Y. Kozlovsky Golan
Dr. Yvonne Kozlovsky GolanJuly 2015
1.Personal Details
3 Recanati St., Tel Aviv 6949403 Israel
Home Telephone Number: +972-3-642-8043
Office Telephone Number: +972-4-828-8190
Cellular Phone: +972-544-601-292
Fax Number: +972-3-642-8043
Electronic Address:
2.Higher Education
A.Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Year of Approval of Degree / Degree / Name of Institutionand Department / Period of Study
1988 / B.Ed and Teacher’s License / Teachers College of Technology / 1984-1987
1997 / B.Ed and Teacher’s License / David Yellin College of Education,Jerusalem / 1995-1997
2000 / M.A., General and History / Tel Aviv University / 1998-2000
2003 / Ph.D., General History / University of Haifa / 2000-2003
B.Post-Doctoral Studies
Year of Completion / Name of Institution, Department and Host / Period of Study2005 / Yad Vashem, International Institute for Holocaust Research: The Baron Friedrich Carl Von Oppenheim Chair for the Study of Racism, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, founded by the Von Oppenheim Family, Cologne.
Host: Prof. Dan Michman, Chief Historian of Yad Vashem / 2004
2007 / Birkbeck, University of London, The Centre for New Zealand Studies. Society Fellow in New Zealand Studies
Host: Dr. Ian Conrich, Head, The Centre for New Zealand Studies / 2007
3. Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutes of Higher Education
Rank/Position / Name of Institution and Department / DatesLecturer / Kibbutzim College, Department of Cinema and Communications / 2002 - present
Teaching Fellow / Sapir College, Department of Television and Cinematic Art / 2002-2006
Lecturer / Sapir College, Department of Television and Cinematic Art; School of Communication / 2006 - 2011
Lecturer / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Education, Department of Teacher Education / 2007-2008
Teaching Fellow / University of Haifa, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies / 2009 -2011
Lecturer / University of Haifa, The Faculty of Humanities, M.A. Program in Culture and Film Studies / 2011- 2015
SeniorLecturer + tenure / University of Haifa, The Faculty of Humanities, M.A. Program in Culture and Film Studies / 2015 -
- Offices in University Academic Administration
●2002-2003: Assistant to Chairman of the Academic Channel and Dean ofStudents, University of Haifa.
● *2011 - present, Member of the steering committee of the Jewish-Arab Center. Initiated a collaborative venture between the Jewish-Arab Center,University of Haifa and Encounters Begegnungen 2005, Germany, for the Acre Project as a "Shared Space". Prepared the infrastructure for a collaborative three-year project.
● *2011-present, University of Haifa, head of the M.A. Program in Culture and Film Studies, formerly within the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, and since 2014 within the Department of Art History.
- Scholarly Positions and Activities outside the University
Membership in Academic Committees:
- 2002- 2003: Steering Committee, Center for German Studies, Ben-Gurion University
- 2002-2004: Member of the research group, "Kultur im Dialog Gefordert von der Kulturstifung des Bundes", Center for German Studiesat Ben-Gurion University.
- 2006 - Academic advisor of Encounters Begegnungen 2005 Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Hildegard Müller Vorsitzende Freundeskreis Deutschland.
- 2010- Member of awards committee, Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center (IICC).
Membership in Academic Panels:
1. 2005- 2006, Member of the academic panel for approval of advanced degrees
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Department of Communications.
Reviewer of Academic Manuscripts
- 2006 –Present, Reviewer forthe journal, Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of JewishStudies.
- 2008. Reviewerof research and book writing grant applications at the Israeli Directors and Screenwriters Association.
- 2009- Present, Reviewerin the Publishing House of Yad Vashem Holocaust Research Center, and for the Journal Yad Vashem Studies.
- *2010 - Reviewerof research and book writing grant proposals for ISF.
- *2012 -Present, Reviewerforthe journalNashim (Indiana University Press).
- *2013 – Present,Reviewerforthe journal European Journal of Women's Studies.
Membership in Other Associations:
- 2002 –Present, Member of General Union of Writers in Israel (GAG), member of the Editorial Board and Chairperson, Southern Branch.
- 2004 - Present, Member of the Israeli Motion Picture and Television Academy, the Association for the Advancement of Cinema in Israel.
- 2005- Present, Member of Editorial Board of Safra, the publishing arm of the Israel Association of Writers in Israel (GAG).
