Leadership Qualification - County Information Form

Part 1

The Division/District Commissioner should complete this form with the new leader and return to the county Leadership Co-ordinator, you may wish to keep a record for yourself & the division leadership co-ordinator.

Title: Ms/Miss/Mrs NAME: ______

Membership number: this can be sent on later ______

ADDRESS: ______

______POSTCODE ______


Please use an e-mail address that you use regularly as all information regarding your leadership training and all county training and news will come to this address

I don’t have an e-mail I need to be contacted by


Telephone - landline or mobile (text message) …………………………………………………………………
Facebook messenger

UNIT NAME: ______Rainbows/ Brownies /Guides


Please tick as applicable:
Change of section module 1

Leadership Qualification as a Young Leader modules 1 - 3 (age 16 to 18 year olds)

Leadership Qualification as an Assistant Leader modules 1-3

Leadership Qualification as a Unit Leader modules 1 - 4

Mentors Information

Mentors Name: ______

Mentors E-mail Address ______
Mentors Membership Number: ______

Signed ______


Date: ______

Welcome to Girlguiding in Cumbria South

Part 2
new leader leadership support & training information

The Girlguiding leadership qualification is to help all new members learn 'good practice' and keep Girlguiding to a 'common standard', the qualification should be gained within 2 to 3 terms and is work based within the unit meetings, with extra day courses to help support you in your role as an adult member.

Your support team is:

Division / District commissioner ......

contact details ......

Division leadership Coordinator ......

contact details

Mentor ......
contact details

Unit leader ......

The next available training dates are:

Course / Date / Booked on
Section Training
First Response
Basic Training A Safe Space
Basic training Go & Join us
Basic Training Promise & Programme

You will shortly receive a work book, this is split into modules and there is information for you to read and work through with your support team, each part will be signed off as you complete the activity. If you need more support please get in touch straight away and let us know how we can help

Thank you for volunteering with Girlguiding Cumbria South

County Leadership Coordinator:

Vicky McDougall – Elder Grove, Lake Road, Ambleside, Cumbria. LA22 0DB


September 2016 edition