IpswichHigh School Ms. Davis

Office: B117

United States History I

Final Exam Review

IpswichHigh School Ms. Davis

Office: B117

Unit One: The American Colonies


  • Joint-Stock Companies
  • John Smith
  • Brown Gold
  • Headright System
  • Indentured Servants
  • Royal Colony

-Did the American colonies have the right to rebel against their British government?

-Colonies Come of Age

  • Mercantilism
  • Navigation Acts
  • Glorious Revolution (Result: Salutary Neglect)


  • Triangular Trade
  • Agriculture


  • Enlightenment

-French and Indian War

  • Proclamation of 1763
  • Sugar Act
  • War between Great Britain and France
  • Page 89 Political Cartoon

-To what extent did Mercantilist policies of Britain, the subsequent Navigation Laws, the practice of Salutary Neglect, and the issue of taxation by Parliament contribute to the American Revolution?

Unit Two:Colonial Rebellion

-Stirrings of a Rebellion

  • Stamp Act
  • Townshend Act
  • Boston Massacre
  • Committees of Correspondence
  • Boston Tea Party
  • Sam Adams/Sons of Liberty
  • Martial Law
  • Intolerable Acts
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord


  • Olive Branch Petitions
  • Common Sense
  • Patriots vs. Loyalists
  • Declaration of Independence/Thomas Jefferson

-By 1776, what ideological justifications did the Patriots give for their struggle against England? Cite evidence from Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence.

Unit Three: Revolutionary War


  • Valley Forge
  • Trenton
  • Saratoga

-Winning the War

  • Yorktown
  • Von Steuben and Lafayette
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Egalitarianism

-Does the American War for Independence qualify as a “revolution” and not just another conflict?

Unit Four: The Constitution


  • Republic
  • Articles of Confederation (Shays’ Rebellion and the weakness of A of C)
  • Land Ordinance of 1785
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787


  • Great Compromise
  • 3/5 Compromise
  • 3 Branches of Government (Separation of Power)
  • Checks and Balances
  • Electoral College

-Ratifying the Constitution

  • Federalists vs. Antifederalists
  • Bill of Rights

-What characteristics make for a successful, effective government in a country as large and diverse as the U.S.?

-Is it possible to have both liberty AND security?

-How did the conservative drafters of the Constitution safe-guard America from “mobocracy” while still preserving the principles of republicanism?

-Did the U.S. government under the Constitution successfully protect people’s rights and freedoms without sacrificing the safety and security of the country?

Unit Five: The New Republic

-Washington Heads a New Government

  • Cabinet
  • Protective Tariff
  • Excise Tax
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

-Foreign Affairs

  • Neutrality
  • Sectionalism
  • XYZ Affair
  • Nullification
  • Alien and Sedition Acts


  • Lewis and Clark
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • Midnight Judges/Marbury vs. Madison

-War of 1812

  • Blockade
  • Impressment
  • Embargo
  • War Hawks
  • Armistice

-Did the U.S. develop positive relationships with other countries and cultures when the nation started over with the Constitution?

Unit Six: Rise of Industry and Reform

-Regional Economies

  • Eli Whitney
  • Interchangeable Parts
  • Industrial Revolution
  • American System

-Was the Industrial Revolution and all of the new technology introduced at the time, for the best in American Society?

-Are the benefits of progress worth the costs?

-Religious Reform

  • 2nd Great Awakening
  • Thoreau/Emerson
  • Utopian Communities
  • Transcendentalism
  • Dorothea Dix/Prison Reform

-Women and Reform

  • Stanton & Mott
  • Temperance Movement
  • Seneca Falls Convention
  • Cult of Domesticity

-Work Reform

  • Cottage Industries
  • Strike
  • National Trade Union

-To what extent were these early reformers successful in meeting their goals and what long-term achievements could they claim?

-Was the growth and change in the U.S. before the Civil War for the best?

Unit Seven: The American West

-Market Revolution

  • Capitalism
  • Entrepreneur
  • Transportation

-Manifest Destiny


  • Spoils System
  • Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears


  • Austin/Santa Anna
  • Alamo
  • Texas Revolution
  • Annex

-War with Mexico

  • Polk’s influence
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • Gadsden Purchase
  • Gold-Rush (49ers)

-Was the expansion of the U.S. across the continent an example of growth or conquest?

-How did the acquisition of territory from the Mexican-American War and the issue of slavery both disrupt American politics from 1848-1850 and enflame sectional tensions?

Unit Eight: Sectionalism and Slavery


  • Adam-Onis Treaty
  • Monroe Doctrine
  • Missouri Compromise

-Politics of Slavery

  • William Lloyd Garrison
  • Frederick Douglass
  • Emancipation
  • Underground Rail Road/Harriet Tubman
  • Wilmot Proviso
  • Secession
  • Compromise of 1850
  • Popular Sovereignty


  • Fugitive Slave Act
  • Kansas-Nebraska Slave Act
  • John Brown
  • Bleeding Kansas
  • Violence in the Senate (p. 317 Cartoon)

-Republican Party

  • Nativism (cartoon handout)
  • Know-Nothings
  • Free Soilers
  • Republicans


  • Dred Scott
  • Harpers Ferry
  • Lincoln v. Douglas
  • Presidential Election of 1860 (Lincoln)
  • Secession/Confederacy/Jefferson Davis

-Could the conflicts over slavery have been handled differently, resulting in peace rather than war?

-Did the United States grow more united during the 1800s?

Unit Nine: The Civil War

-Civil War

  • Ft. Sumter
  • Anaconda Plan
  • Bull Run
  • Monitor & Merrimack
  • Grant & Lee
  • Antietam


  • Emancipation
  • Suspension of Habeas Corpus
  • Copperheads

-African Americans

  • Mass. 54th Regiment

-North Takes Charge

  • Battle of Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg Address
  • Sherman’s March
  • Appomattox Surrender


  • 13th Amendment

-How may the Civil War have damaged America’s global reputation?

-Did the reasons for fighting in the Civil War influence the outcome of the war?

Unit Ten: Reconstruction

-Reconstruction Plans

  • Lincoln
  • Radical Republicans
  • Johnson

-Johnson’s Impeachment

-The Amendments

  • 13th
  • 14th
  • 15th

-Civil Rights Act

-Freedman’s Bureau

-Lincoln’s assassination

  • John Wilkes Booth



-The Compromise of 1877

-Was the social and political attempt to reconstruct the United States following the Civil War, a success of failure?

IpswichHigh School Ms. Davis

Office: B117