Stag Appraisals For Railway Stations

1.  Background

1.1  Over the past year or so SEStran has received several requests from Councillors, MSPs, Members and prospective Members of Parliament and others for transport studies into the provision of new rail stations in the SEStran area.

1.2  Such studies would normally be undertaken in accordance with The Government’s Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG).

1.3  The potential stations in question would include Grangemouth and High Bonnybridge (both Falkirk Council) and Newburgh (Fife Council). Any study for the latter would most likely also include a possible Bridge of Earn Station in partnership with Tactran/Perth & Kinross Council

Current Position

2.1  The reduction in overall Scottish Government revenue grant to SEStran has put further constraint on the ability of SEStran to fund projects such as STAG studies into new stations, even when funded in partnership with relevant Local authorities.

2.2  The development of the Railways in Scotland is primarily the function of the Scottish Government/Transport Scotland and SEStran will seek to progress rail projects through these channels, including the promotion of SEStran projects in the Government’s forthcoming High Level Output Statement that will inform Network Rail’s Control Period 5 (2014-19).

2.3  There may also be opportunities to promote relevant schemes through the planning of the ‘general projects’ included in the Governments Strategic Transport Projects Review. Some of the more relevant ones in this respect would be Project 15 (Edinburgh to Glasgow rail improvements), Project 20 (Grangemouth Road and Rail Access Upgrades) and projects involving the Highland Line and the Fife Network (e.g. Projects 7 ,13, 17 and 28).

2.4  It is the intention to include relevant rail projects in the development of the first revision of the SEStran Regional Transport Strategy. It is presently envisaged that the work on revising the RTS will start in 2011. The RTS will be subject to the STAG procedure and will require approval by the Transport Minister.

3  Recommendation

3.1  The Board is asked to

3.1.1  note the content of this report; and

3.1.2  agree the promotion of proposed new rail stations in accordance with section 2 of this report.

Trond Haugen

Advisor to SEStran

27 January 2010

Policy Implications / None
Financial Implications / None
Race Equalities Implications / None
Gender Equalities Implications / None
Disability Equalities Implications / None