Student Council President: Natalie Mee

Wellsboro Area High School Vice President: DarciWarriner

225 Nichols StreetSecretary: Lizzie Poirer

Wellsboro, PA 16933 Treasurer: Jessica Smith

Telephone: (570) 724-3547 Student Representatives: Alexa Singer

Fax: (570) 724-0327Branson Watkins

Media Agent: Katey Pacific

School Board Representative: Troy Kennedy

Advisor: Mrs. Jodi Niver

Student Council General Assembly Meeting

Date: January 7th, 2015

Present:Branson Watkins, Alexa Singer, Emma Eccher, Troy Kennedy, Andrew Lee, Brieux Thibaut, Sarah Huck, Natalie Mee, Cheyenne Patterson, Bailey Fuller, Katey Pacific, Stephanie Leister, Kaitlyne Kramer, Anna Bleggi, Brayden Button, Stormy Mckena, Lizzie Poirier, Jessica Smith, DarciWarriner

Absent: Mikayla Feil, Sydney Spencer, Maxwell Johnson, Nathan Cotner, Sarah Ingerick

Recorder: Lizzie Poirier

Guests: None

  1. Call to Order: Meeting began: 2:36 pm
  2. Officer’s Reports-
  1. President’s Report-Natalie Mee, has been preparing for the Winter Holiday Dance and has also decided the date for next year’s homecoming. She has also been doing some housekeeping with our online records and accounts, and training our new secretary, Lizzie Poirier.
  2. Vice President’s Report/District Conference- DarciWarriner, has started T-Shirts for district conference
  3. Treasurer’s Report- Jessica Smith, has been totaling our budget from the Winter Semi-Formal
  4. Student Body Rep’s Report- Alexa Singer and Branson Watkins, will be putting out an online survey to see how much participation they can get. They also want to know if anyone has a good idea for a survey. The next one could possibly be about court warming. They need all the extra hands they can get.
  5. Media Rep’s Report- Katey Pacific, has been dealing with public relations for the district conference
  6. School Board Report- Troy Kennedy, has nothing to report
  1. Other Organization Report- Nothing to report at this time.
  2. Old Business-
  1. Winter Semi Formal-
  1. 77 people attended the dance, it was a success. Everyone had lots of fun!
  1. Snowmen-
  1. The snowmen were a success
  2. Max and Stormy are planning locker decorations for the next hoilday
  1. Class Competition-
  1. Sarah Huck is working on the new numbers
  2. She is also updating the board
  1. Other Business
  2. Volleyball Tourney-
  1. Darci is going to look into the Volleyball tournament for March 13th
  2. Anyone can participate (each team may contain up to 10 players
  3. Katey motions to have the volleyball tournament
  4. Andrew Lee also motions to have the tournament
  5. The winner will receive a pizza party
  6. Alexa motions to reward the winners with a pizza party
  7. Branson Watkins also motions
  8. Penny Drive
  1. The penny drive will be held April 20 to April 24 of 2015
  1. Courtwarming-
  1. Bailey Fuller motions to do court warming this year
  2. Katey Pacific seconds the motion
  1. Hush Day-
  1. Natalie is working on getting a date approved
  2. We are going to order beads with a budget of $250
  3. Brayden Motions to spend $S250 on beads
  4. Cheyenne Patterson seconds the motion
  1. PASC Student Debate-
  1. Mrs. Niver will be attending the state meeting
  2. There is no cost to attend
  3. We can take 4 delegates
  4. Katey motions to take 4 delegates
  5. Alexa Singer seconds the motion
  1. Meeting is paused at 2:59 P.M. and will be continued on Wednesday the 14th of January
  1. Branson motions to continue the meeting the following Wednesday
  2. Present:Katey Pacific, Sarah Huck, Cheyenne Patterson, Stephanie Leister, Lizzie Poirier, Anna Bleggi, stormy Mckenna, Max Johnson, Alysa Yungwirth, Kaitlyne Kramer, Branson Watkins, Alexa Singer, Brieux Thibaut, Troy Kennedy, Nathan Cotner, Jessica Smith, Andrew Lee, Emma Eccher, Bailey Fuller
  1. Meeting is continued at 2:37 P.M. on Wednesday the 14th of January
  2. Natalie Mee reports that she is looking for two people to chair courtwarming
  1. Brayden and Bailey will the chairs of this committee
  1. Other Business continued
  2. Fundraising
  1. Natalie is thinking about doing a Spaghetti Dinner
  2. She is going to look into a Wednesday in either February or March
  3. Max motions to presale
  4. Brayden seconds
  1. Meeting adjourned at 2:52 P.M.
  1. Bailey Fuller motions to adjourn
  2. Branson Watkins seconds