St Asaph Round-up: Dydd Iau, 17fed Mawrth 2016

Newyddion o Esgobaeth Llanelwy: Thursday 17 March 2016

24 hour fast and appeal for donations for Calais refugees

The Vicar of Holywell, Aidan Coleman, is calling on people to support a 24 hour fast to draw attention to the plight of people living in the migrant camp, known as the Jungle, in Calais. As an act of solidarity with the refugees, Aidan will be fasting for 24 hours on Good Friday/Easter Saturday. In addition, he’s appealing for donations for a trip he is planning to Calais in April. If anyone would like to join him in the fast and to make a similar appeal for aid or for money to purchase aid then please get in touch with him at .

St Peter's Church, Holywell is hosting an evening of entertainment on 30th March at 7pm to raise funds to purchase aid for those in the camp. Contact Aidan for further information.

Between 4th – 15th April the Diocesan office in St Asaph will be accepting donations of food, clothing, sleeping bags etc for Aidan to take to Calais. Please see the attached list of urgently required items.

Urge your AM to support the cross-party Statement of Opinion on migrant camps in Northern France.

Congregations are being encouraged to lobby their local assembly member urging them to support a cross-party Statement of Opinion on Migrant Camps in Northern France. With the assembly elections taking place in May, time is running out to move this forward. Please contact your local AM and ask them to support the statement which you can see at

Come and visit, pray and walk . . .

A reminder that St Melangell's Shrine Church, Pennant Melangell (SY10 0HQ) is open to visitors and pilgrims alike during daylight hours, (although the Centre and house are closed for the time being). So do come apart for a while to this beautiful 'thin' place which still very much provides a 'pulse of prayer' for our Teulu Asaph and beyond.There is ample parking immediately by the church and the St Melangell Trustees have arranged for a portaloo to be placed in the car park, courtesy of Llangynog Community Council, for a period covering Holy Week and Easter Week (up to Wednesday 30th. March). There are some magnificent walks in the immediate area too, so if you bring sandwiches, you could have a restful and memorable day out.

This week:

The Original Mary Jones Bible returns to Bala – 18-20 March 2016 only. Bala and Penllyn Bible Society Action Group wold like to invite you to come and see the Original Mary Jones Bible, and it’s guardian Dr Onesimus Ngundu. See the poster attached last week.

Come And Sing Sir John Stainer's Crucifixion at St Mary's Church, Ruabon on Saturday 19 March. Conducted by Gareth Erlandson, accompanied by Kevin Whitley. Rehearsal 3-5.30pm. Performance 7pm. Cost for singers and audience £5. Dress code for singers is all black or black and white. Please register interest with Gareth Erlandson at or on 07595 756599. Poster circulated previously.

Colwyn Choral Society will perform a concert on Saturday 19 March, St. Paul’s Church, Colwyn Bay, 7.30 pm including Mass in G by Schubert, Mozart’s Requiem and Marriage of Figaro Overture with soloists: Joanne Dexter, Christopher Steele, Margaret MacDonald, Alan Fairs accompanied by Philharmonia of North Wales Orchestra conducted by Graham Eccles and Martin Brown Organist. Tickets £12(students/children£6)on door Tel: 01492 583588.

Palm Sunday Procession & Service, St. Mary’s Parish Church, Cefn, St. Asaph. LL17 0EY - Procession from the Neuadd Owen Village Hall to Church, a distance of approximately ¼ mile, starting at10.45 a.m.(prompt). Followed by a Eucharist with dramaticreading of the Passion narrative. A sit down lunch will be available after the service in the Neuadd Owen - £10 per head. This is a popular lunch and numbers are limited, so booking essential. To book: Tel 01745 582758 / 540345

This is a combined Group service for the Parishes of Cefn, Tremeirchion & Trefnant.

"Reflections of Easter” - Cor Cilcain will be giving a FREE concert of sacred music in support of the parish priest, The Rev’d Hugh Burgess who is walking 1500 miles (2400 km) from Halkyn to Santiago de Compostela. 20 March atSt Mary’s, Halkyn at 3pm. All donations will go to Jamie’s Fund, a local Halkyn charity set up to support mental health services in Uganda. Refreshments will be provided following the concert.

