1.Plan Committee -For federal compliance, the county must include representatives from the Title III Planning Team in the completion of the Title III components of the plan.
AddTitle III Goal
Example: Increase the number or percentage of LEP students making progress in learning English
Add Objectives
Example: Students will increase inmaking progress in English as measured by WESTELL (AMAO I). Students will increase in attaining proficiency as measured by WESTELL (AMAO II).
Professional Development Plan
Add an Action Step (and related Budget costs)See Title III Compliance examples
1.Enter Maintenance of Effort Section- Documentation of maintenance of effort has been added to the Compliance section of annual LEA Title III Application. This section must be completed byTitle III Directors and will be evaluated and approved as part of the Title III Application review process.
2.Consortium (add member counties if applicable)
3.Identification/Qualification Procedures
4.Levels of Proficiency
Beginning with FY11, the Budget Section of the plan will no longer require Title III Directors to separately enter the Title III budget into the Strategic Plan.
Instead, each county treasurer is required to enter the detailed budget for all programs (including Title III) into the WVEIS data file and this information will automatically populate a Budget REPORT that will be displayed in the Title III Budget section of the Plan. Please note the following timelines:
Mid-May - Title III Directors will need to provide a copy of the Title III budget to treasurers to enable them to enter the budget into the WVEIS data file by mid-May in order to provide sufficient time for meeting public notice requirements (please check with your county treasure for the exact deadline due to varying county timelines). Since actual allocations have not yet been received, counties are to use the estimated allocations that they have been provided.
June 1- County Treasures must submit the Title III budget when they submit the WVEIS data file on June 1st.
Late June - Title III US Department of Education allocations will be received in late June, and Title III directors will be notified of their Actual Allocations for FY11.
AfterJuly 1 -Any differences between the estimated and actual allocations are to be addressed both in the Strategic Plan and as a Budget Journal entry submitted to this office after July 1.
Submission Procedures and Timelines
1.Print a PDF file for review prior to submission of the section. Click print as PDF.
2.Review and edit this section of the plan as necessary.
3.Submit the Title III Section of the plan no later than July 15th Click Submit to the State
4.Notification of the submission will be sent to the following email address from the email address of the person submitting.
Evaluation Procedures and Timelines
1.Plans will be evaluated within 30 days of submissionand the LEA evaluation rubric will be returned electronically to the individual submitting the Title III section of the plan.
2.If revisions are required, make corrections and then click Submit to the State.
3.WVDE will again be notified of the resubmission.
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Self Check Using WVDE Rubrics:
COUNTY: Individual County Yes NoPlanning Team / The team is comprised of a diverse representation of members, such as principals, teachers, students, community members and Title III representatitive etc.
There is a Title III parent representative on the team.
Goals Objectives / Goals address how the district will improve students’ reading, writing, speaking, listening and comprehension achievement in the English language and will improve students’ achievement in meeting challenging state content standards.
Action Steps are allowable, applicable and reasonable
Appropriate Maintenance of Effort is addressed
Professional Development / Professional development is specifically designed to improve the instruction and assessment of LEP students
Professional development is integrated into and consistent with ongoing county professional development
Programs and activities are of sufficient intensity and duration to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers’ performance in the classroom (excluding activities such as one-day or short-term workshops unless the activity is a component of an established comprehensive professional development program for an individual teacher)
Parent Involvment / Outlines a clear plan of outreach to parents of limited English proficient children
Programs and activities ensure that parents will be active participants in assisting their children to achieve at high levels in core academic subjects, and meet the same challenging State academic content standards
Budget / The Budget accurately reflects the goals and activities outline throughout the application
Any technology, equipment or “other” funding is listed in detail and adequately justified
Proposed Budget does not Supplant
I recommend this grant for funding.
I recommend this grant for funding with amendments