DAS – Disability & Accessibility Services
Procedure for Testing Accommodations
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandate equal access to education, employment, and public services for qualified individuals with disabilities.
Berea College students who are registered with Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) may be eligible for testing accommodations if the functional impact of the student’s disability adversely affects his/her ability to take exams or quizzes under the same conditions as their classmates. Please see Accommodation Procedures for more information.
The guiding principle of testing accommodations is to remove or reduce barriers to the test-taking process and thus enable students with disabilities to be assessed on an equal basis with their nondisabled peers. Testing accommodations provide an opportunity for students with disabilities to demonstrate the mastery of skills and attainment of knowledge without being limited or restricted by their disability.
Testing accommodations may involve the modification of timing, the setting, the method of presentation,and/or the method of response. It essentially allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of the course content in an alternative way without undue interference from their disability.
Examples of testing accommodations are:
- Extended test time; the extent of additional time is based on the student’s functional limitations
- Reducing distractions in the testing environment
- Providing the exam in an alternate text format (Braille, large print, audio, etc.)
- Use of assistive technology, calculator, and/or spell checker
- Providing a reader, scribe, and/orAmerican Sign Language (ASL) interpreter
- Breaks during the test
- The presence of an Assistance Animal
- Others, as determined
Students who believe that, based on their disability,they need testing accommodations in one or more of their classes, should arrange to meet with Lisa Ladanyi, the Director of DAS, by calling (859) 985-3237 or emailing to make an appointment as soon as possible to engage in an interactive process to determine their individualized accommodations. Please note, this process can take several days and is best started at the beginning of each term. Please see Accommodation Procedures for more information.
Test-Taking Options
There are several options to provide testing accommodations to students who are registered with DAS and have been approved for this accommodation.
- Faculty/Teaching Assistant Proctoring- Faculty members are encouraged to provide testing accommodationsthemselves whenever possible. Many faculty members arrange to proctor exams during office hours or have their teaching assistant(s) proctor exams.
- Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) Testing Room- Students may choose to take their exams in the DAS Testing Room (101 Lincoln Hall). The DAS Testing Room is monitored by the Office of Academic Services (OAS) labor students using cameras. Students should discuss this option with their instructor and the student or faculty member should schedule the exam by calling the Office of Academic Services at (859) 985-3237 or emailing Channing Francis, the DAS Associate, at . The DAS Testing Room is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (using the DAS Testing Room outside of these hours will need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis; students should contact Channing Francis with the specific time of their exam to see if alternative arrangements can be made).
- Determine eligibility for testing accommodations.
- Orient student to test-taking process and test-taking options.
- Orient instructor/s to test-taking process and test-taking options.
- Hire, train, and provide, if appropriate,proctor, reader, scribe, or ASL interpreter.
- Connect student, instructor/s, and proctor, reader, scribe, or ASL interpreter if/as needed.
Reader, Scribe, ASL Interpreter, Proctor
- Sign theDAS Confidentiality agreement.
- Complete the DAS Proctor Training, DAS Reader Training or DAS Scribe Training.
- Follow all test-taking procedures.
- Register with DAS.
- Request testing accommodations from DAS in a timely manner, preferably at the beginning of each term.Please note that accommodations are not retroactive. See Accommodation Procedures for more information.
- Discuss test-taking optionswith instructor shortly after or while presenting the accommodation notification; for example:
- Will I take the exam through DAS or can the instructor or department provide the accommodations?
- I need a distraction-reduced test environment. Can you provide this or should I take the exam through DAS.
- The extended time conflicts with another class on my schedule and I have to schedule for another time. What times and/or days will you allow me to take the exam?
- I use Assistive Technology for my exams; please provide the exam electronically in an accessible format.
- Clearly communicate the preferred testing location to the instructor. Contact DAS should any issues arise.
- If needed, schedule the exam(s)taken in the DAS Testing Room (exams should be scheduled no less than 3 business days prior to the exam date):
- in person in the Office of Academic Services (110 Lincoln Hall)
- by calling (859) 985-3237
- emailing Channing Francis at .
- Exams in the DAS Testing Roomshould be scheduled at the same time as the class is taking it. However, extended test time can be prior or directly after regular class time. If the student’s schedule requires the exam be at another time, the instructor must approve this change of date and/or time.
- When using the DAS Testing Room, students are asked to sign the Academic Honesty Agreement.
- Review Accommodation Notification provided by thestudent; Verify that “Testing Accommodations” is checked.
- Discuss with thestudenthow testing accommodations will be met; Instructors are encouraged to provide testing accommodations to eligible students themselves. If “distraction-reduced testing environment” is checked in the Accommodation Notification, please check with the studentif the provided testing space is appropriate.
- If/whentesting accommodations cannot be provided by theinstructor or teaching assistant (TA), or if thestudent chooses DAS Testing Room, communicate with the student who will schedule the exams for DAS Testing Room.
- Communicate to DAS if additional resources are permitted (e.g. open book exam; both sides of 3x5 notecard allowed; calculator; etc.). Feel free to check in with the student during the exam or provide contact information where you can be reached. Remember that students taking exams outside the classroom should receive the same assistance and/or instructions as students taken the exam in the classroom.Please note that students taking exams in DAS do not receive additional assistance on exams outside of their approved accommodations.
- Submit exam and DAS Proctor Formto the Office of Academic Services (110 Lincoln Hall) if the exam is taken in the DAS Testing Room.
- Exams completed in the DAS Testing Room are kept in a locked cabinet for theinstructor to pick up or can be mailed through CPO. Please indicate your choice.
- Indicate on DAS Proctor Form if a person other than instructor is authorized to pick up the exam.
1Revised October 2016