Special Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Horizons, 15725 Parthenia St., North Hills CA 91343

NHWNC (and all other) Meeting Minutes are a summary; Minutes were not, are not and are never meant to be an exact, verbatim, word-for-word transcript or comprehensive record of what was said at a Meeting. Exceptions: Motion(s) (included as stated at the Meeting, or, if not stated, as written on the Agenda); quotes (words that have quotation marks (“”) at the beginning and ending of a word or words); and Agenda wording copied into the Minutes.

1. Welcome and announcement of quorum

President John McGovern called the Meeting to order at8:05 p.m. Roll Call was taken by Mr. McGovern. Eleven of the 12 Board Members were present at the beginning of the Meeting: John McGovern (President), Dan Gibson (Vice-President), Patrick Santos (Treasurer), Carol Hart (Secretary), Dave Brown, Garry Fordyce, Punam Gohel, David Hyman, Mike Khalid, David Phelps and Nancy Xander. One Board Member was absent: Armando Diaz. The NHWNC quorum (the minimum number of Board Members needing to be present to take binding votes on Agendized Items) isseven(see the Board could take such votes. Twelve of the 13 Board Seats were filled (by election or appointment). One Board Seat was vacant. Also attending: 19 Stakeholders and guests.


Copies were distributed of an outreach supplies quotes list compiled by Ms. Xander.


FUNDING MOTION (by Mr. McGovern, seconded by Mr. Hyman): The North Hills West Neighborhood Council will reimburse Nancy Xander $193.43 for the purchase of three coolers for itsSeptember 6, 2014 barbeque at Valley Park Church.

DISCUSSION: Ms. Xander noted that the coolers were purchased just before the barbeque, on September 4th or 5th, not “11/9/2014,” and that the coolers are in the NHWNC storage. Mr. McGovern confirmed that all expenses are documented on MER’s [Monthly Expenditure Reports].

FUNDING MOTION PASSEDby a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with ten in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); one opposed (Fordyce); zero abstained.

Jay Handal, Co-Chair, Councils for Councils [C4C; , explained that it is a “bad practice” to spend out-of-pocket and that “I am here for the Department” [the L.A. City Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment]. Mr. McGovern said that new City regulations caused the NHWNC to “slightly” overspend for the September 6th barbeque.

2.2 Reimburse Nancy Xander $220.23 Food and cakes for BBQ

FUNDING MOTION (by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Khalid): The North Hills West Neighborhood Council will reimburse Nancy Xander $220.23 for food and cakes for its September 6, 2014 barbeque at Valley Park Church.

AMENDMENT to the FUNDING MOTION (by Mr. McGovern, seconded by Mr. Gibson): to add the wording “and $67.00 for a table cloth purchase”to the above Motion.

DISCUSSION: Mr. Fordyce believed that rules were being violated and that this vote should not be held.

AMENDMENT to the FUNDING MOTION PASSEDby a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with ten in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); one opposed (Fordyce); zero abstained.

AMENDED FUNDING MOTION (by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Khalid): The North Hills West Neighborhood Council will reimburse Nancy Xander $220.23 for food and cakes and $67.00 for a table cloth purchase for its September 6, 2014 barbeque at Valley Park Church.

AMENDED FUNDING MOTION PASSEDby a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with ten in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); one opposed (Fordyce); zero abstained.

2.3 Reimburse Nancy Xander $67.00 Table cloth purchase for BBQ

See above Agenda Item #2.2.

2.4 Pay Verizon Wireless $25.18 monthly charge for cell phone month of Oct 2014

FUNDING MOTION (by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Hyman): The North Hills West Neighborhood Council will pay the Verizon Wireless $25.18 monthly charge for its cell phone for the month of October 2014.

DISCUSSION: Mr. McGovern clarified the payment. He has the phone, for which the number is (818) 809-9158 and is “on the back of every Agenda, in English and Spanish, every month.” Mr. Handal explained that this Meeting’s votes are “cleaning up” and “funds will be released” within a week of submission.

FUNDING MOTION PASSED unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with all 11 in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Fordyce, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); zero opposed; zero abstained.

MOTION TO COMBINE (by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. McGovern): to combine Agenda Item #’s 2.5 and 2.6.

MOTION to COMBINE PASSED by a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with ten in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); one opposed (Fordyce); zero abstained.

2.5 Reimburse Dave Brown $79.12 Sodas for Mission Hills Officer Appreciation day 10/8/14

FUNDING MOTION (by Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. McGovern): The North Hills West Neighborhood Council will reimburse Dave Brown $79.12 for sodas for Mission Hills Officer Appreciation Day 10/8/14 and $235.75 for one pallet of water distributed 7/27/14 at National Night Out.

DISCUSSION: Mr. McGovern explained that there were two pallets of water. Mr. Handal noted that this expenditure is on the August 2014 MER, Item #12. Mr. Brown noted that each “were separately approved and Agendized.” Mr. Phelps noted that “we’re nowhere near our Budget” limit for this Fiscal Year.

FUNDING MOTION PASSEDby a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with ten in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); one opposed (Fordyce); zero abstained.

2.6 Reimburse Dave Brown $235.75 one pallet of water distributed 7/27/14 National Night Out

See above Item #2.5.

2.7 Discussion and possible action: Shall the NHWNC co-sponsor the April 25, 2015 Senior Symposium for an amount not to exceed $500? (Community Outreach for Stakeholders and Senior Service Organizations)

Ms. Hart explained the annual event at One Generation [18255 Victory Blvd., Reseda, CA 91335; (818) 705-2345; ; She indicated that CD12 Deputy Ron Rubine asked her to promote the event.

FUNDING MOTION (by Ms. Hart, seconded by Mr. Khalid): The North Hills West Neighborhood Council will co-sponsor the April 25, 2015 Senior Symposiumat One Generation, 18255 Victory Blvd., Reseda, for an amount not to exceed $500.

DISCUSSION: Ms. Xander confirmed the address.

FUNDING MOTION PASSED unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 eligible voters present with all 11 in favor (“Yes” or “Aye”) (Brown, Fordyce, Gibson, Gohel, Hart, Hyman, Khalid, McGovern, Phelps, Santos and Xander); zero opposed; zero abstained.

3. General Public Comment

Mr. Handal thanked Mr. Santos and the rest of the Board for their work. Mr. McGovern announced that Executive Board elections will be held at the next [April 16th] General Board Meeting. Also, at least two NHWNC email accounts are not working; if you have a problem with them, let him know. Ms. Hart encouraged Board Members to prepare for a TUX (Technology User Experience) workshop in the near future. It was commented that there will be a City Hearing about the single-family home residential project at Chase and Woodley by the Budweiser plant on March 26th.

4. Motion to adjourn

MOTION to ADJOURN (by Mr. McGovern).

MOTION PASSEDwith no objection.

Mr. McGovern announced that the April [16th] Board Meeting will be a Joint Meeting with the Outreach Committee.

The Meeting was ADJOURNED at 8:53 p.m.

Minutes written by DL, possibly edited by NHWNC. The first paragraph of some Items, Motions/Resolutions and other wording may have been directly copied from the Agenda.

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