PAGE Mauritius National Logframe (26 May 2015) - Draft

Intended Results / Indicators / Sources/Means of Verification / Assumptions/
External Factors / Supporting PAGE Agencies/Fund holder* and Partners
Impact [Overall Long Term Goal, by 2030] / Impact Indicators
Mauritius is transforming its economy to eradicate poverty, increase social equity and decent jobs, strengthen livelihoods and environmental stewardship, and sustain growth in line with the Sustainable Development Goals / ·  Increased decoupling of growth from resource consumption & environmental degradation
·  Increased number of decent green jobs (disaggregated by gender)
·  Increased number of people with access to safe water
·  Clean energy, sanitation and other environmental amenities and social services / ·  Reports from International Resource Panel (IRP)
·  Global Environment Outlook (GEOs)
·  ILO reports
·  Human Development Reports (HDRs) / ·  Long-term political commitment
·  Cohesive national development planning / ·  All PAGE Partners
·  Government
·  Social Partners
·  Other development partners
Outcomes** [Medium Term Objectives, 2014-2017] / Outcome Indicators
Overall Outcome: Mauritius has reframed economic policy around sustainability and put in place enabling policy conditions, reforms, incentives, business models, and partnerships to catalyze greater action and investment in green technologies, and natural, human, and social capital / ·  Priority national sustainability targets including at sector level announced
·  Investment increased to achieve the targets
·  Fiscal, industrial/sector and labour policies made conducive to greening of economic structure
·  A regular capacity development mechanism in place to support ongoing green economy policy process / ·  National media
·  Government budget
·  Policy documents / ·  Stakeholders agree on priority sustainability targets
·  Required investment or shift in investment takes place
·  Enabling policies implemented and stable
·  A prominent national
·  Institution designated for providing ongoing technical support / ·  All partners
Specific Outcome 1: Mauritius has reinforced and integrated inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into SDG-aligned national economic and development planning through multi-stakeholder collaboration / ·  Next medium term development plan includes green economy goals and targets
·  Longer term development vision includes green economy priorities / ·  Next development plan
·  Next development vision / ·  Political commitment / ·  All partners
Specific Outcome 2: Mauritius has implemented evidence-based sectoral and thematic reforms in line with national IGE priorities / ·  Policies, strategies and action plans formulated and implemented assessed and adopted in selected sectors (e.g. waste management) / ·  Published documents
·  Decisions by Government
·  Action plans/policy reform documents adopted by Government / ·  Governance stability
·  Political commitment / ·  All partners
Specific Outcome 3: Mauritius has strengthened Individual, institutional and planning capacities for IGE action / ·  Number of new institutions with improved capacity to engage in green economy action through PAGE support
·  Number of decision-makers and experts trained who engage in green economy action / ·  Workshop reports
·  Annual PAGE Reports / ·  Quality of training
·  Ability to select the right candidates / ·  All partners
National Outputs per Specific Outcome / Relates to Global Output # * / National Output Indicators / Sources/Means of Verification / Assumptions/
External Factors / Supporting PAGE Agencies/Fund holder* & National Partners
1. National Outputs for Outcome 1 [Mauritius has integrated and reinforced inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into national economic and development planning though multi-sectoral/multi-stakeholder collaboration and aligned with the SDGs] (Note: Relevant capacity development included under outcome 3)
1.1. Priority targets identified by government through completion of green economy studies / ·  1.1
·  1.2 / ·  Green economy assessment completed
·  Green economy indicators report completed
·  Sectoral briefs complete
·  Launch event with government / ·  Publications complete
·  Media coverage
·  / ·  Buy-in by government and stakeholders / ·  UNEP*/UNDP
·  Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster and Beach Management (MoESD)
·  Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED)
·  Mauritius Statistics
1.2 Ministry of finance enabled to assess expenditure on green economy / ·  1.1
·  1.2
·  3.2 / ·  Completion of expenditure review
·  Validation planning workshop taken place / ·  / ·  Buy in and commitment of decision-makers
·  Availability of data / ·  UNEP/UNDP*
·  Minsitry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED)
·  MoESD
1.4 Scenario planning to support integration of GE in Vision 2030 / ·  1.1
·  1.2 / ·  Scenario planning exercise completed with SPU / ·  / ·  Ability of PAGE agencies to deliver a quality product / · 
1.5. National level dialogues have taken place to inform development planning process / ·  1.1
·  1.2 / ·  Number of national level dialogue taken place
·  Number of stakeholders made aware of green economy opportunity / ·  Attendance list of events
·  Media coverage / ·  Commitment of decision makers / ·  UNDP/UNEP*
·  MoESD
2. National Outputs for Outcome 2 (Mauritius has implemented selected sectoral and thematic policy analysis and reform in line with national IGE priorities)
Theme/Sector 2.1: Waste management policy
2.1.1 National recycling strategy revised / ·  2.1
·  2.2 / ·  Feasibility study on national recycling strategy completed
·  Revised recycling strategy formulated in cooperation with national waste management division
·  / ·  Feasibility study report
·  Adoption of waste management strategy / ·  Commitment of all concerned ministries / ·  UNIDO*/ILO
·  Solid Waste Division of MoESD
·  Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Consumer Protection (Industry Division)
2.1.2 Industrial Waste strategy developed / ·  2.1
·  2.2 / ·  Industrial waste assessment conducted
·  Report & a database on waste established / ·  Assessment report
·  Database established
Theme/Sector 2.2: Green finance
2.2.1. Private sector actors mobilised to increase investment into the green economy / ·  2.2 / · 
·  Initial analysis on finance initiatives in Mauritius developed
·  Stakeholders mobilised