- *2011– Present,Member of the American Society for Legal History, USA.
Professional Activity Related to My Academic Field
- 2004: Executive Producer in Israel of the film "Lina and Leila," an Austrian-Israeli production directed by Michael Pfeifenberger.*2011.
- Haifa Film Festival, Chairman of the panel of judges for the young people's film competition.
- *2014: Academic Advisor for the documentary film "Night Will Fall".
Director: André Singer. Producer: Sally Angel.
- Participation in Scholarly Conferences
- Active Participation in Conferences Held Abroad
Role / Subject of Lecture/Discussion / Place of Conference / Name of Conference / Date / No.
Lecturer / "The death penalty for women and its representation in motion pictures." / University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa / The First International African Film and History Conference / July 6-8,
2002 / 1
Lecturer / 1."Until dead: The death penalty in the US and its cinematic representations"
2."Theoretical aspects of the links between trials and Cinema." / University of New England, Portland, Maine / "Guilt": A Conference on Law and Humanities. / June 14, 2003 / 2
Lecturer / "The Influence of the Nuremberg Trial and Marshall Plan on the Representation of the Holocaust in Cinema." / Center For The Study of Film And History, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin / Film and History, War and Genocide. / Nov. 11-14, 2004 / 3
Lecturer / "The Holocaust survivor in Israeli Cinema." / Imperial War Museum, London / Beyond Camps and Forced Labour - 60 Years / Jan.11-13, 2006 / 4
Lecturer / "Peace in Israeli Cinema." / Center For The Study of Film And History, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin / Film and History, The Documentary Tradition / Nov. 8-12, 2006 / 5
Lecturer / "From cinematic proverb to virtual reality: External effects on Holocaust representation in world cinema." / Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland / The Legacy of the Holocaust: The World Before, The World After / May 24-26, 2007 / 6
Lecturer / "New Zealanders and the Holy Land WWI – An introduction" / Centre for New Zealand Studies Birkbeck, University of London / New Zealand and the Mediterranean The 15th Annual conference of the New Zealand Studies / July 2 – 4, 2008 / 7
Lecturer / "The children survivors in world cinema after 1945" / University of Salzburg / "Children and War: Past and Present" / Sep. 30 -
Oct. 2,
2010 / 8
Lecturer / "Death in Love" / University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Milwaukee / The 2010 Film and History Conference: Representations of Love in Film and Television / Nov.
10-14, 2010 / 9
Chair, and
Lecturer / 1. Chair: The Holocaust in the Media
2. Lecture: "Left Out of the Frame" / San DiegoState University, California /
Western Jewish Studies Conference
/ *April10-11, 2011 / 10
Lecturer / Eastern Jewry Has No Room on the Screen (A Work In Progress) / Washington, DC / The Association for Jewish Studies 43st Annual Conference / *Dec. 18 – 20, 2011 / 11
Lecturer / The Holocaust in North Africa in the Israeli Media / Imperial War Museum, London / Beyond Camps and Forced Labour: Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution
4th International Multidisciplinary Conference at the Imperial War Museum, London / *Jan.
4-6, 2012 / 12
Lecturer / A Picture of Miscomprehension of the North African Jewry Holocaust and the Pogroms in Iraq in Western Culture and Society / Millersville University of Pennsylvania / The Holocaust and Genocide
in Art and Film 32nd Annual Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide
and the Holocaust Remembrance Week / *April
17 - 20, 2012 / 13
Lecturer / Between Redemption of Captives and Treason; A CulturalStudy of two TV Drama Series: "Hatufim"(Israel) and "Homeland" (USA) / UCLA, Los Angeles / 29th Annual Conference of the AIS, Association for Israel Studies. / *June 24-26
2013 / 14
Lecturer / ‘Mer Hamis's Children’ / University of Salzburg / Children and War: Past and Present / *July
10 –12, 2013 / 15
Lecturer / Forgiveness: Where Victim and Aggressor Merge / University of Wisconsin-Madison / Golden Ages:
Styles & Personalities, Genres & Histories
The 2014 Film & History Conference / October *29- Nov. 2, 2014 / 16
Lecturer / On the Judenrat
