First Literature Review on Enterprise Reference Architectures
39, Hanna-Leena Huttunen,Raija HalonenandHeli Koskimäki, Wishes for Wearables from Patients with Migraine / 41, Katerina Kalaidopoulou, Stratos Triantafyllou, Anastasia Griva and Katerina Pramatari, Identifying Customer Satisfaction Patterns via Data Mining: The Case of Greek E-Shops / 60, Ioannis Patias and Vasil Gerogiev, Mobile Medical Applications: From Cloud-Oriented to Cloud Ready
34, Muhammad Usman Warraich and Irum Rauf, Studying Emotional Wellness with Wearables for Young Elderly - An Insight / 66, Theodoros Oikonomidis andKonstantinos Fouskas, Succeeding in the Mobile Application Industry: A Study of the top Applications in the Android Market / 57, Ivan Stanev and Maria Koleva, Method for Information Systems Automated Programming
29, Hwang Kim and Vithala Rao, Exploring Dependencies across Multiple Online Social Network Platforms: The Role of Overlapping Friends / 18, Maya Stoevaand Nikolay Pavlov, UI Remote Controlling Tool for Mobile Applications
09.00-10.30 / --- / Session A2
Health IS - 2
Papers from Track 12 / Session B2
Digital markets
Papers from Tracks 11 and 3 / Session C2
Innovations, methods and tools in information systems development-2
Papers from Track 8 / Session D2
IS Education in a Digital Business Process Transformation Perspective
Papers from Track 2
Chair: tba / Chair: tba / Chair: tba / Chair: tba
58, Dominik Rüegger,Mirjam Stieger,Christoph Flückiger,Mathias AllemandandTobias Kowatsch, Leveraging the Potential of Personality Traits for Digital Health Interventions: A Literature Review on Digital Markers for Conscientiousness and Neuroticism / 67, Angeliki Karagiannaki, Georgios Vergados and Konstantinos Fouskas, The Impact of Digital Transformation in the Financial Services Industry: Insights from an Open Innovation Initiative in FinTech in Greece / 31, Ross Veitch and Lisa F. Seymour, Business Process Model Reuse in a Multi-Channel - Multi-Product Environment - Problem Identification and Tentative Design / 65, Ioanna Talanti, Anna Kefala and Angeliki Poulymenakou, Technology-Mediated Learning Quality: Predictors of Lifelong Learner Satisfaction
59, Izienne Loriston, Edda Weimann and Peter Weimann, Conceptualising BPM Practice for Improved Patient Flow in Emergency Units of South African Hospitals / 9, Yichen Li, Ananth Srinivasan and Arvind Tripathi, Exploring Information Disclosure in Online Auctions / 4, Ahmet Coşkunçay, Ozge Gurbuz and Onur Demirörs, Transformation from Business Process Models to Process Ontology: A Case Study / 14, Lise Tordrup Heeager, Anna Boe Eldridge, Camilla Møller Toft and Andrea Carugati, Motivational Factors for IT Compliance With a Mandated IS: The Case of a University
46, Tobias Kowatsch,Fabian WahleandAndreas Filler, Design and Lab Experiment of a Stress Detection Service based on Mouse Movements / 32, Yifan Chen, Wolfram Salmanian and Asif Akram, User Acceptance in Sharing Economy - A Study of Transportation Network Companies in China / 38, Katalina Grigorova and Kaloyan Mironov, Graph-Based Approach for Representing Business Process Models in Case of Measuring Business Logic Dependencies / 6, Chrystalla Neofytou and Thanasis Hadzilacos, Developing a system to evaluate texts' suitability for use in Greek language teaching
