Freezer Foods
PLR Recipes


You can easily edit this document to suit your specific needs by splitting up the recipes or keeping them compiled in one report. Post these recipes in newsletters, on blogs, websites, give them away as a report, and tons more!

Recipes Included:

1.  Allspice and Ginger Chicken Stew

2.  Apricot Meringue Roll

3.  Beef Chili Soup

4.  Blackberry Apple Cobbler

5.  Button Chicken

6.  Cheesy Eggplant Casserole

7.  Cherry Chocolate Bars

8.  Chicken & Spinach Surprise

9.  Chicken Cobbler

10.  Chocolate Mocha Freezer Dessert

11.  Chunky Beef & Tomatoes

12.  Chunky Zucchini Vegetable Soup

13.  Cinnamon Apple Tart

14.  Creamy Homemade Cauliflower Soup

15.  Fancy Baked Beef Stew

16.  Fennel Pork in Mustard Sauce

17.  Freezer Cherry Delight

18.  Freezer Corn Chowder

19.  Freezer to Oven Lasagna

20.  Fresh from the Freezer Pineapple Cake

21.  Ground Beef Casserole Pie

22.  Homemade Pecan Freezer Pie

23.  Make Ahead Tomato Sauce

24.  Moist Cake in Lemon Sauce

25.  Onion Tomato Soup

26.  Orange Laced Beef Stew

27.  Orange Marmalade Baked Pudding

28.  Over the Top Spinach Sauce

29.  Pork & Three Bean Meal

30.  Turkey & Vegetable Dish

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Allspice and Ginger Chicken Stew

What You Need:

2 tsp allspice

1 handful of fresh thyme leaves

2 tsp tamarind paste

1 (2 in.) piece of ginger, peeled and chopped

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

3 tbsp canola oil

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into pieces

1 tbsp flour

5 C of chicken broth

4 bell peppers, seeds removes and chopped

5 tomatoes, peeled and chopped

How to Make It:

Place the allspice, thyme, tamarind paste, ginger, salt and pepper into the food processor.

Process until it turns into a paste.

Add a little oil to the paste and process until the oil is blended in well.

Pour the mixture into a zip lock bag.

Add the chicken, close the bag and press the mixture over the chicken well.

Marinate for 30 minutes to overnight.

Place the remaining oil into an oven proof cast iron Dutch oven.

Add the chicken and cook for medium heat 10 minutes or until the chicken is browned on all sides.

Sprinkle the flour over the chicken and add just a little bit of the broth.

Stir to moisten the flour and remove any of the brown bits from the pan bottom.

Add the remaining broth and stir until the flour has dissolved.

Stir in the peppers and tomatoes and bring the mixture to a boil.

Reduce the heat to low and simmer 30 minutes or until the sauce thickens a little.

Let the mixture cool completely before storing in freezer containers.

Freeze for up to 3 months.

To serve allow the stew to defrost in the refrigerator overnight.

Heat the stew in a pan over low heat for 20 minutes or until heated through.

Makes 8 servings

This may also be reheated in a preheated 350 degree oven for 35 minutes.

Preparation Time: approximately 10 minutes

Cooking Time: approximately 1 hour 42 minutes

Total Time: approximately 1 hour 52 minutes

Apricot Meringue Roll

What You Need:

4 large egg whites

1/8 tsp salt

1 C + 2 tbsp sugar

1 C of almonds, sliced

1 1/4 C whipping cream

1 (12 oz.) can of apricot halves, chopped

How to Make It:

Set the oven to 375 degrees and preheat.

Line a jellyroll pan with parchment paper.

Place the egg whites and salt into a mixing bowl.

Beat on high until stiff peaks form when the beaters are lifted out of the bowl.

Beat in 1 tbsp of sugar at a time and continue beating until the mixture is shiny.

Spread the meringue evenly over the bottom of the jellyroll pan.

Spread the almonds over the meringue.

Bake 15 minutes or until firm to the touch and just barely starting to brown.

