Summer Executive Program in Luxembourg, 26 August to 6 September, 2013



Objective / The ten-day summer executive programme will provide an introduction to Microfinance and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Financing that will give participants an overview of the subjects, and equip them to interact with specialists or proceed to more in-depth studies, in the following areas:
Microfinance with the support of the SIMFI simulation programme:
·  Concepts of Microfinance (MF) and Innovations
·  Financial Performance Assessment & Risk Management in MF
·  Microfinance and Investments: Funding Sources and Hedging Tools
The final objective is to give the participants the feeling of how to develop a sustainable MF institution, with perspectives of growth.
Small and Medium Enterprise Financing:
The fast growing interest of financial institutions in working with SMEs is observed all over the world. This market segment articulates indeed a vital need to use banking services and particularly to access credit. On the other hand, financial institutions face more and more the challenge of developing activities outside their traditional corporate clients. Moreover, at macroeconomic level, the key role of SMEs in the economic development of a country is recognized unanimously.
The problem is that both sides (supply and demand) are not matching their interests, as confirmed by qualitative studies conducted among financiers and entrepreneurs.
In this context, the main objectives of this part will be:
·  to characterize the obstructive factors on the supply side and the demand side;
·  to compare the situation and the experiences of participants coming from three different countries: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia;
·  to focus on SME lending, and more specifically on two practical issues: business plan and financial analysis;
·  to detail some concrete actions to improve SME banking.
Active participation is requested from participants for exercises, case studies and exchange of experience.
Methodology / A series of lectures on the above themes with many practical examples will be provided. Throughout the workshop, participants will be required to work in small groups either for the use of the microfinance simulation game and to produce presentations based on their SME case studies. The course will be delivered in a very interactive style.
Target group / Bank and Finance Sector Junior/Middle Managers and Public Officials (Regulators, National Bank, Finance or Economics Ministry) who are, or will be, active in the sectors addressed in the Summer Executive Programme.
Pre-Reading / SIMFI Participant Manual (week 1), from page 1 to 11.
The reference document that will be used to illustrate some issues is: “Scaling-up SME Access to Financial Services in the Developing World”, published by International Finance Corporation for the G20 Seoul Summit in November 2010 (week 2), part given by Mr André Taymans.
These documents will be sent to participants before the seminar. They are invited to read at least chapters 2, 3 and 4 (week 2). Part given by Mr André Taymans.
Knowledge Assessment / A knowledge assessment will be organised at the end of the programme, under the control of ATTF.
This assessment should last about 45 minutes.
It should be mainly based on a multiple-choice question paper.
Presentations of work groups will be taken into consideration in the final mark of the knowledge assessment.
To be successful, a participant has to have a global mark of at least 10 out of 20.
Language / English – a very good level of the language is therefore required to be able to follow the course.
Experts / Mr Carlo Matagne, ATTF Trainer, State Savings Bank, Luxembourg
Mr André Koch, ATTF Trainer, Director, Stachanov (Solutions & Services BV, Software development), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Mr Yves Mathieu, ATTF Senior Expert, CEO, FACY, Belgium
Mr Kaspar Wansleben, Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund (LMDF), Executive Director
Mr André Taymans, ATTF Official Senior Expert
Mr Erik De Jong, ATTF Trainer, Director, Dies Novus Training, Amstelveen, the Netherlands
Dates / 26 August to 6 September, 2013Arrival date: Saturday, August 24
Departure date: Saturday, September 07
Summer Executive Executive Program in Luxembourg, 26 August to 6 September, 2013



Saturday, August 24, 2013


Sunday, August 25, 2013


Monday, August 26 (DAY 1)


Introduction and overview of Luxembourg’s Finance and Banking Sector

by Mr Carlo Matagne


Visit to the House of Microfinance

Concepts of Microfinance (MF)

Trends & Innovations

Microfinance information sources: how do I get the information I look for?

Tuesday, August 27 (DAY 2)


Financial Performance assessment & Risk Management in MF: Introduction and concepts

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch


Microfinance Simulation Game: Linking Theory to Practice – Introduction and Set Up

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch

Wednesday, August 28 (DAY 3)


Microfinance Simulation Game: Decision 1

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch

Financial Performance assessment & Risk Management in MF: Concepts

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch


Financial Performance assessment & Risk Management in MF: Concepts

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch

Microfinance simulation game: Debriefing Decision 1 and Decision 2

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch

Thursday, August 29 (DAY 4)


Financial Performance assessment & Risk Management in MF: Concepts

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch


Microfinance simulation game: Debriefing Decision 2 and Decision 3

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch

Microfinance and Investments: Funding Sources and Hedging Tools

by Mr Kaspar Wansleben

Friday, August 30 (DAY 5)


Financial Performance assessment & Risk Management in MF: Concepts

Microfinance simulation game: Debriefing Decision 3 and Decision 4

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch


Microfinance simulation game: Debriefing Decision 4

Microfinance simulation game: Debriefing on Decision 4 & Final Conclusions on Microfinance Training

by Mr Yves Mathieu and Mr André Koch

Saturday, August 31


Sunday, September 01

Country Tour

Monday, September 02 (DAY 6)


To be defined


Visit to the Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat (BCEE), State and Savings Bank

Lecture about Bad Loans

by Mr Jean-Paul Zimmer

Tuesday, September 03 (DAY 7)

SME Market: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities

·  Introduction

·  Supply side approach

·  Demand side approach

·  Case study: FIGA project (Fund for Impulse, Guarantee and Assistance)

·  Exchange of experience

by Mr André Taymans

Wednesday, September 04 (DAY 8)

SME Banking: some best practices in Credit Organisation

·  Credit Policy

·  Credit Process and Procedures

·  Credit Risk Management

·  Case Study: Loan officers skill grid

·  Exchange of experience

by Mr André Taymans

Thursday, September 05 (DAY 9) & Friday, September 06 (DAY 10)

Financial Analysis

·  Industry analysis & business risks

·  Cash Flow

·  Liquidity

·  Measuring the debt burden

·  Profitability

·  Quality of management and accounting

·  Is your customer ready for expansion

·  Likelihood of support from the owner

·  Recourse possibilities & priority of claim

·  Covenants

·  Assessing a risk rating

·  Case studies & exercises

by Mr Erik de Jong

Knowledge Assessment

Debriefing & Conclusions

Closing cocktail