Chapter 28 Scavenger Hunt

The Renaissance


Use the information in chapter 28 (pages 433 to 445) to answer the questions.

1.  Around 1300, scholars in Western Europe developed a new interest in ______, which were the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

2.  The word Renaissance means ______.

3.  The most important Italian Renaissance cities were ______, ______, and the ______States.

4.  A way of showing objects as they appear at different distances is an art technique called ______.

5.  One of the greatest Renaissance painters was ______. His 2 famous works of art are the ______and the ______.

6.  Michelangelo was famous for painting the ceiling of the ______in Rome and a sculpture called the ______.

7.  The center of city life was the ______.

8.  The ruling family of Florence was the ______family.

9.  A monk named ______tried to change the government in Florence but was later hanged for ______.

10. In 1492, Rodrigo Borgia became known as ______, whose goal was to make central Italy a kingdom ruled by his family.

11. The Renaissance didn’t reach Venice until the 1500’s because______.

12. Venice has ______instead of streets.

13. The official ruler of Venice was called the ______.

14. In 1449, France began to invade ______.

15. King Francis I hired Italian artisans to build and design ______or big castles.

16. Erasmus made a Latin translation of the ______.

17. Erasmus also wrote the ______which talked about corrupt church leaders and practices.

18. What did Gutenberg invent in 1440?______

19. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra wrote ______which was about a knight and his squire.

20. The families of the House of ______and the House of ______fought for control of the English throne in a struggle that is referred to as the ______.

21. The war ended when King ______from the ______family took the throne in 1485.

22. The English Renaissance reached its height under the reign of Queen ______.

23. One of the of the best known English playwrights was ______.

24. List 3 works of Shakespeare:

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

25. His theater was called the ______.