Passover Seder at St Giles Parish Church, Wrexham. 22 March, 6.30pm. Cost £6. Please contact Stella Whitham at St Giles Parish Church or ring the office 01978 355808 for tickets. A booking must be made for catering purposes.

“Father Forgive–How to forgive theunforgivable”.For the St. Asaph Mission Area Conference on Tuesday 22 March 2016 at St. Thomas’ Church, Rhyl, at 7.30pm, we are very privileged to have Robin Oake speak about his experiences as a committed Christian when his son Stephen,was murdered in January 2003 by a terrorist. Within hours of hearing the terrible news Robin, then serving as the Chief Constable of Isle of Man, publicly forgave his son’s killer, and to this day prays daily for him.Robin has written several books and speaks nationally about his experiences.All are welcome– so please do come and bring a guest(s) if you are able. Refreshments will be served from 6.30pm and the evening commences at 7.30pm. There will be an opportunity to speak to Robin afterwards. On-street parking is available in the vicinity and there is some disabled parking opposite St. Thomas’ Church in Russell Road.

Capel Waengoleugoed, Waen , St Asaph Darlith y Grawys / Annual Lent lecture 2016 will be held on Tuesday22 March at 7.30pm - the lecturers will be Rev Iwan Llewelyn Jones and Marion Arthur. The lecture will discuss the issues faced by Rev Thomas Arthur Jones of Bethesda who in 1940's wanted his chapel buildings to be used by evacuees but this was refused by the trustees. The lecture will ask what are our attitudes and responses today towards those who are in anyway on the margins of our society including those who are refugees- how open are we to welcoming all into our church / chapel buildings? The lecture will be chaired by Rev Harri Parry - admission is free and all are welcome. The lecture is in Welsh and those who are learning Welsh are very welcome to attend. See the attached poster for details.

Tremeirchion Bach Choir and orchestra will be performingBach St. Matthew Passion in Corpus Christi Church Tremeirchion on Good Friday (25 March) Soloists will be Stephen Newlove Evangelist, Dominic Rose Christ, Eleanor Parsons, Benjamin Williamson, Oliver Sammons, Ben Ridler and Malcolm Williams. The conductor will be Richard Adamson. The performance starts at 7.30pm, tickets are £10. This is a very special way to start the Easter weekend. For further information please phone 01745 583543.

Mold and District Choral Society presents “John Stainer: The Crucifixion” – Friday 25 March in St Matthew’s Church, Buckley at 12pm. Tickets £8 (Under 16s free) from 01352 757195 or Vaughan Davies, The Cross, Mold.

An afternoon for children and their parents to come along and learn about the Easter Story and what makes it so special. Criw Grwst - St Grwst's Church, Llanrwst 26 March, 2-4pm.

Services of Induction, Licensing and Installation:

Chrism Eucharist – 24 March at 11am in St Asaph Cathedral. Clergy are to robe in the North Transept and take their seats in the nave by 10.50a.m. Parking will not be available in Ysgol Glan Clwyd this year so parking will be limited. Car sharing is advisable where possible. Lunch afterwards.

Easter Vigil and Diocesan Confirmation – 26 March at 7pm in St Asaph Cathedral.

The Induction of Dot Gosling to Llanasa and Ffynnongroyw, 11 April at 7pm, Ss Asaph and Cyndeyrn, Llanasa.

The Licensing of Lorraine Badger-Watts as Priest in Charge of Gorsedd Group. 17 April in Ss Mary and Beuno, Whitford at 3.30 pm. Refreshments will be served after the service.


Last Chance to book - Training Together – “Claiming Gift Aid and Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme(GASDS)”. This session will cover how to set up a Government Gateway and submit a claim using the online claim system. It will also cover when you can claim on cash donations and how to make that claim. 21 March, 2-4 pm in 10 Mwrog Street, Ruthin. Booking is essential, please contact or 01745 532582 by Friday 18 March.

