The ERASMUS student office provides information on the various accommodation options available to Erasmus students. The information provided will help you find suitable accommodation and we hope your stay in Cork will be an enjoyable one.
There are many accommodation options open to students, some of which are listed and described below. A full list of accommodation is available from the CIT Accommodation Office.
§ Vary in distance from the Institute - up to a 5 or 10 -minute walk. The majority of incoming exchange students normally stay in these apartment complexes, such as Parchment Square, Eden Hall, Deans Hall, Abbeyville.
§ Apartments are very popular so early booking is recommended.
§ Some places are reserved for Socrates/Erasmus Students (at the start of the academic year only). Accommodation should be booked through the International Office before arriving in Ireland.
§ Please fill out an Accommodation Request Form (attached).
§ You can book into a hostel for a few days while you look for accommodation when you arrive in Cork, for example, Kinlay House, which is located in the centre of Cork. Their website address is If you wish to book yourself into Kinlay House for a few days, you can then contact the CIT Accommodation Office who will assist you with looking for private houses/flats on your arrival.
§ Shared rooms usually cost less per person than single rooms but a room on your own will give you more privacy and more opportunity to study.
§ Costs vary depending on the location.
Alternative local accommodation will be offered to students studying at the National Maritime College of Ireland - please contact us for details if this applies to you.
Accommodation Request forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link.
Once we receive your booking form (be it electronic or paper format) your details will be given to the relevant apartment complex. Special allocations have been made for overseas students, which can only be accessed through this office.
1. Physical (i.e. paper/email) format of this application form should be sent to:
Erasmus Student Accommodation
The International Office
Cork Institute of Technology
Cork or
Email to
2. Your details will be given to the apartment complex that you have chosen and they will contact you to confirm your booking and request you to pay a deposit to the management of the apartment complex to secure your room.
3. Once accommodation has been booked and confirmed, changes may incur financial penalties. All student complexes are available on a set term contract. The start and finish dates are pre-set. Payment is by instalments only (one payment each semester).
4. Information and prices about the accommodation types can be found on each of their websites:
Kinlay House - Hostel:
Parchment Square Apartments:
Eden Hall - Apartments -
Deans Hall Apartments* –
Abbeyville Apartments* –
*Please note that Deanshall and Abbeyville will only accept bookings for the full academic year (Sept to June).
5. It is only possible to pre-book student apartments. Accommodation in private houses, flats or bedsits can only be booked on arrival in Cork. We have a student accommodation office on campus where you can go to find out what accommodation is available in the Bishopstown and the City Centre area.