Nushagak River photo captions
Above New Stuyahok
1778 - Confluence of the Nushagak and Mulchatna Rivers, from the bluffs of the Nushagak.
1779 - Islands in the Nushagak River, near the Mulchatna River confluence.
1785 - Nushagak River sunset, near the Mulchatna River confluence.
1794 - Evening sky over the Nushagak River.
1798 - Hig paddling into the evening on the Nushagak River.
1800 - Tundra hillside and forested slopes above the Nushagak River.
1813 - Forests along the Nushagak River.
1818 - Floatplanes on a gravel bar island on the Nushagak River.
1830 - Bald eagle resting on a log along the Nushagak River.
New Stuyahok and Ekwok
1834 - Duckling in the Nushagak River near New Stuyahok.
1835 - Duckling swimming up to a skiff at New Stuyahok.
1840 - Salmon strips drying in New Stuyahok.
1841 - Boy waving from the back of a 4-wheeler in New Stuyahok.
1847 - Boats lined up on the shore at New Stuyahok, my Alpacka raft in foreground.
1850 - Hig and Tom floating away from New Stuyahok, past a barge.
1855 - New Stuyahok village, visible as a tiny speck on the banks of the Nushagak River.
1859 - Antler decorated drying rack in Ekwok.
1865 - Salmon strips drying in Ekwok.
Below Ekowk
1872 - Tom paddling and trolling in the Nushagak River.
1873 - Buildings on the shore of the Nushagak River, below Ekwok.
1874 - Spruce leaning out over a bluff full of swallow homes along the Nushagak River.
1881 - Hig and Tom floating in the Nushagak River.
1882 - Hig paddling behind a log on the Nushagak River.
1886 - Spruce leaning over the banks of the Nushagak River, looking upstream.
1892 - Hig and Tom in the Alpacka rafts, under a sky of puffy clouds on the Nushagak River.
1894 - Hig filming swallows along the bluffs of the Nushagak River.
1897 - Swallows speckle the sky over the Nushagak River.
1902 - Boat steaming up the Nushagak River.
1904 - Fish camp on the lower Nushagak River.
1907 - Float plane taking off up the Nushagak River.
1911 - Hig starting a smoky fire on a small muddy beach along the Nushagak River.
1915 - Tundra flats along Nushagak Bay.
1918 - Hig and Tom on the tundra flats along Nushagak Bay.