A discussion of Claude Lanzmann's film
“The Last of the Unjust” / Birkbeck,
University of
University of
Current International Research on Survivors of Nazi Persecution
Fifth International Multidisciplinary Conference at the Imperial War Museum, London / *January
7-9 2015 / 17
b. Active participation in Conferences held in Israel
Role / Subject of Lecture/Discussion / Place of Conference / Name of Conference / Date / No.Lecturer / "Pearl Harbor in the American and Japanese Memory and Consciousness, American and Japanese Films" / University of Haifa and the Israeli Navy / Pearl Harbor in a 60 Year Perspective
(International) / Dec. 6, 2001 / 1
Lecturer / Presentation of the "Academic Channel" / Israeli National Academy of Sciences / Presentation of the "Academic Channel" / February 6, 2002 / 2
Lecturer / The Death Penalty for Women - American Law and the Media / University of Haifa / Investigating Women / March 20, 2002 / 3
Invited Lecturer / "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Nuremberg Trials - Cinematic Example of Virtual Reality" / Ben-Gurion University, The Center for German Studies / Second International Graduate Students Conference New Research in German Studies: Culture in Dialogue
(International) / January 5, 2003 / 4
Keynote Speaker / "Tribunal to Freedom: Freedom of thought, forced hospitalization and the Senate Committees for the investigation of Communism" / Ben-Gurion University / Symposium on McCarthyism / May 28, 2003 / 5
Lecturer / "Hanged Until Dead: The death penalty in the US and its representation in Hollywood films" / University of Haifa, with Sapir College / The Cinema as the Court of History / June 1-2,
2003 / 6
Keynote Speaker / "Until dead: The death penalty in the US and its representation in Hollywood cinema." / Sapir College / Objection, Sustained; the Cinema as the Court of History - Cinematic Aspects of the Death Penalty in the United States / June 8, 2003 / 7
Lecturer / "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly": The Nuremberg Trials – Cinematic proverb to virtual reality." / Yad Vashem Jerusalem / Holocaust and Justice, postwar trials and Holocaust representation, awareness and historiography
(International) / Dec.19-21, 2006 / 8
Lecturer / "Move, point and shoot: Forced photogenic aspects of the Middle East in films portraying World War I" / Tel Hai Academic College / Palestine and the First World War: New Perspectives
(International) / Sep. 3-7, 2007 / 9
Lecturer / "Au Revoir, Les Enfants": The Images of Childhood and Youth in the Holocaust as Presented in the Cinema" / Beit Berl College,
Kfar Sava / Women and the Holocaust, The Fourth International Conference on Childhood and Youth Under the Third Reich –A Gender Perspective
(International) / October
29–31, 2007 / 10
Lecturer / "Political and Narrative Expressions and Ideas in the Israeli Documentary Cinema Dealing with Peace." / Tel Aviv University / Cultural Interaction in Israel and its Expression in the Arts. "Motar" Conference / February 12-13, 2008 / 11
Lecturer / "The Cinematic encounter between collective memory and personal memory." / Jezreel Valley Academic College / Artistic representation of Holocaust Memory / April 29, 2008 / 12
Lecturer / "Cinema, Medicine and the Holocaust: Between Ideology and Ethics" / Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya / The 9th Nahariya Conference on Illness and Medicine during the Holocaust, Angel Center, Western Galilee Medical Center,
Nahariya / May 5, 2009 / 13
Lecture / "Representation of the Holocaust Survivor in Israeli Cinema" / Beit Berl College and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Beit Hatefutsoth, Tel Aviv / Holocaust Survivors and the Israeli Media 1980 – 2009
(International) / July 8, 2009 / 14
Lecture / "The Shoah in the Cinema: Sexual Abuse of Women and Girls" / Hebrew University Jerusalem / 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies Hebrew University Jerusalem
(International) / August
2-6, 2009 / 15
Lecturer / "Until You are Dead: Capital Punishment in the United States, History, Law and Cinema" / Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem / End of the Road: On Death in Culture and Creation / Dec. 20, 2009 / 16
Panel Chair / "Memory" / Tel Aviv University / Fiction: Aspects of Israeli television features.
