School Nutrition Association of Virginia

69thAnnual State Conference

March 16 -18, 2018 Hampton VA

Make check payabletoSNA-VA. Mail completed registration form and check to:

Elizabeth Wimmer, Coordinator, 3214 Electric Road, Suite 301Roanoke, VA24018

Name (print) ______Membership # ______Chapter # ______

Street Address______City ______

State______Zip______Phone ______SchoolDistrict ______

E-mail ______Special accommodations/vegetarian meal: ______

Full Package Registration Includes: All Break-out and General Education Sessions, Night of Entertainment, Exhibits, Banquet, Saturday and Sunday breakfast. Industry Reception is by invitation only.Registration feedoes not include pre-conference seminars. Pre-conference seminars, Thursday &Friday March 15 & 16, 2018(pre-registration required):

______Financial Management for Directors Thursday (3/15/18) 1:00-5:30 and Friday (3/16/18) 8:00-2:30 $80.00

______Financial Management for Managers Friday (3/16/18) 8:00 -12:00 $ 55.00

______Nutrition 101Friday, (3/16/18), 8:00 am – 5:00pm $75.00

______Credentialing Exam Friday (3/16/18) 1:00 – 5:00 Please see SNA for registration fee and cost of exam

Early Bird Full Registration – must be postmarked by February 17, 2018:

______Member * Check here if you are a decision-maker for your district* $150.00

______Non - member (Director or Supervisor) $245.00

______Non - member (Manager, Staff, Other) $200.00

______Retiree $145.00

Full Registration – postmarked after February 17, 2018:

______Member * Check here if you are a decision-maker for your district* $160.00

______Non–member (Director or Supervisor) $255.00

______Non-member (Manager, Staff, Other) $210.00

______Retiree $155.00

______College Student - Member of SNA & SNA-VA with proof of full time enrollment$ 78.00

______College Student – Non-member of SNA & SNA-VA with proof of full time enrollment$150.00

Non – Package Registration- for guests or others not registered for conference:

Individual activities are charged separately. Place an X next to activities for which you wish to register.

______Friday, Industry Reception

(Guests of invitees only)$30.00______Saturday, Breakfast $30.00

______Friday, Night of Entertainment $45.00 ______Saturday, Banquet $45.00

______Saturday, Exhibits Only $40.00 ______Sunday, Breakfast $30.00

Total Enclosed

PayPal is accepted , please let me know if you would like to be invoiced to use the payment method. ______

Please note: There will be no refunds! There will be a $ 35.00 returned check fee. As a courtesy to members and industry, only one (1) bag will be allowed on the exhibit floor this year. SNA-VA will provide the bag.


New and exciting

Our first “Color me Mine” paint party …… Friday (3/16/18) Pre-Registration Required . Please see the attached sheet to sign up for a fun night of painting .


The Roaring Twenties will be this years theme on Friday for the Night of Entertainment ! Dancing and Casino along with Bingo.