2012 3.6 / 90725 version 2. Level 3. Credits: 4

Seminar (3.6): “Say It On Texts”

Achievement Standard 90725 version 2 Credits: 4

Adapted by FHS English Department from TKI exemplars

Student Instructions Sheet

In this activity you will:

·  construct and deliver a seminar presentation on a literature topic

·  integrate a range of oral and visual language techniques in your delivery

(Refer to the CHECKLIST on the final page of this document for structure and delivery requirements).

You will have class time to discuss the requirements of the assessment, explore exemplars, plan and begin to prepare your presentation. You will need to use homework time as well, to make sure you are fully prepared and practised by the presentation date.

You will deliver your presentation in a class environment, in front of your English class and teacher, during the 13EP SHD ‘exam’ that will be found on your Term 3 examination timetable.

Your presentation will be at least six minutes long, but no longer than twelve minutes. Do not simply read your material. This will result in a fail grade.

Your presentation will be recorded for marking and moderation purposes.

You will be assessed on how well you:

·  construct and deliver an effective presentation.

·  develop and support ideas.

·  use a range of appropriate presentation techniques for a specific purpose and audience.


Achievement Criteria

Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with Excellence /
·  Construct and deliver a presentation that communicates with an audience. / ·  Construct and deliver a presentation that communicates effectively with an audience. / ·  Construct and deliver an effective presentation that convinces and/or challenges an audience.
·  Develop and support idea(s). / ·  Develop and support detailed idea(s). / ·  Develop and support detailed idea(s), showing insight and/or originality.
·  Use a range of appropriate presentation techniques for a specific audience and purpose. / ·  Combine a range of appropriate presentation techniques for a specific audience and purpose. / ·  Integrate a range of appropriate presentation techniques for a specific audience and purpose.

Task 1: Selecting a presentation topic

In English class this year, you have read, discussed, analysed and written about a range of texts that explore the theme “It is hope that makes life worth living”.

In consultation with your teacher, you will select an issue related to this theme investigation. This issue (or ‘focus’) can range from analysing how the theme is covered in one text to considering an aspect developed in several of your studied texts.

Your chosen focus, related to the theme “It is hope that makes life worth living” could include...
q  How this theme is explored and present in any one of the texts from our range
q  How a particular genre of text presents the theme (ie: films that explore the theme or the theme through song lyrics)
q  “Hope and the happy ending” – texts we have studied that end happily
q  “Hope and the unhappy ending” – texts we have studied that end unhappily
q  “Hope and the hero” – characters we have seen/read about that could be considered heroes
q  “The Hope that keeps on giving” – characters that have provided hope for others, or whose hope has inspired/affected others

Task 2: Developing the content of your presentation

a)  Using this layout, develop a planning template for your presentation.

Introduction: Your introduction could include the following
·  Topic or issue – the focus of your presentation (this may be phrased as a hypothesis statement)
·  The text/range of texts you intend to discuss in your presentation
·  Your reasons for this selection
·  A brief overview of your conclusions
Body: The body of your seminar should cover the breadth and depth of your issue and the range of texts you have introduced, with a separate paragraph for each point. Each paragraph could follow this structure:
·  Statement making main point of the paragraph clear:
·  An explanation of this idea, persuading listeners of your interpretation
·  Supporting examples (short quotations, detailed description of scene/events, pertinent extract or clip)
·  Comment on the impact of these ideas and examples on the reader/viewer and/or comment on the author/director’s purpose
·  A segue into the next point
Bullet point 2 and 3 may repeat if appropriate
Conclusion: The job of your conclusive paragraph will be to
·  summarise your findings
·  make a final observation
·  provide closure:

Task 3: Developing an effective presentation

a)  Watch selected exemplars. Focus on the delivery techniques used, and take the opportunity to

q  discuss these techniques with your teacher

q  consider techniques which could be suitable for your presentation.

You may not repeat content material from the exemplars.

b)  Choose and devise ways of using a range of delivery techniques that will

q  engage your audience

q  help you convey your ideas (visual, written, oral, dramatic, group).

c)  Rehearse your delivery and get feedback from other students.

d) Deliver your presentation to the class

The STRUCTURE of your presentation MUST:

q  Provide an overview at the opening of the presentation

q  Indicate transitions between key points and stages during the presentation

q  Incorporate an effective closure, possibly integrating key ideas from the presentation with feedback from a group activity (if applicable)


q  Sustain an appropriate level of audience contact

q  Use a suitable stance, gesture, and voice (including, tone, volume, pace and stress)

q  Use appropriate language

q  Integrate multimedia (such as powerpoint) with speech