MISSION STATEMENT: Promote and support the American Legion and its programs. To call for an accounting of ALL Prisoners of War and those missing in action and to honor the memory of those killed in action and support their families

Support American Veterans God Bless America!

Director: (Mary Green):

-Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM: Total present: 33 members.

At this time there are 109 members in the Post 136 Americal Legion Riders

New Member Application:

-Dennis Kaylor a member of the SAL

Secretary (JoAnna Brown) Minutes:

-June 2017 minutes sent by e-mail and posted at meeting. Minutes stand as presented.

-If you need the minutes mailed to you please contact Joanna at 785-527-0761.

Chaplain: (Susan Lee) Sick Call: Prayers needed for Bruce Simmons, Ron Vangas, Susan Lee, Area Director-Kenny White, Monta Plank, Nan Wise, Rick Babinger, David Clayton, Jo Jo’s mother, Birdie, and Melinda McDonough If you have a prayer request Susan’s email is:

-Susan has taken over the schedule for putting up flags at the post for national holiday, service birthdays, veteran’s days. Please sign up in the notebook that is being passed around. It has all the holidays for the remainder of 2017 and 2018.

Guest Presentation:


Treasurer: (Tracy Kinnick):-No corrections to the Financial Report. The report stands as read

Veteran’s Coordinator: (Rob Brown):

It is our post’s turn to put up the Flags at the Dole VA for Patriot’s Day. Meet at the Dole VA at 7 AM. September 11, 2017.

-Operation Surprise that was scheduled for September 9, 2017 was postponed for a later date. In the future gift cards will be purchased and provided to the individuals rather than cash.

-Banana Run is December 10, 2017 which is also the meeting date. This will include the choir. Also looking into doing the Banana Run in the morning vs 1 PM. More to come on this.

-Friday August 25, 2017 The Robert J. Dole VAMC’s social Work program is presenting a community training opportunity to enhance skills to best serve the Veteran Homeless population- 8 AM to 4:30 PM.

Co-Director: (Chuck Vrana):


Legion Commander: (Steve Coberley):

-Old Settlers Day is August 19-20, 2017. The Legion will have horseshoe tournament and the booth downtown.

-There is a sign up book at the front door of the Post to sign up to work at the booth.

-The store room needs to be cleaned out and a date for this will be sent out.

The next Legion meeting will be September 11, 2017

-Per Jerry Allen: The Mulvane Old Settler’s Day paradfe atarts at 11 AM Flag up at the Post. There will be a briefing at 10 AM. There will be 3 stops to get off the bikes and pass out candy. At the end of the route pull over, 2 abreast and salute the colors as they go by.

SAL Commander (Jerry Armstrong)

-Brats and hamburgers will be cooked and served on August 19, 2017 for donation only during the horseshoe tournament of Old Settler’s Weekend. Horseshoes will start at 10 AM.

-$700 was set aside to rebuild the horseshoe pits. This will occur September 9, 2017 and all help will be appreciated.

-The Boyscouts completed their first Legion Rider’s highway clean-up. There were 14 kids and 5 adults. Tammy Mintler and Jerry Armstrong were there for the first clean-up to provide assistance.

-September 10, 2017 is the next meeting.

Ladies Auxiliary President (Tracy Kinnick)

-The Auxiliary will be celebrating Angel Day on August 22, 2017. And she wanted to open this opportunity to the entire post. The Auxiliary will take donations or $$ to purchase personal items to the VA. She will place a box by the front door for donations.

Fundraising Chairperson (Diana Nelson):


Patriot Guard & Road Captain (Terry Houck):

-Waiting to hear if the Patriot Guard will be invited to the funeral for Corporal Nathan Ordway who died in the line od duty Saturday, August 5, 2017. Check the Patriot Guard website for potential mission information.

-6 Riders went to Junction City funeral for Vietnam War Veteran US Army CSM Charles W. "Chuck" / "MacGyver"Ford. Chuck

-Two ‘Patriot Guard’ painted rocks were donated to the Legion.

Unfinished Business:

-Nation of Patriots is July 21, 2017, 10 riders participated and 9 riders participated on July 22, 2017. $1223 was raised for Veterans in our community.

-The proposed Resolution that was sent to the State ALR Director, asking that it be put on the agenda, the Resolution has now been divided into 5 separate Resolutiuons and resubmitted.

-Jerry Berry is taking T-shirt orders until Wednesday, August 16, 2017. After that date the order will be placed.

New Business/Reminders:

-Doug Lehman made a motion to donate $100 to the Chief Petty Officer Account. Jerry Armstrong seconded the motoion. The motion did not pass.

-There will be Omelets made to order by Larry Lee Saturday July 19, 2017 from 8-10 AM and again Sunday, July 20, 2017 from 9:30 until everyone served. The money raised will go to the concrete fund.

-Steve needs volunteers to help with the booth. Please sign up for 2 hour shifts in the red notebook.

-50/50 – Collected $72.00 with $36.00 going to the Operation Surprise at McConnell Air Force Base. Deb Herndon was the winner of $36.00. Congratulations Deb! Deb also generously donated $5.00 to Operation Surprise.


-Send any pictures you might have of the Legion Rider events to Jerry Kirk, Gary Donaldson and Vince McMullen to upload to the American Legion Post 136 Facebook page.

-Vickie Kalous mentioned that there is a nice new leather store that will provide a discount to Veterans called “Sassy Chaps Leathers”.

Two-Wheel Tuesday

August 15, 2017 Buffalo Wild Wings in Wichita

August 29, 2017 Magoos

Next Meeting: September 10, 2017 at 3:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned: at 4:00 PM Motion made by Rob Brown, Jerry Berry

Secretary: Joanna Ehrlich

Director: Mary Green