Regular Meeting of California Borough Council, July 12, 2012, 6:30 pm

President Bittnercalled the meeting to order at 6:30 pm

ATTENDANCE:Mr. Alfano, Mr. Bittner, Mr. Difilippo, Mr. Glab, Mrs. Gutosky, Mr. Mariscotti, Mayor Casey Durdines

ABSENT: Mr. Encapera




Mr. Mariscotti added paving Porcupine Alley between Strawberry & Second St.

Mr. Alfano added a Conditional Use Hearing

Mr. Bittner added – hire the firm of Campbell, Durante, Beatty, Polumbo, & Miller for personnel issues.

ADOPT AGENDA – Mr. Bittner stated the agenda will stand adopted as printed & amended.


No public comment at this time


Motion by Difilippo/Gutosky to accept the minutes of the Special meeting June 7, 2012 duly carried with all members present stating aye.

Motion by Glab/Mariscotti to accept the minutes of the Regular meeting of June 14, 2012 duly carried with all members present stating aye.


Ms. Evans read the account balances & accounts payable.

Motion by Difilippo/Mariscotti to approve the Secretary’s report duly carried with all members present stating aye.


Mark Roncone passed out an information packet and gave an explanation of how the MMVTA comes up with the Local Match contributions by municipalities. Mr. Rancone stated they have to match the state operating funds with a match of 15%. He stated they are not collecting 15% of 2.1 million dollars, but this year the state is telling them they need to $57,000.00 to match the 2.1 million dollars operating assistance from the state. MMVTA they are estimating that they will receive approximately $600,000.00 from passenger fair revenue and that includes the $104,000.00 contribution from the University. They have another category of income which is a little over $64,000.00 which is ad revenue, interest, or non-program things they receive funds for. In 2009 Act 44 the current state transportation bill states that MMVTA has to meet that 15% and to do that they are telling the MMVTA that they have to raise 5% year over year above and beyond what they have collected the year before until they reach that 15%. Obviously, it is going to take many many years to reach that 15% mark and that is a whole another discussion for a different day. California’s local match is based on a formula that takes the total passengers & mileage through each community and you need to know where people are getting on and off. Right now it is impossible for the Authority to fully track that so what they do is random sampling. They track from October through March which keeps Cal U students in the mix because they are riding the transit. There could be 1 sample during one week and 4 samples during another week. These sample numbers are what is used in the formula required by the Board of the MMVTA. The actual services provided to California you have two routes in service one which is the Cal commuter that operates directly from downtown Pittsburgh to the University through the borough which is a nice feature. There are four trips on week days during school and one trip when school is not in session. There is also the Valley2 which is a shopping service from California to shopping centers over in Rostraver Township. Cal U students are being counted in California but they are also being counted in the communities where they are boarding or deboarding in as well. Mr. Bittner asked if California could be being penalized a little bit because of the University students riding the bus. Mr. Roncome stated yes they do contribute to part of the local match going up but they also contribute to California having more service in the community. There are senior citizens and other types of riders also. Mr. Roncone stated he understands that California has a concern about the local match going up but keep in mind that the Governor has not yet decided what to do with the transportation bill. It could go away or it could go up. Mr. Glab asked a question concerning the random sampling numbers. Mrs. Gutosky asked if the people who have free passes are counted also. Mr. Roncone stated yes all passengers whether discounted fares, free fairs, or full paying passengers are counted. Mr. Roncone stated the communities that do not pay anything do not have service in their communities and passenger wanting to ride have to go to another community that has service. Mr. Roncone thanked council for inviting him to tonight’s meeting.



Mr. Bittner stated that the executive session on June 14, 2012 was on personnel & legal issues.


Mr. Bittner stated we probably need a little more discussion on this before we select one.

Mr. Melenyzer stated that you may mention that refinancing the bonds will save the borough somewhere between $500,000.00 and $700,000.00. Mr. Bittner stated we should probably extend this meeting to handle that because time is of the essence, so at the end of the meeting we will come up with a date to reconvene.


Mr. Bittner announced that California Kennywood Day will be July 25th and tickets will be sold at the fire hall Monday evening before the event from 6:00-9:00 pm and all day Tuesday on the 24th from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm.