1, Raija Halonen, Olli Martikainen, Sari Räsänen and Mika Uusi-Pietilä, Improved Dental Services with Process Modelling / 54, Olfa Chourabi, Daniel Lang and Imed Boughzala, Towards Gamification of the Data Modeling Learning
10.30-11.00 / Coffee break
11.00-12.30 / --- / Session A3
Health IS - 3
Papers from Track 12 / Session B3
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Papers from Tracks 3 and 13 / Session C3
Innovations, methods and tools in information systems development-3
Papers from Tracks 8
and 16 / ---
Chair: tba / Chair: tba / Chair: tba
21, Tanja Korhonen,Raija Halonen, Teija Ravelin, Jaana Kemppainen and Kyösti Koskela, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Serious Game Development in the Health Sector / 33, Brian O'Flaherty, Damien Organ, Maciej Nowak, Anna Padewska, Diego Alonso, Theodora Trachana, Katerina Pramatari, Klaus Sailer and Kristoffer Buch, Towards Born European ICT Enterprises - The Challenges of European ICT Entrepreneurship / 45, Rogier Van de Wetering, Patrick Mikalef and Adamantia Pateli, How Strategic Alignment of IT Flexibility, a Firm’s Networking Capability, and Absorptive Capacity Influence Firm Innovation
30, Meke Iyaloo Kapepo and Fillemon Johannes, Exploring Contradictions in the Namibian Health Referral System: An Activity Ttheory Perspective. / 50, Niki Kyriakou and Euripidis Loukis, Hard and Soft ICT Capital and Cloud Computing Benefits / 55, Christina Garner Sixhøi and Lea Lucie Askholm Larsen, Enhancing IT Governance through Linking Mechanisms
11, Olli Isotalus andRaija Halonen, e-Prescription from the Physicians’ View in the Public Sector / 19, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Kostas Kolomvatsos, Kyriaki Panagidi and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades, Investigating the Business Potential of Internet of Things / 63, Mouna Ben Chouikha, Salem Ben Dhaou Dakhli and Salem Ben Dhaou Dakhli, Informational Support for Information Systems Governance: The Applicative Cartography Repository
53, Olfa Chourabi, Iman Ben Hamouda and Imed Boughzala, Understanding the barriers to Knowledge sharing in the French healthcare system: An exploratory assessment of physicians’ perspectives / 35, Joshua Doe, Rogier Van de Wetering, Ben Honyenuga and Johan Versendaal, Toward a Firm Technology Adoption Model (F-TAM) in a Developing Country Context
12.30-13.30 / Lunch break
13.30-15.00 / --- / Session A4
Papers from Track 10 / Session B4
Big Data and Business Analytics Ecosystems
Papers from Track 1 / Session C4
Omni-channel retailing and ICTs
Papers from Tracks 9 and 14 / ---
Chair: tba / Chair: tba / Chairs: Ilias Kapareliotis and Ioannis Krasonikolakis
24, Maria Karyda, Fostering Information Security Culture in Organisations: A Research Agenda / 49, Ilias Pappas, Maria Letizia Jaccheri,Patrick MikalefandMichail Giannakos, Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Through Big Data: Developing a Research Agenda / 25, Jing Lyu,Mike MolesworthandIoannis Krasonikolakis, Understanding How Smartphone’s Usage Shapes In-store Consumer Experience: An Empirical Study of Mobile Retailing in the UK Apparel Sector
17, Nur Sena Tanrıverdi and Bilgin Metin, Students and Information Security Culture in Organizations / 7, Tobias Engel, Nils Meier and Thorsten Möller, Proposing a Supply Chain Analytics Reference Model as Performance Enabler / 26, Athanasios G. Patsiotis and Marwan Atik, Mobile Marketing Tools and the Consumer Decision-making Process.
