Table. S1. Different experimental sets carried out by the authors of this paper, divided per group, when testing the alternative sources. The abbreviations, in alphabetical order, are meaning: Ba - Bakery yeast; Be1 - Yeasts from a brew house (liquid); Be2 - Brewery yeast (dry); EP1 and EP2 – commercial exsiccated organic fertilizers based on poultry manure (called Pollina or Pollina essicata); FU – mineral fertilizer (Urea); LML – lactose mother liquid; M – buttermilk; PAV – a ripened and dried poultry manure with vegetable active principles; PHX – a commercial organic fertilizer (PHENIX); V - Vegemite/ Marmite; W1, W2 and W3 – three different types of whey; wW - wastewater from cleaning installation systems.

only IFAM / only ICVBC / IFAM and ICVBC
Nutrient substitutes / W2 st, W2, Be2, Ba, V / W3 st, W3, wW st, wW,
Be1 st, Be 1 / LML st, W1 st, W, M st, M
Nutrient-urea substitutes / - / EP1 st, EP1, EP2 st, EP2, PAV st, PAV, PHX st, PHX / -
Urea substitute / - / - / FU

Fig. S2. The urease activity after 24 h of S. pasteurii in the presence of urea fertilizer mixed with standard nutrient medium (1), poultry manure fertilizer with vegetable active principles (PAV) mixed with standard nutrient medium (2) or water (3), and the references of PAV fertilizer without bacteria and mixed with SNM (4) or water.

Fig. S31. Standard curves of the conductivity values registered after the complete hydrolysis of two types of urea (pure grade Sigma and fertilizer urea) by purified urease Type IX from Canavaliaensiformis (Sigma), at 30°C. The urease activity can be calculated using the linear relationship between the rate of conductivity (mS/cm/min) changes and the rate of urea hydrolysis (mM urea hydrolysed/min).

Fig. S24. Conversion of NH3-N to urea hydrolyzed in the presence of pure grade urea (a) and fertilizer urea (b). Standard curves of ammonium and total ammonia concentration resulting from complete hydrolysis of several concentration of urea by purified urease (Urease Type IX from Canavaliaensiformis, Sigma), at 30°C, were generated. The amount of total ammonia (Nessler method) was measured at the end of hydrolysis, when the reaction of urea hydrolysis was complete.The urease activity can be calculated using the linear relationship between the rate of the ammonium (mM/min) or total ammonia (mM/min) formation, and the rate of urea hydrolysis (mM urea hydrolysed/min).

Fig. S53.Relationship between the different parameters used for quantifying the biomass: ATP, CFU and OD600. The Optical Density was measured at 600 nm, using a Beckman DU 640 Spectrophotometer. The measurement unit is rau (relative absorbance units). The ATP was measured using a NG Luminometer (3M Health Care) and surface ATP probes Clean-TraceTM (20 µl of sample). The measurement unit is rlu/ml (relative light units/milliliter). The ATP determination is linked with the viable cell activity.The CFU (Colony Forming Units) was assessed by performing serial dilutions using sterilized deionized water, and, therefore small aliquots (100 µl) were plated on the Petri dishes with solid nutrient medium (30 g/l CASO, 20 g/l urea, Agar 15g/l). The measurement unit is the number of colonies forming unit/milliliter of sown sample and counted after 48h of incubation at 30°C.

Fig. S64.The urease activity of the S. pasteurii,in the presence of different urea substitutes sources mixed with 5g/l fertilizer urea.

Fig. S75.The scale up of S. pasteurii development in a five liters bioreactor, using the unsterilized alternative nutrient medium (whey and fertilizer urea).