1 February 2008
Dear Colleagues:
With the 15 Feb’08 abstract deadline rapidly approaching, it is time to finalize plans for the 14th Cyclone Workshop (CW), to be held beginning with dinner SUNDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER, and ending at noon on FRIDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2008 at the Far Hills Inn, Val Morin, Quebec, Canada. The Far Hills Inn is located about 80 km north of Montreal in the heart of the Laurentian Mountains. Its location, along with opportunities for sports activities, makes for an ideal workshop setting. We invite you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to discuss the science of cyclones in a very pleasant setting and submit an abstract for the CW.
The cost for double occupancy is $139 Canadian per person per day, or $169 Canadian for single occupancy, plus taxes and service. The total costs, including taxes and service, are $158.03 Canadian per person per day for double occupancy, and $193.02 Canadian for single occupancy. The total cost, including taxes and service, for a five-night stay will be $790.15 Canadian for double occupancy and $965.10 Canadian for single occupancy. The costs are fixed in Canadian currency, and will change slightly for other currencies (including $US). The bad news (for US people) is that the Canadian dollar is quite a bit stronger than it was at the time of our June 2002 announcement for the 2003 12th CW ($1 Can was worth $0.65 US in 2002, but is approximately on par with the $US in very early 2008). The good news is that the prices include accommodation, and continue to include three meals a day, beginning with dinner on Sunday, and ending with lunch on Friday, along with access to the recreational facilities.
Additionally, we expect to impose a modest ($45 Can) registration fee to cover the cost of refreshments during the breaks, and other incidentals. The Far Hills Inn will collect this registration fee upon your arrival.
Those participants flying into Canada from all countries (including the US) will need to show valid passports. Beginning in 2008 US citizens entering Canada by automobile will need to show valid US passports to re-enter the US. Although this new rule for ground travel may not be enforced until 2009, we advise all non-Canadian participants to have a valid passport. Get your passport applications in early to avoid delays.
Although we have reserved the entire Far Hills Inn facility, a realplus for congeniality, expected participants should be aware of thelimited number of available rooms (64). We encourage you to consider "doubling up" with your colleagues and/or students in which case as manyas 140 people would be able to attend the workshop. The management is now asking for a $50 per person per day deposit. Therefore, you will need tosend a $250 Canadian deposit (for five nights) directly to the Far Hills Inn by 1June 2008 to confirm your accommodation (we expect to have the CW agenda available by 1 Apr’08). A registration form to be completed and returned to the Far Hills Inn is included for this purpose with this mailing (deadline dates are summarized below).
Information concerning the FarHills Inn may be found at the following website:
We would like to solicit contributions dealing with topics including, but not limited to: 1) physiographic influences on cyclone and anticyclone structure, and associated weather patterns 2) cyclone transformations (extratropical and tropical) 3) quantitative precipitation forecasting, 4) theoretical aspects of cyclone and anticyclone behavior, and 5) influences of transient cyclonic and anticyclonic disturbances on temperature, rainfall, and circulation variability on intraseasonal time scales. Aside from these themes, the selection of workshop topics is wide open and will be determined by the interests of the participants. We would also like to maintain this workshop's tradition of encouraging participation from the operational forecasting community.
In keeping with our strategy from past CWs, we will schedule afternoon recreation breaks and plan on holding special evening sessions on topics to be determined. One idea is how to retain the "discussion" aspect of map discussion in the all electronic, all the time, era. Given the success of past CWs and our stated desire to maximize group discussion time and allow for informal meetings of scientists, expected participants should be aware that there will likely have to be limitations on the overall number of presentations. Preference will be given to younger scientists and graduate students, to the extent possible, should the workshop be oversubscribed.
Please send your abstract to both of the organizers by email at the addresses listed below by 15 February 2008. Participants will be notified of the CW schedule by 1 April 2008.
Prof. Lance Bosart
Department of Earth and of Atmospheric Sciences
University at Albany/SUNY/ES-227
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222 USA
Fax: 518-442-4494
and to:
Prof. John Gyakum
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3A 2K6 Canada
Fax: 514-398-6115
We look forward to hearing from you. At your convenience pleasesend Celeste Iovinella () and Robert Cohen ( ) your current phone and fax numbers, and your current email and snail-mail address so we can update the CW master registry. Email addresses tend to become obsolete fairly quickly and no doubt we have used a number of inoperative addresses for this mailing that we would like to correct. Additionally, if you have colleagues and graduate students who might be interested in presenting their research at the CW, please feel free to pass on this information to them and ask them to provide us with their contact information. Thank you.
John Gyakum Lance Bosart
McGill University University at Albany/SUNY
(The ad-hoc committee for the 14th cyclone workshop)
PS: A synopsis of important dates:
15 Feb 2008: Abstracts due
1 Apr 2008: Scientific agenda sent to participants
1 June 2008: $250 Canadian per person (for five nights) deposit due at the Far Hills Inn
21 Sep 2008: Cyclone Workshop begins with Sunday dinner
26 Sep 2008: Cyclone Workshop ends with Friday lunch