·  Green finance committee established / ·  Analysisreports
·  Draft strategy
·  Attendance list of national dialogues / ·  Commitment of ministry of finance
·  Commitment of private sector partners / ·  UNEP, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Mauritius Banker’s Association
Theme/Sector 2.3: skills for green jobs
2.3.1 Skills for green jobs strategy developed for integration into government’s Marshall Plan for social integration / ·  2.1
·  2.2 / ·  Assessment on skills needs for green occupation (HRDC)
·  National dialogues on skills development organized
·  Skills for green jobs strategy drafted and presented for incorporation in Marshall Plan
·  Skills for green jobs strategy presented to vocational training system / ·  Assessment report
·  Attendance list of events
·  Draft strategy / ·  Commitment of HRDC
·  Commitment of Ministry for Social Integration, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Enterprises, Businesses and Cooepratives / ·  ILO, National Ministries, HRDC
Theme/Sector 2.4: Green business opportunities
2.4.1 Green business opportunities integrated into Marshall Plan for social integration and poverty reduction / ·  / ·  Revised Marshall Plan includes environmental issues / ·  Final Marshall Plan / ·  Commitment of Ministry for Social Integration
·  Adoption of Marshall Plan by government / · 
2.4.2 National strategy for green start-up’s developed / ·  2.1
·  2.2 / ·  Assessment on green business opportunities
·  Entrepreneurship training for Business development services (BDS) / ·  Assessment report
·  Training reports
·  / ·  Commitment from Ministry of Enterprises, Businesses and Cooperatives, Mauritius Employers Federation, BDSs, private sector / ·  ILO
3. 1 Institutional Capacity Development
3.1.1 Trade unions have improved their knowledge and capacity on green jobs and green economy / ·  3.1 / ·  Number of trade union representatives benefited from training programmes
·  Number of action plans developed as result of training activity / ·  Training workshops and evaluation reports / ·  Commitment of trade unions / ·  ILO, trade unions, trade union confederations, Ministry of Labour, MEF
3.1.2. Capacity building on Strategic Industrial Intelligence and Governance for value chain analysis and identification of markets for specific products. / ·  3.1 / ·  Number of persons trained / ·  Activity reports / ·  Commitment of Ministry of Industry, Agro-Industry, Fisheries, Private sector / ·  UNIDO, Relevant ministries and private sector
3.2 Individual Capacity Development (in addition to individual capacity development activities included under outcome 1 and 2)
3.2.1 Individuals trained on green economy fundamentals / ·  3.2 / ·  Number of Mauritian nationals undergone training / ·  / ·  / ·  UNITAR
3.3 Private sector Capacity Development
1. Key Activities in 2014-2015 under Outcome 1 Outputs / Next steps
Key Activities - Integrating Green Economy into long-term national planning framework (Output 1.1)
·  Finalisation of green economy reports Q3 2015
·  Possibility of breaking down the GE assessment report into sectoral briefs to be explored
·  Publication of reports Q3 2015
·  Environmental Finance Review / Under design
Key Activities: Environment Expenditure Review (Output 1.2)
·  Launch of activity
·  Final report to be submitted by end of November 2015 / Consultants in the country
Key Activities: National dialogues (Output 1.3)
·  Currently no plans in 2015
·  Will depend on progress of Vision 2030 / Scheduled for early 2016
Key Activities: Scenario planning for vision 2030 (Output 1.4) / Waiting for feedback from SPI
2. Key Activities under Outcome 2 Outputs
1.  Waste Management policy
Key Activities 2.1.1 Waste Management Strategy
Launch feasibility study for overall waste recycling strategy / Waiting on co-financing from MOFED
Key Activities 2.1.2 Industrial waste
·  Finalization of Industrial Waste Assessment Report 4Q4 2015
·  / Consultants secured
2.  Green finance
·  Initial analytical workstream / ·  ToRs developed and second round of comments received from ministry
3.  Green business opportunities
·  Marshall plan development / Inputs provided to consultants
·  3. Key Activities under Outcome 3 Outputs
3.1 Institutional Capacity Development
3.1.1 Integration of green economy issues, including green jobs, green skills in government’s Marshall Plan for social integration
Engage discussions with Ministry of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment for integration of green economy issues, including green jobs, green skills in government’s Marshall Plan for social integration. / ILO to explore links between this activity and 3.3.1, and develop ToRs
3.1.2. Training on green jobs provided to trade unions
·  Discussions with trade unions and trade union confederations for training of trainers on green jobs.Dorit to determine next steps / Pending confirmation of GE week
3.1.3. Mismatch and gap of skills for green jobs identified and remedial measures formulated
·  Continue liaising between HRDC and ILO to address mismatch and gap of skills for green jobs identified
·  Discuss with stakeholders on possible changes and reform of vocational training systems
·  / On hold to 2016
3.1.4. Capacity building on Strategic Industrial Intelligence and Governance for value chain analysis and identification of markets for specific products
Discussions with ministry of Industry to launch capacity building on Strategic Industrial Intelligence and Governance for value chain analysis and identification of markets for specific products. / 2016 potential activity
3.2 Individual Capacity Development (in addition to individual capacity development activities included under outcome 1 and 2)
3.2.1 Individuals trained on green economy fundamentals
·  Raise awareness on UNITAR’s GE course amongst civil servants / Potential to leverage civil service
3.3 Private sector capacity development
3.3.1 Identify options for greener business practices in selected sectors and develop awareness raising and training materials for private sector actors
·  Review of current practices at enterprise level
·  Enterprise encounter for experience sharing and awareness raising / ILO. Awaiting comments
3.3.2. Carry out study on business opportunities identification in green markets and develop related training programme.
·  Review and select key sectors, undertake business survey, dicuss findings and suggest how capacity building can help seize business opportunities. / ILO. Link to Marshall Plan

