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New York State Engineering Technology Association

Minutes of the Fall 2005 Meeting at Vermont Technical College (VTC)

October 20-21, 2005

The conference opened with breakfast on the VTC campus. The following individuals attended:

Elliot Colchamiro NYC College of Technology
Anthony Cioffi NYC College of Technology
Gerarda Shields NYC College of Technology
Kathleen Gallagher Nassau Community College
Slade Gellin Buffalo State College
Peter Pawlik Buffalo State College
Anthony Hotchkiss Buffalo State College
David Kukulka Buffalo State College
David Lawrence RIT
Steve Ciccarelli RIT
Karl Lundgren RIT
Naseem Ishaq SUNYIT
Salahuddun Qazi SUNYIT
Atlas Hsie SUNYIT
Jayne Baran SUNYIT
Salvo, Carmine SUNYIT (retired)
Marguerite Newton Niagara Co. Comm. College
Michael J. Loudis Morrisville State College
Robert W. Meyer SUNY Env Sci and Forestry
Michael Case Alfred State College
Timothy Cochran Alfred State College / John Williams Alfred State College
Yoqi Jonchhe Alfred State College
Gerald Vance Alfred State College
Edward G. Tezak Alfred State College
Bill Darling HVCC
Susan M. Kilgallon HVCC
Joseph Reilly SUNY Canton
Michael Kingsley SUNY Canton
David Hartle SUNY Canton
Robert Jennings SUNY Canton
Robert Blickwedehl SUNY Canton
Michael Newtown SUNY Canton
Bryan Alguire Mohawk Valley CC
Robert Moore Excelsior College
Albert N. Glosser Erie CC (retired)
Duriush Zadah Erie CC
Shorieh Moini Erie CC
Vince Kassab Erie CC
Mark Oliver Monroe County CC
Rich Prestopnik Fulton-Montgomery
John Campbell Cayuga CC
Ken Vandermark Vermont Tech

The conference participants were greeted by VTC President Allan Rodgers. The plenary session and interest group session were presented as follows:

Early Session and Plenary Session

·  Retention Efforts at VTC – Rosemary Distel, Associate Dean of Retention and Charlie Castelli, TRIO Director

·  The BIG Energy Picture and Renewables – David Bittersdorf, founder and chief technology officer of NRG Systems

Electrical Interest Group

·  Increasing Student Interest with Hardware Ownership – Professor Sam Colwell

·  LED Lighting: Seeing the World through a New Light – Bill McGrath, President of LEDdynamics

·  Cow-Power Program; Producing Electricity from Anaerobic Digestors – Dave Dunn, Central Vermont Public Service

Mechanical Interest Group

·  Three Dimensional Modeling – Mary Waldo, VTC

·  Integrating Renewable Energy into the Curriculum at VTC– John Kidder, VTC Physics Department

·  Alternative Energy Club Presentation-Wind Turbine on VTC Campus

Architectural/Civil Interest Group

·  Future Trends in Building Engineering and Architecture

·  Hands-on GIS Demonstration – Gordon Reynolds, VTC Civil Tech Department

The evening banquet was held at VTC. The guest speaker, Don Maynard, gave a presentation on “The Source and Distribution of Arsenic in Bangladesh Ground Water”.

The breakfast business meeting on Friday morning was held at the Hilltop Inn.

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The business meeting was called to order at 8:30 am by President John Campbell.

Minutes of the spring 2005 meeting at RIT were approved with minor revisions. The next deadline for newsletter submissions is January 13, 2006. Send submissions via e-mail at Michael Loudis <> Mike put together the fall 2005 newsletter which is now online at Newsletters will no longer be mailed; instead they will be posted on the web.

Vice-President Carmine Salvo noted the following schedule for future conferences and asked everyone to consider hosting a future conference.

Spring ’06 HVCC/Excelsior at the HVCC Campus

Fall ’06 Farmingdale

Spring ’07 Open

Fall ’07 Alfred State College

Kathleen Gallagher, ETA Treasurer, reported a current balance of $19,161.81. Of that total, the amount earmarked for the scholarship fund is currently $5,971.09. Members now have the option of paying the $10 annual dues on their conference form.

Dave Lawrence, Slade Gellin and Marguerite Newton summarized the interest group sessions.

John Campbell reminded everyone that all NYSETA offices are up for election in the spring of 2006. Marguerite Newton noted that the scholarship awards committee also needs a new chair for spring 2006.

There was some discussion of the NYSETA website. It’s difficult to find some of the information and some project descriptions are incomplete (like telecom for example). It was suggested that the executive committee discuss whether it makes sense to hire a professional to update the website.

For future conferences it was suggested that publishers be reminded that there are civil and mechanical interests. Books tend to be focused only on electrical.

John Campbell welcomed Tony Hotchkiss, who is serving out the Member-At-Large position of Fred Schoenfeld. Fred is the chair of the awards committee and can’t serve dual roles.

John Campbell again thanked Elliot Colchamiro, who was presented the first “Elliot Colchamiro Award” at Thursday night’s banquet. The award was given for his exemplary service to NYSETA for over 30 years.

Everyone gave thanks to Ken Vandermark and his crew at Vermont Tech for a wonderful conference. They did a great job.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 am for tours to Applied Research Associates in South Royalton, Vermont and the Hope Cemetery in Barre, as well as the State House in Montpelier.

Respectfully submitted by Jayne Baran, Secretary of NYSETA

Approved at the NYSETA business meeting April 7, 2006