Place a piece of parchment paper on a flat surface and dust it lightly with confectioners’ sugar.

Invert the warm meringue onto the parchment paper and let cool.

Place the whipping cream into a bowl and beat until stiff peaks form.

Spread the beaten cream over the cooled meringue.

Scatter the apricots evenly over the cream.

Starting with the short side, roll the meringue over the filling.

Wrap in parchment paper and foil and freeze.

To serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight, dust with confectioners’ sugar and slice.

Makes 8 servings

Peaches, blueberries, raspberries or cherries can be used in place the apricots if you prefer.

Preparation Time: approximately 30 minutes

Cooking Time: approximately 15 minutes

Total Time: approximately 45 minutes

Beef Chili Soup

What You Need:

2 tbsp olive oil

2 onions, c hopped

2 green bell peppers, seeded and chopped

1 red chili pepper, seeded and chopped

1 1/4 lb. beef stew meat, cubed

1 tbsp flour

8 C of beef broth

2 (14 oz.) cans of chili beans

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

How to Make It:

Place the oil in a soup kettle and place the kettle over low heat.

Stir in the onions and cook 5 minutes or until just beginning to soften.

Add the green and chili peppers and stirring often cook 5 minutes.

Stir in the meat and cook for 10 minutes or until the meat has browned on all sides.

Sprinkle the flour over the top of the mixture and stir to blend in.

Cook for 2 minutes then stir in the broth.

Bring the mixture to a brisk boil then reduce the heat to low.

Simmer the soup for 90 minutes or until the meat is fork tender.

Stir in the chili beans, salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes longer.

Remove the soup from the heat and let cool to room temperature.

Store the soup in freezer containers for up to 3 months.

To reheat, thaw the soup completely.

Place the thawed soup in a saucepan over low heat.

Heat the soup, stirring often, until completely heated through.

Makes 8 servings

When freezing soup in freezer bags remember to leave a little room for expansion. Liquids will expand when frozen and you don’t want the bag to burst leaving your soup all over the bottom of your freezer. The chili pepper is optional if your not food of extra spicy soup or can be adjusted to 2 if you really like your soup hot and spicy.

Preparation Time: approximately 20 minutes

Cooking Time: approximately 2 hours

Total Time: approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes

Blackberry Apple Cobbler

What You Need:

1 stick of butter at room temperature

2/3 C + 2 tbsp of sugar, divided

2 large eggs

1 1/2 C of self rising flour

2 sweet apples, cored, peeled and chopped

9 oz. of fresh blackberries

2 tbsp cold water

How to Make It:

Allow the oven to preheat to 350 degrees.

Place the butter and the sugar in a bowl.

Beat the mixture with a mixer until creamed.

Beat in 1 egg at time, adding 1 tbsp of flour after each egg.

Add the remaining flour and beat until blended in well.

Place the apples and blackberries into a 1 quart casserole dish.

Sprinkle with the remaining sugar.

Stir in the cold water.

Spread the flour mixture over the top.

Bake 45 minutes or until the top is golden brown and toothpick inserted in the center of topping comes out clean.

Let cool completely before wrapping and freezing.

To serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

Place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until warmed through.

Makes 6 servings

For a little variety with this dessert reduce the flour to 1 1/4 C and add 1/4 C of unsweetened cocoa. Replace the blackberries with chopped pears.

Preparation Time: approximately 20 minutes

Cooking Time: approximately 45 minutes

Total Time: approximately 1 hour 05 minutes

Button Chicken

What You Need:

3 tbsp of butter

3 tbsp of oil

2 onions, diced

10 garlic cloves, minced

6 bacon strips, cut into pieces

2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves

1 lb. button mushrooms

4 C of red wine

4 C of chicken stock

2 1/2 lb. boneless chicken pieces

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

How to Make It:

Place the butter into a large pan over medium heat.

Stir the oil into the melted butter.

Add the onions and cook 5 minutes or until they begin to soften.

