North Staffs and Stoke Pharmacy Committee

Minutes of the meeting held on 24th November2015, at the Well Distribution centre, c/o Bestway National Distribution Centre Ltd, Whittle Road, Meir Park, Stoke-On-Trent, ST3 7UN

Present: Sue Adams (SA) Ernie Amoako (EA) Paul Insley (PI) Clare Stott (CS) Hema Morjaria(HM) David Eves (DE)

In Attendance: Mrs T Cork (TC) Elissa Pateman (EP)

In Chair: Nita Allen (NA)



NA thanked all members for their continued support and commitment during 2014/15

Chief Officer

TC summarised the achievements of the LPC for 2014 to 2015.

Treasurers Report, Financial Declarations and Approval of LPC documents

Accounts cover period from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2014. The accounts were endorsed by the committee. However, EA noted the absence of individual expenses such as telephone. TC to contact treasurer and revise the finance sheet.

LPC Meeting

Standing Items

1115-1 Chair: NA welcomed all members to the meeting

1115-2Apologies: Greg Hyde, Rebecca Norton, Sue Pitt, Mike Connolly, Raj Morjaria (RM).

1115-3- Governance/Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (DOI): DOI folder passed round to members to view, check and sign. PI highlights that DOI was missing for himself and Greg Hyde

1115-4- Power to act: There a few changes which will be discussed throughout the meeting.

1115-5- Minutes from previous meeting:Minutes from Septembermeeting were found to be accurate and were signed off.

1115-6- Matters Arising:


It can be confirmed that Elissa Pateman will undertake the media role for 6 months, one day a week. This is a joint post with South Staffs

1115-7-Finance: EP was absent for the meeting and so TCgave bank account balances which are all within budget and healthy. TC highlighted that the funds for partnership upskilling needs to be used.

Business Agenda

1115-8 /
  1. Action sheet update
  • Photo and biography
Paul and Ernie sent their bio’s and photo’s to TC. Still need Sue Pitt’s
  • Bond Payroll
Deferred as no alternative has yet to be suggested
  • Working with MPs
EA distributed a letter from Tristram Hunt which was sent to the Stoke CCG highlighting the need for pharmacy input. Dr Andrew Bartlam, Clinical Accountable Officer has replied to TH. RM has been in conversation with Karen Brady however she was not able to attend the ‘think pharmacy’ event
1115-9 /
  1. Meeting schedule
The meeting schedule is up to date.
1115-10 /
  1. Pharmacy services
  • Think pharmacy Event
Committee members discussed the ‘think pharmacy’ event and what it had achieved. The commissioning session was very well accepted and TC informed members she is in the process of having conversation with the HWB, Health Watch and Adults Strategic Partnership Board as a result of the event. The contactor session was poorly attended, although enough there to warrant holding the event. It was discussed to run another event next year but close to the geographical area the LPC service.
  • Flu Vaccination Service
TC informed the committee that a few complaints from GP surgeries had been received regarding the 48 hour period for pharmacists to let GPs know their patient has been vaccinated. This item will go in the newsletter and TC has contacted each pharmacy where the complaint was raised.
  • Smoking services
Quit 51 (North 51) and Boots are now the holder of the smoking contract for Stoke. All pharmacies (except Boots) have been notified of this and encouraged to sign the sub-contract with Quit 51.
  • Champix
The SLA, PGD and PharmOutcomes are now completed for this new service in Stoke. Training event will be held on Wednesday 25th. Tc informed members that the pharmacist must attend the training in order to deliver the service. Another date for training will happen in January 2016.
TC informed members that there has been interest from Staffordshire commissioners with regard to this service and work should start early 2016
  • Substance Misuse and Needle Exchange
Tc informed members that Lifeline who are commissioned to provided provisions for needle exchange are requesting more pharmacies to come on board. Tc has started the process of recruiting pharmacies.
  • Primary care support services
NA and TC discussed the forthcoming takeover of PCSS by Capita and the impact on pharmacy. Capita will run from 2 offices with the closure of others. It is intended for local teams to be available to visit pharmacies when appropriate. Stationary will eventually become an on-line ordering system. This also applies to market entry where applications and responses will be submitted online.
  • Summary Care records
Roll out for our area will be 1st December and plans to be finished by 1st April 2016. Tc is meeting with the team to discuss role out training for pharmacists.
1115-11 /
  1. PSNC issues & current NHS matters
  • PSNC report
Nothing to report for PSNC matters as RM has not attended a meeting.
  • EPS
TC informed the members of some on-going issues with EPS and complaints against pharmacies. TC has attended a number of surgery meetings in order to clarify issues and to work with the pharmacies relating to the complaints. The main issue is some pharmacies are nominating patients before consent is sought.
  • JMOC
CS gave an account of recent JMOC meeting. HLP was discussed in which EP provided a one-page summary for GPs. The switch of branded Durogesic was also discussed.
  • Pharmacists in GP practices
Ten practices are in the process of recruiting pharmacists to work in their practice. The advert is on NHS jobs.
  • LPC regional meeting
Members had discussions around the proposed ‘hub and spoke’ method and funding for next year and how this could impact on pharmacy.
1115 -12 /
  1. Provider company
The members discussed the idea of a provider company. TC informed the members that South Staffs would like to take this forward. TC to invite an expert to the LPC and start to develop a time plan.
1115-13 /
  1. HLP Facilitator Update
EP was absent from the meeting and so TC gave an update.
Both TC and EP attended the national HLP conference in London earlier in the month. There will be levels to the HLPs from early 2016. Level 1 will be those that are HLPs vis the criteria but have no funding for additional services via commissioners. Level 2 will be for those who have funding. There will be national self-assessment template available around April time.
1115-14 / Closed Meeting
  1. Vice Chair vacancy
Nominations for EA, however EA declined. Nomination by EA for CS where put forward and CS accepted. The committee voted unanimously to accept CS as Vice Chair.
  1. Prescription Direction
This is an ongoing issue with some surgeries.TC informed members of the poster available to display in surgeries and pharmacies. The information will go in the newsletter.
  1. Leadership academy
NA discussed with the committee the PSNC’s new leadership academy and what it entails. NA proposed that this leadership would be ideal for EP, although anyone could apply. A reference would be need by NA to support a personal statement from the candidate. All members agreed that EP would be suitable for the academy.
1115-15 /
  1. Regulation
a)Change of ownership for Sainsburys Newcastle to lloyds
b)Wallbridge Drive Leek application for unforeseen benefits. TC to reply in usual way
c)Donald Wardle relocation change to Whittle Rd Meir Park
d)Glenhazel relocation to Tunstall Road in Biddulph has been approved by NHSE
e)Live Well Nationwide ltd, distance selling application for Trentham Road has been conditionally approved
1115-16 / AOB
TC informed members that a letter would be sent to pharmacies asking for their support to carry out NMS on inhalers over the coming months. Many practices will be moving patients to different devices due to formulary change.
1115-17 / Next Meeting
19th January 2016

These minutes are signed as being a true record of the meeting, subject to any necessary amendments being made, which will, if any, is recorded in the following meeting’s minutes.

Signed: ………………………………………………Position:...... CHAIR...... Date:......

Signed: ...... Position:...... CEO...... Date:......