Training Together – “You’re on the PCC”. This session will explain the role of the PCC in relation to the Constitution and the Law; the role and responsibilities of the PCC member and those of the Officers appointed by the PCC. 12 April, in St John’s Church, Pool Quay; 18 April in All Saints Church, Southsea or 19 April in the Diocesan Office, St Asaph. All session are from 7-9 pm. Booking is essential, please contact or 01745 532582.

Leading School Worship, Tuesday 12 April, 7-9pm in St Joseph’s Catholic and Anglican High School, Wrexham. Trainer: Mary Stallard, a priest in the diocese working as Director of the St Giles' RE/Faith Development Centre and Anglican Chaplain at St Joseph's Catholic and Anglican High School, Wrexham. The aim of the evening would be to examine the factors that enable the provision of good worship in school communities. Cost: free Refreshments (tea and coffee) included. Booking is essential, please contact: or Tel.01745 582245.

Listening - This is a half-day session that will focus on the importance of listening: To others, to ourselves and to God. The session will include activities, tools and discussion to improve our understanding about the need to listen and how we can do this. We sometimes hear what is being said, but do we listen? 14 April, 10am – 1pm in St Margaret’s Church, Wrexham. Booking is essential, please contact: or Tel. 01745 582245. Cost:Free. Refreshments provided.

Mental Wellbeing and Spirituality Symposium with Keynote Speaker – Mark Yaconelli.

Should we in the Diocese of St Asaph seek to change attitudes, challenge stigma, encourage inclusion and promote social justice in the area of metal wellbeing and spirituality? The symposium will, through presentations, workshops and open discussion, look at what this might mean in practical terms and how we can be guided in theology and prayer. 11 May, 10am-4pm in Llangollen Pavilion. This event is relevant to all and is free of charge. A light lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Booking is essential. Please contact or phone 01745 532582.

ACAT Foundation Course for Treasurers. The Association of Church Accountants and Treasurers is running a Foundation Course in Chester on Saturday 11 June. The course gives an overview of the responsibilities of a Church Treasurer and is not denomination specific. All Church Treasurers are member of ACAT and are therefore eligible to attend. Further details from

Information and Market place

Please visit the new “StAR Resources and Information” page of the Diocesan website for information on The Woodland Trust’s free tree packs for schools and communities

Coming Soon

The Parish of Colwyn Lent Choir is presenting The Crucifixion by John Stainer at the Church of St Catherine & St John the Baptist, Old Colwyn on Good Friday at 7pm. Singers who know the work and who can sing IN PARTS (S A T B) may join the choir for our final rehearsals on Wednesday 23 March at 7pm and also on Good Friday 25 March – at around 5pm (time to be confirmed). Further information from Rev’d Canon Quentin Bellamy on 01492 478659.

“That you may have life” - A Musical Presentation of John’s Gospel at St Collen’s Parish Church, Llangollen. Easter Saturday, 26 March, at 3pm and Easter Day, 27 March, at 3pm and 6pm. There is no Entrance Fee but a collection will be taken at the end of the performance for the Refugee Crisis. Poster attached.

Charity Clothes Swap - Get set to swap your way to a new wardrobe. Dig out any unwanted items and get your swish on. Ladies clothes, shoes, bags and accessories. Friday 8 April 7pm -9pm at Church House Llanrwst. Admission £10 to include glass of sparkling wine and nibbles. Bring along at least 1 quality item that you would like to swap. All Proceeds to St Grwst's Church. For further information contact Olwen on 07551327.

Making Wales a Welcoming & Prosperous Nation, Thursday 14 April, 7.30pm, The Catrin Finch Centre, Glyndwr University, Wrexham (tea and cake from 7pm).

This year TCC is organising a special national hustings event in partnership with Oxfam, Welsh Refugee Council and HOPE not hate, ahead of elections for the National Assembly of Wales. See the poster for details.

Free entry on the evening, but to guarantee your place please book using the link below. For more information please visit or call 01978 262588.

Only a few weeks remain for artists and photographers to submit entries for the week-long annual Virgin Art exhibition at Mold’s ancient St.Mary’s Parish Church.

The exhibition, now in its eighth year, will open to the public from 2-7 May. The closing date for entries is Monday, 11 April. Full details are on: