Parent Code of Conduct

Because I am the parent/guardian of

______, a member of Boise Barons/Bombers Baseball, I understand and will adhere to the following standards:

 I will do everything in my ability to help my son adhere to his Player Code of Conduct.

 I understand that selection to a roster comes with high standards and high expectations.

 I understand that selection to the team the subsequent year and playing time this year is not guaranteed.

 Selection to team for the 2013 season carries with it the obligation to remain on the team the entire year unless granted a release by the Head Coach of that team.

 Missing a practice or game, even if I have notified the manager in advance, means my son may be subject to

some kind of repercussion.

 I understand that my son is required to show up ready to play every time he is brought to the field. He will

have his uniform on properly, and will have all his equipment at each scheduled event that requires such.

 I will make sure my son is brought to every baseball function in a timely manner.

 As a Boise Barons/Bombers Baseball parent, I am committed to full participation in team activities including tournaments, and other team events set forth by coaches. I understand that the only exception to the above will be when a coach receives prior notification of the player’s absence.

 I will lead by parent example before, during, and after each team function in regards to my conduct and behavior.

 I will not, at any time, use foul or inappropriate language.

 Umpires decisions are non-debatable. I will not argue umpires calls during Boise Barons/Bombers baseball games.

 I will treat coaches, other parents, players, umpires, and opponents with the utmost respect at all times. In the event my conduct is deemed inappropriate by the head coach I may be asked to leave the premises.

 I understand that I am encouraged to attend as many games as possible, but I will refrain from the dugout.

 I will refrain from degradation or gossip of players, coaches and the program at all times.

 I will not instruct during games or practices.

 If I am found to be intoxicated at a game or practice it can and will affect the status of my son remaining a member of Team.

 I understand that the majority of the club’s labor force is volunteer based, and parent help is expected.

 I will be accountable for the actions of anyone I bring with me to Boise Barons/Bombers Baseball events, and will ensure they follow this Code of Conduct.

 I understand there is a 24 hour cool off rule in place before I can address the head coach with any issue. All meetings with a coach must have the American Legion President or a Diamond Knight Board Member present.

If I fail to abide by these rules, the head coach reserves the right to take away playing time from my son as appropriate. This can include an inning, game, or season suspension.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


PRINTED Parent/Guardian Name


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


PRINTED Parent/Guardian Name