Take-Home Exam for Praying To Get Results Class

All questions are from the class handouts. Please email to or post to
John Edmiston 304 E. Realty St. Carson CA 90745 with subject “Prayer Exam”
Please remember to put your NAME on the paper!


Lecture 1 : Basics of Prayer

  1. The Greek word for prayer aiteo means:
  2. The central reality in Heaven is ______
  3. Three reasons that we do not get results are:
  4. The pathway to answered prayer is:
    ______+ ______+ ______+______= ______
  5. God is:
  6. What is the kosmos?
  7. What are the three main types of demons?
    Lecture 2: Praying The Names of God and of Jesus
  8. Name at least three things associated with taking on the “name” of a God:
  9. What is involved in receiving “heavenly download”?
  10. How is “grace” involved in our receiving gifts from God?
  11. What are some of the attitudes involved in our receiving grace:
  12. List five of the Names of God:
  13. How does the Name of God give us authority in prayer?
  14. How does the Name of God give us permission for the mission:


Lecture Three: Praying The Promises

  1. How do the promises of God help us to be a partaker of the divine nature?
  2. What is the life purpose of every Christian?
  3. What are the seven steps of receiving a promise, by Grace through Faith?
  4. How does 2 Kings 13:14-20 give us important principles on how to activate a promise of God?
  5. List some things that cause us to lose our blessings (see diagram):
  6. List some aspects of the relationship between our prayers and God’s will being accomplished:
  7. List four basic things that require us to pray (on the promises):

Lecture Four: Praying As Jesus Prayed

  1. List four aspects of the prayer life of Jesus:
  2. What does “Hallowed be thy Name” mean for our prayer life?
  3. Why do we pray for God’s will to be done “on earth as it is in Heaven” ?
  4. What are some of the differences between the Heavenly Voice and the Religious Voice?
  5. What are some things we hear from the spirit of love and grace?
  6. List four things that Jesus prays for in John chapter 17:
  7. What are the six aspects of a Kingdom-Minded prayer life?

Lecture Five: Spiritual Authority and Command Prayer

  1. List eight bible verses that form the basis for our understanding of spiritual authority:
  2. What is the difference between spiritual authority and religious authority?
  3. How does the order of Melchizedek make us both kings and priests to God?
  4. Why is it important to have a pure heart?
  5. What is the Nine C Model of Spiritual Authority?
  6. What are the Greek words for: authority, power and energy?
    and what are some of the differences between them:
  7. How can Christians walk in authority through faith?

Lecture 6: Spiritual Warfare

  1. List eight of the symptoms of spiritual oppression:


  1. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. How can idols (and demons) inhabit the temple?
    List some bible verses and key concepts:
  2. List some of the types of spiritual warfare found in Acts 19:
  3. Why is it important to destroy all occult objects?
  4. Discuss blessings, curses and the power of spiritual words:
  5. What is the power of the anointing in spiritual warfare?
  6. How should we pray for the lost?