Making Activities Deaf-Friendly (MADF)

Training Course

Booking Form

MADF training is provided by the NDCS for leisure activity providers. All courses are subsidised by our charitable funds, charges are as follows:

·  Individuals who are volunteers[1] within their organisations £ free of charge[2]

·  Individuals who are paid to deliver activities (professionals) within their organisation £26.50

Please select your training date below

Saturday 25 October 2014 - London

Saturday 24 January 2015 - Birmingham

Saturday 21 February 2015 - Belfast

About you

1 – Main contact person* Are you: A volunteer A professional (paid)

First Name Surname

Position / role Are you: deaf hearing

Email-(final information will be sent to this email)


Tel / Minicom

Your Address- (final information will be posted to this address)

Post Code

Do you have you any support needs you would like us to be aware of? (E.g., access arrangements, medical conditions)

Where did you learn about this training?

Do you work with deaf young people? Yes No

Please tell us about what you would like to get from this training? (If you have specific questions or scenarios please list them here)

How do you plan to use this training in the future?

2 – Second person attending the training (if applicable)

Are you: A volunteer A professional

First Name Surname

Are they: deaf hearing

Email-(final information will be sent to this email)


Tel / Minicom

Your Address- (final information will be posted to this address)

Post Code

Does the 2nd attendee have any support needs you would like us to be aware of? (E.g., access arrangements, medical conditions)

Please tell us about what you would like to get from this training? (If you have specific questions or scenarios please list them here)

How do you plan to use this training in the future?

Please note - spaces on the courses are limited with a maximum of 2 participants from each organisation.

Activities at your club / group / centre

Club/ group/ centre name

Please describe the activities that you do in your club / group / centre

Bookings from volunteers

·  Individuals who are volunteers within their organisations £ free of charge[3]

Thanks to our loyal supporters NDCS is able offer training free to volunteers, however the average cost of providing training is approximately £50 per person. Our training is popular and we often have a waiting list, so if some people book but don’t come, or cancel very late in the day it means another organisation is missing out. It also means NDCS wastes precious funds. Therefore we have introduced a cancellation fee to try to reduce unnecessary empty spaces at events. This means unless you give NDCS at least five working days’ notice that you will not be attending training, you will be charged the following cancellation fee.

£26.50 per person.

However, if we can fill your place with someone on our waiting list then no charge will apply. By signing and returning this booking form you are agreeing to this charge if you do not give NDCS sufficient notice.

Please supply invoicing details below:

Organisation name Contact name (if different from overleaf)

Invoice Address (if different from overleaf)

Bookings from professionals

·  Individuals who are paid to deliver activities within their organisation £26.50 per person

I would like to pay by: Cheque Invoice Credit card[4]

Please supply invoicing details below:

Organisation name

Contact name (if different from overleaf)

Invoice Address (if different from overleaf)

Cheques should be made payable to NDCS and sent to the address below.

Communication with NDCS

How did you hear about the Me2 deaf-friendly activities?

NDCS Website NDCS The Buzz

NDCS Helpline Your national organisation or head office

Listening Bus Magazine or trade publication

Exhibition or information stand Search engine

Word of mouth Other (please state below)


Name Signed


RETURN TO: Inclusive Activities Team , NDCS, Second Floor, Vincent House, Quay Place,

92-93 Edward Street, Birmingham, B1 2RA or email to


FOR NDCS OFFICE ONLY Updated August 2014

Booking confirmed via email Date ______Database updated Date______

NDCS is a registered charity in England and Wales no. 1016532 and in Scotland no. SC040779


[1] NDCS defines volunteers as:

“ An individual or group of individuals who undertake activities without payment for the mutual benefit of their club (group, centre or organisation),

its members and those undertaking the activity.”

[2] A cancellation charges applies to all attendees of the training

[3] A cancellation charge is applied to all attendees of the training

[4] We will contact you by phone to complete credit card transactions over the phone.