Stir in the garlic and bacon pieces and cook 5 minutes.

Add the thyme and mushrooms and cook 2 minutes longer.

Pour the wine into the pan and adjust the heat to medium high.

When the wine begins to bubble, cook for 5 minutes.

Add the stock and bring the liquid back to a rapid boil.

Carefully add the chicken pieces, salt and pepper.

Lower the heat to medium and simmer 25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.

Cool and store in the freezer containers for up to 3months.

To serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

Place in a casserole dish and heat in a preheated 350 degree oven 25 minutes or until heated through.

Makes 8 servings

Most foods can be stored in plastic freezer bags. Be sure the bags are labeled freezer bags, as they are strong, leak proof and resistant to moisture. Also be sure to label your foods before storing them. This way you know exactly what you have and how long it has been stored.

Preparation Time: approximately 15 minutes

Cooking Time: approximately 42 minutes

Total Time: approximately 57 minutes

Cheesy Eggplant Casserole

What You Need:

6 tbsp olive oil

6 garlic cloves, minced

2 (28 oz.) cans diced tomatoes

2 tbsp tomato paste

2 tsp oregano

1/8 tsp thyme

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

3 eggplants, sliced

1 1/4 C of Parmesan cheese, grated

1 (12 oz.) pkg. mozzarella cheese, shredded

How to Make It:

Heat 4 tbsp of the oil in a saucepan over low heat.

Stir in the garlic and cook for 30 seconds.

Stir in the tomatoes with their juice, tomato paste, oregano and thyme.

Bring the mixture to a gentle boil.

Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the salt and pepper.

Brush the eggplant slices with the remaining oil.

Cook the eggplant in batches in a skillet over medium heat for 3 minutes per side or until nicely browned.

Cover the bottom of large foil pan with the tomato sauce.

Layer the eggplant slices over the sauce.

Sprinkle evenly with Parmesan cheese.

Repeat the layers until all the eggplant has been used ending with a layer of tomato sauce.

Spread the mozzarella cheese over the very top.

Cool and wrap tightly before storing in the freezer.

Freeze for up to 3 months.

To serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

Place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until the top is brown and the casserole is heated through.

Makes 8 servings

If you really like cheese add a layer of mozzarella to the middle of this casserole.

Cherry Chocolate Bars

What You Need:

1 1/2 sticks of butter, cut into pieces

9 oz. semisweet chocolate, broken into pieces

2 tbsp light corn syrup

1 lb. sweet meal biscuits, crushed

2 tbsp cherries, chopped

1 tbsp pecans, chopped

How to Make It:

Butter an 8 inch square pan on the bottom and up the sides.

Place the butter, chocolate and syrup into a large saucepan.

Place the pan over low heat and stirring constantly cook 5 minutes until melted and smooth.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the biscuits, cherries and pecans.

Press the mixture into the buttered pan.

Refrigerate until completely cool then cut, wrap and freeze.

Thaw at room temperature before serving.

Makes 6 servings

These little bars make a great afternoon snack. Pull one or two out the freezer and let thaw over the morning to enjoy mid afternoon with a cup of piping hot coffee. When crushing the biscuits be careful not to crush them to fine. You need the biscuits to give your bars their texture.

Preparation Time: approximately 10 minutes

Total Time: approximately 10 minutes

Chicken and Spinach Surprise

What You Need:

2 tbsp flour

1 tsp paprika

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into 3/4 in. pieces

6 tbsp canola oil

2 red onions, diced

6 garlic cloves, minced

2 (14 oz.) cans chickpeas, drained well

3/4 C dry white wine

2 (14 oz.) cans diced tomatoes, drained well

1 1/4 lb. baby spinach leaves

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

How to Make It:

In mixing bowl, toss together the flour and paprika until well combined.

Add the chicken pieces and toss until well coated.

Place the oil into a large skillet over medium heat.

Add the onions and garlic and stirring often cook for 5 minutes or until softened.