FC Progress Reports

Faculty Collaboratives
Winter/Spring 2014-2015

Please complete and send to Susan Albertine at by the following dates:

January 30th; March 27th; April 24th; May 29th; June 26th

Please indicate in your email if we may post your report to the public Toolkit.


Date submitted:

Submitted by:

Progress toward goals for current reporting period:

Feb. 27, 2015 / 20 applications for faculty fellows received from across state:
·  Purdue WL = 1 Candidate
·  IUPUI = 6 candidates
·  IUPUC= 2 Candidates
·  ITCC = 8 candidates (Terre Haute, Richmond, Kokomo, Central (4), Northwest)
·  IU Regionals = 3 Candidates (Northwest, East, & Kokomo)
March 13, 2015 / Indiana Steering Committee (with representation from all public institutions except for IPFW) met for an orientation to the project and to review/select faculty fellows
March 20, 2015 / TJ Rivard completed contacts with fellows selected and those not selected. By using additional funds (from IUPUI University College) and repurposing state liaison funds, Indiana will engage 6 faculty fellows:
·  Keith Anliker (IUPUI, Chemistry – engaged in Tuning USA)
·  Ange Cooksey (IU East, Philosophy)
·  Elaine Cooney (IUPUI, Engineering Technology – engaged in DQP work and single articulation pathways)
·  Beth Goering (IUPUI, Communication Studies –engaged in VALUE, MSC work)
·  Heather McFall-Knight (Ivy Tech Central Indiana, English – engaged in Quality Collaboratives project aligned with DQP)
·  Michael Wetzstein (Purdue, WL, agricultural economics)
March 23, 205 / Agenda finalized for project “Launch Meeting” at Ivy Tech Central Indiana on April 2, 2015. This meeting will engage members of the steering committee as well as the 6 newly-appointed fellows in a discussion of the drafted Indiana work plan, as well as a timeline for future events. We hope to have faculty fellows “sorted” by proficiency initiative by the end of this meeting.
March 30, 2015 / Kathy Johnson submitted proposal for AAC&U Summer Institute on Integrative Learning and the Departments – proposal will be focused on GEMS and will likely engage 2 IN Faculty Fellows and 3 members of the Indiana steering committee.
April 2, 2015 / Statewide steering committee convened at Ivy Tech Central Indiana for project “launch” meeting with 6 faculty fellows. Fellows determined with proficiency initiative they’d like to work on (with subcommittees of steering committee members) and we completed an environmental scan/SWOT analysis. The draft work plan was endorsed, and minutes from the meeting can be found here.
April 15, 2015 / Kathy Johnson and TJ Rivard met with IT specialists on creating a state-wide listserv and Canvas site to serve as a “virtual hub.” It was determined that we did not want to create a completely open/public site, but rather that we would request that faculty complete a brief web-based application to join both the listserv and the Canvas site to ensure that they have faculty credentials at a legitimate institution. We are attempting to automate this process as much as possible.
April 27, 2015 / TJ Rivard convened faculty fellows in person/by video bridge to begin to plan projects. Fellows have been asked to provide him with a 1-page draft of project goals as soon as possible.
May, 2015 / TJ Rivard collected preliminary project proposals from 4 of 6 faculty fellows. All have selected a focus (e.g., DQP), but they are still working on refining these foci to project proposals with clear goals and objectives.
May 14, 2015 / Kathy Johnson and TJ Rivard met with Nathan Byrer (Director of Technology Services, Division of Undergraduate Education at IUPUI) and Maggie Ricci (Principal Online Instructional Technologist, eLearning Design & Services) to explore ways of inserting a web-based form on the Faculty Collaboratives website and then taking information from a database, creating guest accounts, and enrolling the users automatically in a Canvas course. Work is ongoing, but the team is confident that there is a viable solution. Our plan is to have a website up and a Canvas site launched by the end of the summer.
June 1, 2015 / TJ Rivard, Kathy Johnson and Marcus Kolb planned agenda for Indiana Steering Committee meeting scheduled for June 10, 2-4 PM, at IUPUI.
June 10, 2015 / Indiana Steering Committee Convened to Review Proposed Fellow Projects (Agenda Link: https://iu.box.com/s/b8z69kd7tvy3s1vrfpmk2cu25w1gkopk)
June 17, 2015 / Meeting of steering committee representatives attending AAC&U Institute on Integrative Learning and the Departments in July (TJ Rivard, Lacie Couzin, Ange Cooksey, Kathy Johnson, Heather King). The team will be led by our hub director and will really provide an opportunity to help guide and shape the planning of Heather King’s Faculty Fellow Project focused on GEMS and the development of interdisciplinary pathways from Ivy Tech to Indiana University campuses.
June 23, 2015 / TJ Rivard convened a group meeting with the Faculty Fellows to review steering committee feedback on projects and to adjust scope/focus, if warranted. Ange Cooksey’s project was scaled back considerably – she will be focusing on the demystification of the DQP, with a target audience of adjunct faculty (using the Criminal Justice Single Articulation Pathway as a model with respect to an organic, faculty-owned process). Keith Anliker and Elaine Cooney are continuing to meet together, and plan to connect with Tyrone Freeman at IUPUI, who is a NILOA Tuning Coach. Michael would like to offer a BEAT workshop at the planned conference. Next steps for summer: TJ will meet with fellows individually as projects progress and will connect steering committee members to particular project to help guide and support the work.

Please describe any current challenges you are facing in meeting your FC Project goals:

We continue to be a bit concerned about the nature and scope of at least one project (Kathy will communicate directly with Susan about this).

Suggestions or Questions for AAC&U FC Staff:

Faculty Fellows are concerned that they have not been networked to other fellows in other states. We assured them that this would begin happening as soon as possible.
Kathy will be in touch with Susan Albertine to explore possibilities for a keynote at an Indiana convening – ideally planned for the last week in February. We would also appreciate guidance regarding whether to keep the focus on the Faculty Collaboratives work, or to perhaps broaden the scope to also potentially serve as a forum for an “educator-employer convening.”

Please update your goals for the next reporting period:

April 3, 2015 – Meeting scheduled with colleagues in IT to review wireframes for project website. Work on website and Canvas project site should commence following this meeting.
April, 2015 – IN work plan finalized based on feedback from steering committee members. Dates for quarterly steering committee meetings set. Members of advisory committee contacted to help guide plans for assessing the project.
May, 2015 – Faculty fellows networked nationally. Next steps regarding multi-state badging initiative hopefully should be identified (TJ Rivard, hub director, taking lead here.).
May, 2015 – Members of Summer Institute team gathered via videoconference to plan for July meeting at University of Delaware
May, 2015 – Planning underway for Fall statewide convening (prior to FALCON conference).
May, 2015 – Faculty fellows draft brief summary of anticipated project goals.
July, 2015 – Identify date for Employer-Educator Forum (LEAP State) for Spring, 2016. IUPUI has shifted the focus of the gathering originally planned for this spring, and it was determined that it would be ideal to align a gathering of Employers and Educators with the Faculty Collaboratives project.
July, 2015 – Faculty Fellows finalize project goals.
July, 2015 – Team building and project advancement at the Institute for Integrative Learning and the Departments, University of Delaware
August, 2015 – Website/Canvas site launched for virtual hub
Fall 2015 – Submission accepted to FALCON conference
Fall 2015 – conference task force deployed to plan meeting for February 2016
December 2015 – engage advisory board to provide guidance for project and to shepherd assessment efforts