2nd floor, PTI Building,A.C.Guards, Hyderabad 500 004
Telephone No.s: 040-23318034/ 23394900
Requirement of premises for Currency Chest at following areas at Hyderabad
Offers in TWO sealed envelopes covering TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL details respectively are invited from interested parties who are ready to offer their readily available premises at a prime location at above areas of Hyderabad, on long term lease basis for 10/15 years and above. Preference will be given to Ground Floor. Approved plan for commercial usage with necessary clearances from various statutory authorities like localMuncipality/Muncipal Corporation authoritiesetc., are required to be submitted.
The approximate carpet area of the premises should be around 2000 to 2500 Sft. Preference will be given to ground floor with adequate power supply. Rate quoted for rent should be inclusive of adequate parking area. 24 hours water supply is a must. 25K.W. THREE PHASE C.T. METER(Current Transformer Meter) is to be provided without fail at the time of giving vacant possession of premises. In this connection, all expenses are to be borne by the Offerer/s only
Upon selection of premises, offerers should be prepared to comply with the following requirements:
i)To obtain the title verification report from our Bank’s panel advocate paying the required amount
towards professional fees/other expenses, if any.
ii)To construct the strong room as per the specifications provided by our Bank’s approved panel
iii)To bear 50% of cost of execution and registration of Lease deed
The envelope containing Technical details should be marked Envelope No.1 and superscribed with “Technical Bid” and the envelope containing Financial details should be marked Envelope No.2 and super scribed with Financial Bid. Both these envelopes duly sealed should be put in a 3rdenvelope superscribed with offer of premises for Currency Chest for Bank of India at ______(Name of the area) and it should also bear the name and address/phone No. of the offerer. The 3 rd envelope containing 1& 2 duly sealed should be addressed to the Zonal Manager, Bank of India, Hyderabad Zonal office and be submitted.The financial bid should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of the offer. Any other condition that the offerer would like to stipulate should be incorporated in the Technical Bid only.
The offer as above should be submitted in Bank’s prescribed format only, which may be obtained from
Bank of India, Zonal Office, Corporate Services Department ,PTI Building, Second Floor,A.C.Guards, Hyderabad 500 004 between 10-30 hours to 14-00 hours on working days upto06.05.2013 (last day) on payment of Non-refundable amount of Rs.50/- in the form of D.D./Pay order favouring Bank of India or in cashor it may be downloaded from our Bank’ websitei.e. and submitted along with a DD/Pay Order as detailed above.
The following officers are assigned the job of receiving the tender documents:
i)SriT.Durga Vara Prasad, Manager (Corporate Services)
ii)Sri G. Nageswar, Manager (Corporate Services)
iii)Sri R. Kulkarni, Manager (Corporate Services)
The sealed offers will be received at the above address between 10-30 hours to 14-00 hours on working days upto06.05.2013(Last day).The sealed covers would be opened on the same dayi.e. on06.05.2013at 15-00 hours or any other day convenient to the Bank at our Zonal Office ( 2nd Floor)and the bidders desirous to be present at the time of opening tenders may make it convenient toattend the same at the Bank of India, Zonal Office, 2nd Floor, P.T.I. Building, A.C. Guards, Hyderabad – 500 004
Dy.Zonal Manager,
Hyderabad Zone.
Quotation Form Part-I
(Technical Bid)
The Zonal Manager,
Bank of India,
Hyderabad Zonal Office,
Dear Sir,
Re: Requirement of premises
for your proposed Branch at Hyderabad
The technical details of ready built premises, which I/We offer on lease basis to the Bank are as under:
Sl.No / Parameter / Details01 / Name of the owner/s
02 / Share of each owner
if any, under Joint ownership
03 / Location
03.01 / House or Door Number.
03.02 / Shop Number ( if any)
03.03 / Floor
03.04 / Name or No. of the Road
03.04 / Locality/Area( Land mark ,if any)
03.04 / City/Town
03.05 / PIN Code
03.06 / District
03.07 / Municipality
03.08 / .Ward No.
03.09 / Town Survey No
04 / Building
04.01 / Year of Construction
04.02 / Type of building:
Residential / Commercial
/Industrial / Mixed
04.03 / Type of construction
Load bearing/RCC/
Framed structure
04.03 / Clear floor height from floor to ceiling
05 / Rentable Carpet Area
in Sft.
05.01 / At Ground Floor
05.02 / At First Floor
05.03 / Any other floor, please specify
06 / Specification of construction
06.01 / Floor
06.02 / Roof
06.03 / Walls
06.03 / Doors and Windows
06.04 / Are M.S grills provided
to windows / Yes or No
07 / Running water facility available / Yes or No
08 / Electric Power Supply
08.01 / A separate meter available / Yes or No
08.02 / Availability of 3Phase Connection / Yes or No
08.03 / Availability of 25K.W.
Current Transformer Meter
(C.T.Meter) at present / Yes or No
08.04 / Are you agreeable for providing
20K.W. C.T.Meter bearing all types of expenditure before givingvacant possession of the premises / Yes or No
08 / Availability of Standby Generator / Yes or No
09 / Parking facility / Yes or No
If yes,
approximate area ……… Sft
10 / Details of Approved plan
10.01 / Approval for usage / Commercial
or Residential
Issuing authority
Reference No
11 / Regularisation of Deviations
Issuing authority
Reference No
I/We agree to execute Lease deed in Ban’s standard format.
My /our offer will be valid for next six months from the date of the offer
Place: Signature of the offerer/s
Date: Name :
Address :
Encl: Sanctions/plan of the premises
Telephone No.
Quotation Form Part-II
(Financial Bid)
The Zonal Manager,
Bank of India,
Hyderabad Zone,
Hyderabad .
Dear Sir,
Re:Requirement of premises
for your Branch at Hyderabad .
I/We offer to lease my/our premises located atHindupur.
( other details of which given in are in Part-I) at following rate)
Carpet Area
in sq. ft / Rate Rsper sq. ft. /Total Rent
Rs per month.i) Basement
ii) Ground floor
iii) First floor
iv) Any other floor
(Please specify)
Details for free parking:
i) Free covered parking area in S.ft.
a)Ground Floor :
b)Basement/Cellar :
ii)Free uncovered parking area in S.ft:
I/we agree to submit all required relevant documents pertaining to title of the property, valuation, NOC from various authorities required, wherever applicable and also submit title verification report from your Bank’s approved panel Lawyer at my cost in case my/our premises is finalized for acquiring on leasehold basis.
I/We agree to:
i)execute Lease Deed in Bank's standard format.
ii)bear all the taxes and cesses related to the premises.
iii)bear the cost of execution and registration of Lease deed
iv)to lease the premises in favour of Bank for______years with ___options of ______years each with______% increase in rent at each option.
Loan requirement
Do you require loan for the construction of
premises/building? If Yes, then
i) Estimated cost of construction Rs.
ii) Loan amount required Rs.
iii) Any other terms and conditions
(Please, specify)
My/our offer will be valid for next six months from the date of offer.
Place: Signature of the Offerer/s
Date : Name:
Address/Mobile No.