application information

Students applying as JUNIORS[b]

Academic Year 2017-18
Eligibility requirements:
Note: Meeting eligibility requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the Honors Program.
  1. Will be starting Senior or 5th year (if taking 5 years to complete the degree) in Fall 2017

  1. Overall UCI GPA of at least 3.2

  1. OverallCognitive Sciences or Psychology GPA of at least 3.5

  1. Completion of Psych H111A-BW-C (for Cog Sci majors) or 112A-BW-C (for Psych majors) with a grade of A- or better in each course.

  1. Experience in a research laboratory

  1. Letter of support from supervising faculty member. Indicate faculty member’s name on the application.


Participation in the Honors Program would be for one year. If accepted, you would do the following:
Enroll in Honors Experimental Psychology (H101A-B-C).*
Enroll in PSYCH 190, 198, or 199 with your research advisor.
Write a thesis and present your research at the ‘Honors in Cognitive Sciences and Psychology’ Symposium.
*H101A may be waived under certain circumstances. This must be discussed and approved by the Honors Program Director.

WHAT to submit:

You must submit ALL of these documents for your application to be considered complete. If a document is missing, your application will not be reviewed.
  1. Honors Program Application – see below. This MUST be typed.

  1. Current academic transcript. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.

  1. Current Curriculum Vita (max 2 pages).
A Curriculum Vita (“course of [your] life”) provides an overview of your life and qualifications. Sample Word templates are available at You do not have to use one of these templates, but they are indicative of the sort of information you should include, and how it should be presented.

WHEN AND HOW to submit:

Application Packet Due Date:
Submit by no later than Monday, July 3, 2017.
Submit your completed application packet, as one .pdf file, via e-mail to: .
Include Your First & Last Name and “2017-18 Honors Program Application” in the subject heading.
NOTE: Hard copies will not be accepted.
If you have questions about the Honors Program, please send an email to Professor Barbara Dosher, Honors Program Advisor, at: .



Academic Year 2017-18

Applicant Information

Student Name:
UCI Student ID#: / UCI Major: ☐ Psych (B.A.) ☐ Cog Sci (B.S.)
UCI E-Mail Address: / Phone #:
Current Mailing Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Supervising Faculty Member:


Choose a recent research article (within the last 5 years) from one of the following journals (other journals may be acceptable with permission of the Director of the Honors Program):
  • Psychological Review
  • Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
  • Psychological Science
  • Cognitive Science
  • Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Journal of Neuroscience
In the space below, and over the next page, address the following:
  1. Summarize the goals, methods, and findings of the research report.
  2. Provide a brief critical evaluation of the research, identifying its strength and weaknesses.
  3. Suggest one or two possible directions for additional research on the same topic, based on modified, extended or improved methods, models or theories.
You should write as if a professor you might work with as an Honors student has given you the paper to read, and you are reporting to them. This means you can assume you are writing to an experienced researcher. Focus on demonstrating your understanding of, and ideas about, the research topic and methods.
Do not change the layout (i.e., font, font size, margin) of the box below and over the next page.
Do not insert text beyond the bottom of the second page.
You may use headings, or insert diagrams or pictures within the space limit.
Make sure you start with a full reference to the article you have chosen, by replacing the sample one below.
Frey, J.N., Mainy,N., Lachaux, J., Müller,N., Bertrand, O.,& Weisz, N. (2014). Selective modulation of auditory cortical alpha activity in an audiovisual apatial attention task. J. Neurosciences, 6634-6639.