A written statement of main terms and conditions of employment under the Employment Rights Act 1996.

Written statement of employment particulars

  1. You (Name of employee)Yvonne Coonan

At address: 33 Valentines Lea, Northchapel,

Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 9HY

Date of birth:19/9/1946

began employment with (Name of employer)Andrews Of hindhead Ltd on(Date employment started)……22/2/2007……….

2. A brief description of the work for which you are employed (Brief work description)

Book Keeper

3. Your place of work is Andrews of Hindhead ltd,

and the address of your employer is

Andrews of Hindhead ltd Garden machine centre, Portsmouth road, HINDHEAD, Surrey, GU26 6AL

4. Your pay will be (Particulars of scale or rate of remuneration, or ofthe method of calculating remuneration)

£10.00 per hour

5. You will be paid (Particulars of intervals at which remuneration is to be paid)


6. Your hours of work are (Particulars – including details of any normal working hours)

21 hours

7. Your holiday entitlement is (Particulars – including entitlement to holiday pay andpublic holidays. You must give enough information to enable entitlements, including accruedholiday pay on termination, to be precisely calculated)

17 days plus all 8 bank holidays

8. In case of incapacity for work (Terms and conditions relating to sickness orinjury and any provision for sick pay)

You can get £86.70 per week Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if you’re too ill to work. It’s paid by your employer for up to 28 weeks.

You need to qualify for SSP and have been off work sick for 4 or more days in a row (including non-working days).

9. The amount of notice of termination of your employment you areentitled to receive is (Period of notice)

  • at least one week's notice after one month's employment
  • at least two weeks after two years
  • at least three weeks after three years and so on up to 12 weeks after 12 years or more.

The amount of notice you are required to give is (Period of notice)

  • at least one week's notice after one month's employment
  • at least two weeks after two years
  • at least three weeks after three years and so on up to 12 weeks after 12 years or more.

10. The disciplinary rules which apply to you can be found in (Refer toprovisions of some other document which the employee has reasonable opportunitiesof reading in the course of his or her employment or which is made reasonablyaccessible to him or her in some other way)

The Acas statutory Code of Practice on discipline and grievance

11. If you are dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision that affects you, you should apply in the first instance to: (Name of the person anemployee application should be made to, or position held, e.g.: supervisor)

John Andrews

12. If you have a grievance about your employment you should apply in the first instance to (Name of the person an employee grievance should be raised with, or position held, e.g.: personnel officer)

John Andrews

13. b) Subsequent steps in the firm’s disciplinary and grievance procedures are set out in (Refer to provisions of some other document which the employee has reasonable opportunities of reading in the course of his or her employment or which is made reasonably accessible to him or her in some other way)The Acas statutory Code of Practice on discipline and grievance




For Andrews of Hindhead Ltd