Motion by Glab/Difilippo to renew the Property & Liability insurance through PIRMA in the amount of $54,002.00.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Difilippo/Glab to renew the Workers Compensation Insurance through State Workers Insurance Fund for the Fire Dept. in the amount of $13,237.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Difilippo/Glab to renew the Workers Compensation through the Housing & Redevelopment Insurance Exchange in the amount of $65,807.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Motion by Glab/Difilippo to renew the Municipal Liability insurance through Housing & Redevelopment Insurance Exchange in the amount of $7,725.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


Mr. Bittner stated that he was asked by a couple of council members to put this on the agenda. This firm helps with advice & legal service on employee issue.

Motion by Glab/Mariscotti to retain the service ofCampbell Durante, Beatty, Polumbo, & Miller professional carried on a roll call cote with all members present voting yes.

Under discussion Mr. Alfano asked if they will bill us at an hourly rate and no retainer. Mr. Bittner stated that is how he reads it yes, but he will have Mr. Melenyzer look at this before we sign it.



Mr. Alfano stated for the month of June they collected $12,591. 10 in fees bringing the total for the year to $30,544.55. He stated that the Zoning office is extremely busy doing all the inspections for the rental units and they have also gotten 28 code violations. Mr. Alfano stated what was impressive is they are getting a lot of anonymous calls in reporting violations.


Mr. Alfano stated the subdivision is taking place just off of Knob Road and there was some sewage lines that had to be installed. It is a minor subdivision so it did not go to the Planning Commission for review. The solicitor’s office has reviewed this and there are no issues from their part.

Motion by Alfano/Mariscotti to approve the Vitchoff subdivision contingent on the land developer getting his letters from the Washington County Planning Commission and the Borough Engineer duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


Motion by Alfano/Mariscotti to approve the Sedona Land Development Site plan review to construct an addition to the existing building at 400 Technology Drive contingent on Borough Engineer’s review of the storm water management plan and getting approval from the Zoning Hearing board on the special exception duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


Mr. Alfano stated prior to this meeting we had a conditional use hearing for the Laboon family and they requested changing the use of that property to a Rooming House and allow up to four students to reside there. They have submitted all their plans and applications as required. There will be one condition that they get the final review from the Code Enforcement office to add adequate parking. Mr. Agrafiotis stated there was a little more than that. Mr. Petro stated they have to provide adequate parking for four students and they have to have a change of use inspection by McMillen Engineering from a single family dwelling to a rooming house. This is a conditional use in the C2 zone.

Motion by Alfano/Difilippo to approve the conditional use for Justin Laboon at 229 Liberty Street to have a rooming house with a max of four tenants contingent on final review of the zoning office for required parking and a change of use inspection done by McMillen Engineering duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.

Mr. Alfano stated that this week council and the redevelopment Authority of Washington County heard two presentations for development of the site of the Hollywood Theatre so we will have to consider these two projects presented to us for acceptance or rejection or whatever pretty soon because they want to get on with that as soon as they can.



Mr. Alfano announced that they are still having the summer league basketball games every Tuesday and Thursday evening with three games each night. The crowds have been great. They have also added an instructional night which is on Wednesdays. One of the coaches is going to do a clinic for junior high students, sixth, seventh, & eighth grade both male and female. So any kids that want to take advantage of learning some basketball skills need to get down there at 6:00 pm on Wednesday evenings.


Mr. Alfano stated that the Recreation Authority has the opportunity to secure some funding to do some work so they will be asking Borough council to consider participating along with the recreation authority to get matching grant monies because the folks that are doing the grants look favorably upon having multiple communities and multiple organizations working together. We may even go to Coal Center and get them to participate a little bit. We need to get the master site plan done initially and then they can apply for some project grants. We can use services provided by the borough crew and we need to put a dollar figure on those services. We are going to need some surveying done so maybe council can consider having Fayette Engineering do some surveying work. It is pretty exciting because we have a lot of projects lined up and a lot properties to develop and we have to start somewhere.



Mr. Mariscotti gave a brief update on what the street department has been doing.


Mr. Mariscotti stated he has handed out bids on purchasing a bobcat for the borough crew and he has spoken with Zach at First Niagara bank this week and we were approved for up to $200,000.00. He just had him run some numbers because we did not have a final price on the bobcat with attachments on that day. Also in your packets is the financing and what this is a lease program through the bank and we can take it for three, four, or five years. It is one annual payment and then there is a $1.00 buyout at the end or whatever we choose. Interest rates run from 2.79 to 3.05. This is just to give you all an idea.

Mr. Mariscotti stated if we are continuing this meeting he will make a motion at that meeting to purchase the bobcat.


Mr. Mariscotti stated they are working on a housing project on Second St., the Morris Development, and he asked Mr. Maund to pave approximately. six feet from the alley to the new sidewalk and both Mr. Maund and Mr. Morris have agreed that if the borough pays and provides enough asphalt, approximately. two tri-axles of asphalt, they will pave the alley from Second St. to Strawberry Way. Mr. Alfano stated so they are going to extend the paving out. Mr. Mariscotti stated yes they will extend theirs out and pave the alley way if we buy the asphalt. Mr. Alfano stated he does not remember our cost on asphalt. Mr. Tuday stated it is about $57.00. Mr. Bittner asked how many ton in a tri-axle. Mr. Tuday stated 22-23 ton per tri-axle. Mr. Bittner stated so we’re talking 40 ton. Mr. Mariscotti stated $59.50 is the price on the asphalt and they will haul it all we have to do is pay.

Motion by Mariscotti/Alfano to approve purchasing asphalt for the paving of Porcupine alley between Strawberry and Second St. by Maund Industries at a cost not to exceed $3,200.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


Mr. Glab stated he has nothing at this time and will defer to the Mayor.

Mr. Bittner announced that a police contract negotiation has been set up for this coming Tuesday, the 17th, at 6:00 pm.


Motion by Gutosky/Difilippo motion to pay the bills with the exception of the Response Computer invoice for $8,249.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


Motion by Gutosky/Alfano to pay the contribution for the local match in the amount of $3,947.00 duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.



Mr. Difilippo stated that tap in fees have been doing real good and it looks as though there are maybe six that haven’t responded yet. He was told citations will start to be issued on those six.


Mr. Difilippo stated that delinquent sewer collections are going good too. Letters went out on the 27th and he knows that seven or eight people have already come in and paid their bills in full and they have until July 27th, 30 days from the letter, and then we will start proceedings after that.


Mr. Glab stated he has nothing at this time



Mr. Durdines announced that he wants to make everyone aware that he has applied through Penndot, with help from Mr. Glab tracking down application paperwork, for crosswalk designators. These are the ones that are set out in the middle of the road to help increase pedestrian safety. There are some on the Cal U campus; the bright yellow indicators in the middle of the road are very similar. They are free from Penndot after they review the application.


Mr. Durdines was approached by a representative from the River Town organization which is working with the recreation authority to hold a festival towards the end of August of this year. They have received several contributions from local businesses and clubs and she asked if the borough would be willing to contribute some money. He feels it is in our best interest to do so. It would be nice to see a festival here again annually in our community. They have raised about $1,700.00 so far and they believe they have another $1,000.00 committed from a student group on campus and he would like to see California Borough donate $1,000.00 towards operating costs and fireworks that they would like to have at the conclusion of the festival. It is his understanding that the recreation authority has created separate account to handle these funds, so the check would be made the California Borough Recreation Authority.

Motion by Alfano/Mariscotti to contribute $1,000.00 to the River festevent and funds to be taken from the gaming revenue funds duly carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting yes.


Mr. Durdines stated we currently have one individual left on our civil service qualification list and this officer currently works part time for us and he is probably going to be moving on to a full time position with another department and he feels it is within the borough’s best interest to maintain a valid list in case of resignation, retirement, etc. so at this time he is asking to advertise for civil service testing for police officers.

Motion by Mariscotti/Glab to advertise for civil service testing after review of the qualifications by council.

Mr. Durdines stated to give some background on it when we tested last time we ended up hiring two of them. We then hired the third officer part time with the understanding that that would be a trial period for both of us and if an opening comes up we have an officer already there to step up and take it. We are going to need some part time police with one officer already leaving and another part time officer who has found full time employment elsewhere leaving within a month or so leaving us down two people in addition to Officer Costello being off. What he wants to do is since we don’t need any full time people today, he would like to civil service test these people, hire them part time and then if it works for both parties they are here if a vacancy does occur they can be bumped right in. Whether we change the qualifications of a full time position or not we are still going to need part time people shortly. We can bring the qualifications back to the continued meeting. Mr. Melenyzer stated at the continued meeting everyone could have an opportunity to review the qualifications we are currently requiring and then decide if we want to change any of them. Mr. Glab stated even if these people start off as part time and then move on to full time if we are going to change those minimum requirements we need to change them before they take the exam or it is a catch twenty-two.