Brussels, 23 January 2008

SANCO D1 – D(2008) 410180

Summary report of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health – Plant protection products –

Pesticides Legislation

21-22 January 2008

President: P. Brunko
25 Member States were present. Cyprus was absent and represented by Greece; Malta was absent and not represented by another Member State.
Qualified majority: 255 votes and 14 Member States in favour.

Points for vote / note taking

1.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning amidosulfuron (draft Directive SANCO/3866/2007 rev. 2; draft review report SANCO/0272/2008 rev. 1)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/0272/2008 rev. 1.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

2.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning nicosulfuron (draft Directive SANCO/3779/2007 rev. 2; draft review report SANCO/3780/2007 rev. 1)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3780/2007 rev. 1.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (7 votes against, 24 MS in favour).

3.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning benthiavalicarb (SANCO/3910/2007 rev. 2 ; draft review report SANCO/3917/2007 rev. 3)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3917/2007 rev. 3.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

4.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning boscalid (SANCO/3912/2007 rev. 3; draft review report SANCO/3919/2007 rev. 4)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3919/2007 rev. 4.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

5.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning carvone (SANCO/3913/2007 rev. 2; draft review report SANCO/3920/2007 rev. 3)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3920/2007 rev. 3.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

6.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning fluoxastrobin (SANCO/3914/200 rev. 3; draft review report SANCO/3921/2007 rev. 4)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3921/2007 rev. 4.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (14 votes against, 24 MS in favour).

7.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning Paecilomyces lilacinus (SANCO/3915/2007 rev. 2; draft review report SANCO/3922/2007 rev. 4)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3922/2007 rev. 4.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

8.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission proposal concerning prothioconazole (SANCO/3916/2007 rev. 2; draft review report SANCO/3923/2007 rev. 2)

The Committee took note of the review report outlined in document SANCO/3923/2007 rev. 2.

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 25 MS in favour).

9.  Examination of a draft Guidance Document on the assessment of new isolates of baculovirus species already included in Annex I of Council Directive 91/414/EEC (SANCO/0253/2008 rev. 2)

The Committee took note of the guidance document outlined in document SANCO/0253/2008 rev. 2.

10.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission Directive amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC as regards the extension of the use of the active substance metconazole (SANCO/03545/2007 rev. 1)

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

11.  Examination and possible opinion on a draft Commission Decision concerning the non-inclusion of azocyclotin, cyhexatin and thidiazuron. (SANCO/3874/2007 rev. 1)

Vote: Favourable opinion by qualified majority (No votes against, 26 MS in favour).

12.  Notifications under Article 8(4) of the Directive

.01 Clothianidin 600 g/l (SK)

.02 Clothianidin 1% (SK)

The Committee took note of the notifications sent by Slovakia.

13.  Third stage of Review Programme of existing active substances under Directive 91/414/EEC

The detailed work programme to implement Regulation 1095/2007 for stage 3 of the review programme was endorsed. Progress will be monitored every 2 weeks jointly by EFSA and the Commission. Any slippage in between will be identified and followed-up immediately on a case by case basis. The Commission stressed the need for all Member States to respect the tight deadlines for their various tasks.

Patricia Brunko

List of participants