20, Ioannis Paspatis, Aggeliki Tsohou and Spyros Kokolakis, Mobile Application Privacy Risks: Viber Users’ De-Anonymization Using Public Data / 51, Kalinka Kaloyanova and Tsvetomir Hristov, A Framework for Exploring Specific Big Data Decisions / 40, Kushal Saha and Subir Bhattacharya, Economic Perspective of Omnichannel: A Preliminary Analysis
3, Tilahun Arage, Investigating the Moderating Impact of National Culture in Information Systems Security Policy Violation: The Case of Italy and Ethiopia / 69, Viktor Dmitriyev, Felix Kruse, Hauke Precht, Simon Becker,Andreas SolsbachandJorge Marx Gómez, Building a Big Data Analytical Pipeline with Hadoop for Processing Enterprise XML Data / 28, Karin Högberg, Social Media Use in and by Hotel Organizations- An Explorative International Study
15.00-15.30 / Coffee break
15.30-17.00 / --- / Session A5
(Privacy & Employee Work)
Papers from Tracks 5,6,10,13 / Session B5
Blockchain Applications
Papers from Track 5 / Session C5
General Track
Papers from Track 16 / ---
Chair: tba / Chair: tba / Chair: tba
23, Andreas Skalkos,Aggeliki Tsohou,Maria KarydaandSpyros Kokolakis, Investigating the Values that Drive the Adoption of Anonymity Tools: A Laddering Approach / 36, Angelika Kokkinaki,Svetlana SapuricandIfigenia Georgiou, In Which Distributed Ledger do we Trust? A Comparative Analysis of Cryptocurrencies / 47, Bjarne Rerup Schlichter, Facilitated Co-Sourcing in Action
37, Stelios Karagiannis and Emmanouil Magkos, Decentralized Internet Privacy: Towards a Blockchain Framework for Healthcare / 62, Efpraxia Zamani and Ioannis Babatsikos, The Use of Bitcoins in Light of the Financial Crisis: The Case of Greece / 8, Makoto Nakayama, Eli Hustad, Norma Sutcliffe and Gajendra Pareek, Managing ERP Customization Expectations with Organizational Change Management
10, Tuomas Kari, Markus Makkonen and Lauri Frank, The Effect of Using Noise Cancellation Earplugs in Open-Plan Offices on the Work Well-Being and Work Performance Of Software Professionals / 68, Tetsuya Saito, Value Creation of Cryptocurrency / 64, Teresina Torre and Daria Sarti, Work flexibility and ICT use for professional purposes. First evidence from the European context.
27, Dimosthenis Kotsopoulos,Thanasis Papaioannou, George Stamoulis andKaterina Pramatari, An Exploration of Parameters Affecting Employee Energy Conservation Behaviour at the Workplace: Towards IoT-Enabled Behavioural Interventions / 5, Adam Hayes, Bitcoin Price and its Marginal Cost of Production: Evidence for a Fundamental Value
17.00-17.15 / Conference closure & MCIS 2018 / ---

List of Tracks

No. / Track theme / Track Chairs
1 / Big Data and Business Analytics Ecosystems / Ilias O. Pappas,Patrick Mikalef,Michail N. Giannakos, John Krogstie, George Lekakos
2 / IS Education in a Digital Business Process Transformation Perspective / Bjarne Rerup Schlichter, Nikolaus Obwegeser, Pantelis M. Papadopoulos
3 / Entrepreneurship and Innovation / Konstantinos Fouskas, Angeliki Karagiannaki
4 / Large Scale Implementations and IT Megaprojects / Andrea Carugati, Lapo Mola
5 / Blockchain Applications / Efpraxia Zamani, Aggeliki Kokkinaki, Svetlana Sapuric
6 / Corporate online communities: The organizational impacts of employees as electronic crowds / Joao Cunha, Petros Chamakiotis
7 / E-business and Business Analytics / Panagiotis Adamopoulos, Katerina Fraidaki, Vilma Todri
8 / Innovations, methods and tools in information systems development / Kalinka Kaloyanova, Vladimir Dimitrov, Snezana Savoska
9 / Omni-channel retailing and ICTs / Ilias Kapareliotis, Ioannis Krasonikolakis
10 / Trust, Security and Privacy / Maria Karyda, Aggeliki Tsohou
11 / Digital markets / Panos Markopoulos, Christos Nikolaidis, Ariana Polyviou
12 / Health IS / Panos Kourouthanassis, Petros Kostagiolas, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
13 / Internet of Things (IoT) Information Systems Transform Business and Life / Cleopatra Bardaki, Antonio F. Skarmeta Gómez, George Dimitrakopoulos
14 / ICT and hospitality and tourism / Mario Saba, Béatrice Béllini
15 / ICT and CSR in a complex Sustainable World / Charbel Chedrawi, Sana Rouis Skandrani, Sabrina Bonomi
16 / General Track / Antoine Harfouche, Ada Pateli, Ariana Polyviou

MCIS 2017 Conference Officers

Conference Co-Chairs
Terry Torre, University of Genova, Italy
Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics Business, Greece
Angelika Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia, Cyprus / Doctoral and Junior Faculty ConsortiumCo-Chairs:
Panos Kourouthanasis, Ionian University, Greece
Cathy Urquhart, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Stefano Za, LUISS, Italy
Program Co-Chairs
Antoine Harfouche, University Paris Nanterre, France
Ada Pateli, Ionian University, Greece
Ariana Polyviou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus