Facilitating Collaborative Inquiry/Supporting Collaborative Inquiry Teams

Anticipation Guide

What do you know about facilitating collaborative inquiry?

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Know very little Know very much

Before / During / After
1. Collaborative inquiry is not a new approach to school improvement – it’s been around for a long time! / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
2. The potential for impacting student learning through collaborative inquiry is expanded or limited by the nature of teachers’ conversations. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
3. Collaborative inquiry is first and foremost an approach to professional learning as opposed to a research design. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
4. Teachers are more likely to sustain new practices if the scope and magnitude of the change is not too large. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
5. Disagreement is more frequent in schools with collaborative cultures. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
6. A technical solution entails doing thing we already know how to do. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
7. It is very likely that teams will modify/make changes to their initial inquiry question. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
8. Collaborative inquiry and action research are not one in the same. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
9. When embraced (rather than avoided) conflict can create the context for learning in professional learning communities. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
10. While research can point teachers toward types of strategies, their impact rests in how teachers use them. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
11. A theory of action should be shared publicly and adjusted as new information/insights become available. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
12. The majority of learning communities do not produce sustainable change in student learning. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
13. Adaptive challenges require the people with the problem to do the work of solving it. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
14. The role of facilitator can be assumed by those in formal or informal leadership positions. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree
15. One purpose a theory of action serves is to uncover assumptions. / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree / o Agree
o Disagree