The 1st Conference on Television Studies / *January 26-27, 2011 / 17
Panelist/ Lecturer / Panel discussion: A critical look at the curricula of Communication Studies departments / Oranim College of Education, Kiryat Tivon / 1st Oranim Conference on the Media:
Facing challenges of the 21st century in present-day Israel / *March 6, 2011 / 18
Lecturer / Film and the Holocaust / Western Galilee College,
Holocaust Studies Program
and the University of Haifa's M.A. Program in Culture and Film Studies / Holocaust and Film – Cinema Teaching History (International) / *March
28-29, 2011 / 19
Panelist/ Lecturer / Panel on the film, "I was a doctor in Auschwitz," on the life of gynecologist Giselle Perel / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in association with the Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva / And you shall choose life: On choosing and creating life during the Holocaust: Obstetrics and gynecology during the Holocaust / *May 2, 2011 / 20
Chair / Panel: Testimonies in art and education / Western Galilee College, Akko, / The Future of Holocaust Testimonies II
(International) / *March 19-20, 2012 / 21
Chair / Critical Readings of Art and Visual Culture / University of Haifa / Encounters: Representations, Performances and Conceptualization of Encounters in Art History and Contemporary Visual Culture(International) / *May
2012 / 22
Chair / Memory, History, and the Land of Israel in Contemporary Israeli and PalestinianCinema / University of Haifa / AIS,
Multicultural Israel in a global perspective:
Between one society and many societies
(International) / *June 25-27
2012 / 23
Panelist/ Lecturer / Yiddish and cinema: an untended romance? / Hebrew University of Jerusalem / The Representation Of Jewish Languages On Screen
(International) / *July 15-17, 2012 / 24
rator / The Holocaust in Soviet Documentary Films / Yad Vashem, Jerusalem / Holocaust and the Jews in the Second World
War in Soviet Literature and Film
(International) / *Feb. 19-20, 2013 / 25
Panelist/ Lecturer / “Were the House Still Standing”: Women’s Holocaust Testimony: Exploring a Topography of Memory through
Digital, Visual, and Oral Storytelling. / Beit Berl College / The 6th International Conference
"Her Story": Transference methods of women's biographies and autobiographies from the Holocaust
(International) / * March 4-5-6, 2013 / 26
Lecturer / "Jewish and Israeli Cinema: Contacts and Conflicts" / Hebrew University Jerusalem / World Jewish Congress
(International) / *July 28 – August 1, 2013 / 27
Lecturer / "Michael Haneke and the Nazi Past" / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / The Richard Koebner Minerva Center
for German History
Annual Conference.
The Triumph
of Nazi Cinema:
(International) / *Nov. 3-4, 2013 / 28
Commen-ter / Dr. Yael Ben Moshe, “Living the trauma, or living in post-trauma: Films made after 9/11 in Germany, Israel and the US” / University of Haifa / 7th Annual Bucerius Research Workshop / *June 10, 2014 / 29
Lecturer / “What do we know about the Holocaust?” / University of Haifa / Conference on the Holocaust and the elderly (temporary name) / *June 17, 2014 / 30
Panel Chair, Lecturer / Israeli film / Sdeh Boker / Association of Israel Studies (AIS), conference
(International) / *June 23-35, 2014 / 31
c. Organization of Conferences or Sessions
Role / Subject of Conference/Comments / Place of
Conference / Name of
Conference / Date / No.
Organizer / Film, Law, and History / University of Haifa, with Sapir College / The Cinema as the Court of History (International) / June
1-2, 2003 / 1
Organizer / Sapir Academic College / The Visual Narrative of Holocaust Survivors in Israel / June 8, 2003 / 2
Member of the Organizing Committee / Cinematic Representation and the Holocaust Record in Feature Films: Hollywood and Israel / International Institute for Holocaust Research ,Yad Vashem
Jerusalem / "International Holocaust Symposium", in honor of the opening of the Visual Center at Yad Vashem
(International) / May 22, 2006 / 3
Member of the Organizing Committee / The Holocaust and Its Immediate Aftermath (1933-1947): The Press, Newsreels and Radio Broadcasts in Real Time / International Institute for Holocaust Research ,Yad Vashem / International Summer Workshop for Holocaust Scholars.
