Professional Development Evaluation Results
Dr. Laura Riffel: “Positive Interventions and Effective Strategies”
June 10, 2016 at the University of Memphis-Main Campus
Content Area / Overall Score (out of 5)Overall content / 4.9
Presentation skills of the facilitator(s) / 4.9
Legible and appropriate handouts/PPT / 4.95
Usefulness of meeting to my job/role / 4.9
Overall quality / 4.9
Most helpful information of the day:
- The real practicality of the interventions presented and the ease of implementation
- Interventions for ADHD students
- Fidget tools
- Trigger/Target/Impact
- Return on Investments= Reinforcement rooms vs. ISS
- Non-medicated interventions for students with ADHD
- Real life example, visuals, stories, great training and FREE
- Wonderful ideas
- Actual artifacts/products to view instead of just mentioning them
- The different techniques that can be implemented in order to reinforce good behavior
- Fiddles are tools
- Ideas for interventions that can help with those ADHD students who are not medicated
- The positive effects that our adults can have on individual student’s success/decreasing drop-out rates
- The practical information and stories were most helpful.
- Proprioceptive items/input
- info/practical applications for behavior
- Resources, ideas to help students w/ADHD, etc.
- Hierarchy of interventions
- T.U.M.S. and the practical tools Laura gave.
- Ten things you should know about behavior
- The website to access all of your resources will be the most helpful.
- How to target the behavior not the child
- T.U.M.S.
- Donors Choose
- Intervention ideas and use tools to assist students
- Research tidbits, equal choices, T.U.M.S.
- Informative
- Fantastic ideas
- Equal choices, blurters, and positive bead lanyards
- All the tools, website information and free ideas
- Hands on interventions/stories/videos
- Being mindful of behavior specific praise
- What gets measured gets done
- The positive side of behavior management and facts about fidgets/resource guides
- RO1 information
- T.U.M.S.
- The use of sensory tools
- The T.U.M.S. part of the presentation
- Ten rules, right side, positive words per hour, vibrating watches
- She gave so many. Not one stands out. Ex: T.U.M.S., how to greet students daily, beads activity
- Awareness; where there is a will there is a way (several ways)
- Advice on dealing with targets!
- Differences between boys and girls
- All information was helpful. The examples of things we could use in the classroom were very helpful
- Thank you. Loads of great ideas
- Even though I don’t teach, it was an excellent presentation for behavioral issues we deal with on a daily basis. So glad I was able to attend
- Hands on tools such as rocket pencils
- Behavior strategies for those to focus (T.U.M.S.)
- T.U.M.S. and Trigger-Target-Impact
- The 10 rules of behavior
- Everyone can learn something
- Understanding how to deal with a variety of issues with ADHD
- Research backed best practices; T.U.M.S.; behavior specific praise, speak into child’s right ear; offer 2 equal choices
- Fidget tools
- Examples of materials/extended amounts of websites
- Appreciate having information I can use immediately
- The most helpful information I learned today is the rules of behavior
- Will share info and many of the great interventions and strategies with teachers and staff!
- Very practical and useful info
- Websites
- All information was helpful
- Specific praise
- Butt cushions were an awesome idea!
- The specific interventions/ the electronic resources
- Actual skills to implement
Other Comments:
- Great training with useful information
- Great presentation-kept my interest all day! Could use a bit more skills for high schoolers
- Thank you soo much!
- Wonderful training! Very enjoyable and informative
- Excellent meeting, Thank you!
- Great information
- Very good session
- Thank you for exhibiting that hard work pays off when we care for our students
- I can’t wait to review all the tools you have posted on line!
- Thank you for your thoughts and actions
- This workshop was exceptional. Great information
- Would love to know how to test for ADHD etc.
- Great job!
- Great info
- Wonderful!
- Life saver; will implement in small steps. I will keep it up. I will let you know the results.
- Very useful information
- She was superb. Glad I came. I wish I had had this training when I had a particular student who come to mind I taught in 3rd grade.
- Usefulness of disciplining data
- Giving information according to R brain-L brain processing
- Information on conferences (PBIS)
- Thank you! I’m looking forward to using your website!
- The presentation was such an enjoyable and hands on experience. Dr. Riffel is a phenomenal and knowledgeable professional.
- Fabulous!! Thank you for bringing this to us.
- It was an eye opener for me.
- Anxious to try using this information at my school
- Dr. Riffel was very engaging.
- Enjoyed that Dr. Riffel was able to show how the methods would look for all grade levels (Elem, Secondary and High)
- Enjoyed her stories
- Great training
- You should talk to Shelby County Schools about running some PD days for all teachers
- Awesome seminar!
- Loved the workshop
- Very informative! I plan to take it all back to my school!!
- Excellent
- I love the access to the power points and resources. Also, it is great that they encourage us to take this info back to our schools