* Indicates which PAGE agency is holding PAGE funding provided through the global PAGE trust fund

** The National Outcomes and National Outputs are linked to and contribute to the following Global Outcomes and Outputs in the Global PAGE Logframe

Global Outcome 1: Country X has integrated and reinforced inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into national economic and development planning through multi-sectoral/ multi-stakeholder collaboration and aligned with the SDGs

Global Outputs:

1.1 IGE diagnostics, assessments, and policy analysis undertaken

1.2 Public, private and civil society actors engaged in cross-sectoral IGE prioritization, target setting, and costing

Global Outcome 2: Country X has implemented selected sectoral and thematic policy analysis and reform in line with national IGE priorities

Global Outputs:

2.1 Sectoral diagnostics, assessments, and policy analysis undertaken

2.2 Advisory support integrated in designing and advancing sectoral and/or thematic policies, strategies, plans

2.3 IGE financing partners mobilized and engaged including UNCT, donors, IFIs, and private sector

Global Outcome 3: Individual, institutional and planning capacities for IGE action strengthened at the national and global level

Global Outputs:

3.1 Planning, institutional and communication capacities at national level strengthened in line with country context

3.2 Nationally tailored training programs developed and delivered

3.3 Global and regional leadership and training programs and packages developed and delivered for individuals and institutions