(International) / July 13-20, 2009 / 5
and Introductory
Speaker / Trends in contemporary Israeli cinema: Authenticity and discourse on the Second Generation of the Holocaust / University of Haifa / Israeli cinema - Israeli Cinema: Identities in Motion
(International) / *November 11,
2011 / 6
Organizer and Event Chair, Panel Chair, Introduc-tory Speaker / New data on Jews of North Africa / University of Haifa Culture and Film Studies with the University of Cambridge, Modern HebrewStudies / A study of Jewish and Israeli film and television
(International) / *August 18, 2014 / 7
*2011-2014 – Organizer of twelve one-day workshops of the MA program in Culture and film studies,in association with the Department of Communications, the Haifa Cinematheque, the Museums Department of the Haifa Municipality, and the Ministry of Education Pedagogical Secretariat. The workshops included papers by scholars, directors and producers from Israel and abroad:
Organizer and Introductory Speaker / Panel Chair and Chairman of event / “Cinema City”: Film and society in Haifa / M.A. Program in Culture and Film Studies in association with the Museums Department of the Haifa Municipality, and Haifa Cinematheque / Haifa on Film: "Cinema and Culture in Haifa", in association with the Haifa Cinematheque and the Council for Historic Preservation in Haifa / *December 29,2011 / 8
Organizer and Introductory Speaker / Panel Chair and Chairman of event / "Film and Education" / University of Haifa, Haifa Cinematheque, and the Ministry of Education Inspectorate of Technology and Communication / Film and Teaching / *March
2012 / 9
Organizer and Introductory Speaker / “Narrative and genre in Martin Scorsese’s latest films” with screening of Hugo / University of Haifa / Narrative and Genre / *June 6, 2012 / 10
Organizer, Introductory Speaker,
Lecturer / “Censorship in British Film of the 1930s” / University of Haifa / Censorship in British Film of the 1930s with Guest Lecturer Prof.
Ian Conrich, University of London (International) / * November 7,
2012 / 11
Organizer, Introductory Speaker,
Lecturer / “Law and Film”: Discussion of criminal law and film and documenta-ries on law and filmwith screening of Sharon Ben-Ziv’s film Room 514. / University of Haifa, Haifa Cinematheque, and the Israel Bar Association-Northern District / Marking the Publication of Prof. Shlomit Almog’s Law and Film / *13 March, 2013 / 12
Organizer, Introductory Speaker, and
Lecturer / "War in Israeli film: Historical and critical approaches: Adiscussion of Yariv Horowitz’s Rock the Casbah (2012) / University of Haifa / One-day conference: “They shoot - and weep” / *June 19,
2013 / 13
Organizer and
Introductory Speaker / University of Haifa / Pitching Workshop and preparing for presentations to top Hollywood figures in the film industry:
Lecture by producer Howard Rosenman,screenwriter/actor, Peabody Award winner for the film The CelluloidCloset (1997)
(International) / * Nov. 6, 2013 / 14
Organizer and Introductory Speaker,
lecture / “Mizrahi cinema in Israel: An oxymoron? Chronology of a social struggle.” Screening of Yitzhak Halutzi’s film, Vicky Shiran Breaks Down the Wall / University of Haifa / “Mizrahi Cinema in Israel” / * January 8, 2014 / 15
Organizer and
Introductory Speaker / University of Haifa / Pitching Workshop
Project Cancer (2013): Lecture by the Slovenian Film Director Damjan Kozole (International) / *May 14, 2014 / 16
- Invited Lectures – Abroad
Presentation/Comments / Name of Forum / Place of Lecture / Date / No.
"The Shaping of the Holocaust Visual Conscience by the Nuremberg Trials, Birth of the Holocaust in Hollywood-Style Motion Pictures: The Impact of the Movie Nazi Concentration Camps" / Keynote speaker
All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation Scientific Educational Center of the Jewish History & Culture "Tkuma" Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine / Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine / September 17-21, 2006 / 1
“Crime and Punishment, Hollywood-Style: The Death Penalty in American Cinema” / Invited lecture
The Baron Fund for Ethics Education Institute of Public and Urban Affairs School of Theatre, Television, and Film of San Diego State University / San Diego State University / *April 12,
2011 / 2
“A Picture of Miscomprehension of the North African Jewry Holocaust and the Pogroms in Iraq in Western Culture and Society” / Invited lecture
The Holocaust and Genocide
in Art and Film
32nd Annual Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide
and the Holocaust Remembrance Week / Millersville University of Pennsylvania / *April
17 - 20, 2012 / 3
The Judenrat and the Nazi Racial Policies: Ethical issues in Claude Lanzmann’s Last of the Unjust (2013).” / 1. Invited as a special expert in history, law and film to Boston College for theLaw, to participate in the International Conference “Legally blind: Law, ethics and the Third Reich”
2. Invited to give a special lecture at Brandeis University while in Boston. / Boston College of the Law in association with Brandeis University, Waltham MA, USA / *March 10-15, 2015 / 4
- Research Grants
Grants Awarded